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Worldmap of Arkain

Shar Dundred

Community Moderator
Level 73
May 6, 2009
Yes, for real.

I have been tinkering around a bit and have now created a WIP of a POLITICAL Arkain worldmap.

I considered making one with accurate geographics, but I quickly came to the conclusion that this would look even worse than my terrain, so I decided not to bother, therefore do not even try to find geographical details, there are not really many.

Anyway, here you go, enjoy!

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Level 29
Mar 28, 2015
Yes, for real.

I have been tinkering around a bit and have now created a WIP of a POLITICAL Arkain worldmap.

I considered making one with accurate geographics, but I quickly came to the conclusion that this would look even worse than my terrain, so I decided not to bother, therefore do not even try to find geographical details, there are not really many.

Anyway, here you go, enjoy!

Good to see a map.

Why didn't the undead moved to the Cold North, rather than standing on a mountain in the middle of the Kingdoms?

So the Gnolls come from an island?

Are the Hot Sands and Cold North inhabited? Why didn't the Demons took them rather than attacking the Kingdoms?
Level 22
Apr 9, 2017
Yay! I approve.
It sort of looks like a weirdly shaped foot, but it's cool regardless.
How convenient that Gardon's empire is separated from the orcs by a big mountain chain that belongs to the dwarfs. One less obstacle to worry about.
How the hell did the undead get their enormous army to attack Salria questionable though? The extension of their tunnels is a bit too vast.
I'd also like to think the demonic lands are way larger than shown on the map.

Why didn't the undead moved to the Cold North, rather than standing on a mountain in the middle of the Kingdoms?
The cold north doesn't have the strategic value the dead mountains have.
Being right between 4 kingdoms which you can easily interfere with the politics and actions of, is much more preferable.
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Shar Dundred

Community Moderator
Level 73
May 6, 2009
Why didn't the undead moved to the Cold North, rather than standing on a mountain in the middle of the Kingdoms?
While Aridon prefers to stand in the shadows, being that far away from the Kingdoms would have hindered fast intervention if neccessary.

So the Gnolls come from an island?
Yes, you have to imagine their land being less "wild" than you would expect a "bestial" area to be and imagine it being like an island with a huge fortress, built by the gnolls, on it.

Are the Hot Sands and Cold North inhabited? Why didn't the Demons took them rather than attacking the Kingdoms?
The Demons have no love for the Cold North and the Hot Sands are getting raided at times but the areas aren't really interesting for them too much.
There also aren't many people they can take as slaves.
They have it on their list to conquer those areas as well, but they want to deal with the area of highest resistance first - or at least the area they believe has the highest resistance.

How convenient that Gardon's empire is separated from the orcs by a big mountain chain that belongs to the dwarfs. One less obstacle to worry about.
The same goes for the Dominion in case Gardon wants to attack them.

I'd also like to think the demonic lands are way larger than shown on the map.
They go further to the east.
Level 29
Mar 28, 2015
While Aridon prefers to stand in the shadows, being that far away from the Kingdoms would have hindered fast intervention if neccessary.

Maybe, but he should put some forces in that area to at least have some backup base in case mortals or demons reach Dead Mountain.

The dragons on the map represent dragon colonies?
Level 22
Apr 9, 2017
Maybe, but he should put some forces in that area to at least have some backup base in case mortals or demons reach Dead Mountain.
I believe the demons may have done so, many times. I may have been exactly for that same reason why he chose to ''permanently seal'' the mountain in the first place.
Level 5
Aug 11, 2018
Yes, for real.

I have been tinkering around a bit and have now created a WIP of a POLITICAL Arkain worldmap.

I considered making one with accurate geographics, but I quickly came to the conclusion that this would look even worse than my terrain, so I decided not to bother, therefore do not even try to find geographical details, there are not really many.

Anyway, here you go, enjoy!


This is amazing, what did you create it with?

Black dragon colonies, yes. :)

Regarding the Cold North... Most of the continent has mostly forgotten about it even being there.

Can you explain to us a little about the Cold North, who lives there and does it have a purpose in the Arkain.
Level 22
Apr 9, 2017
Could it have been the place where the Undead Guardian in chapter 10 would have taken the artifact if we didn't so stupidly kill him?

Or is it the place where another artifact no one is supposed to get their hands on, defended by undead, is being held, because *hint* undead that don't exactly belong to Aridon defend ancient temples and ruins?
Only time will tell...
Level 22
Apr 9, 2017
Great to see the post SHB map.
In the next update for the map, you should add the locations of the Pyrrean pass, Order of the flame, new Castle of Kome, Forest of Rendor, the demonic garrison Carnazoth, and pinpoint with red dots the location of big human garrisons. (The last 3 would be nice optional details)
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Level 12
Jun 20, 2017
Wow, Shar you've really surprised me with this one. Not at all what I imagined the world of Arkain would look like, are you planning to add more details to the map? (such as the location of some of the more memorable battles fought in your campaign like the Battle in the Pearl of Lorr)

Also at point in the Kingdom of Salria become overrun with orcs and other beasts ?

Lastly how far into Pyrru did Gardon go on that Rebellion mission(The mission with that long pass), I've drawn a white line on how far I think he went, is this close or completely off?

Level 11
Mar 9, 2017
Woa @Shar Dundred, that wasn’t what I expected the kingdoms to look like at all. I tended to think that they are on an island based continent where each kingdom is separated from the others by a river, a lake or a t least some mountains. Also for some reason I assumed that demons were invading all the kingdoms around the void . Looks Like Pyrru in the north and Salria in the south are the ones best located for the invasion. Well done Shar, for some reason I thought Kerrel was the northest kingdom, guess I was proven wrong.
Level 9
Mar 17, 2017
Here is a very oversimplified map of what I thought the layout of Arkain was like, @Shar Dundred: without any sign of what the actual place looks like we had no other choice but to guess, one things that map do is put battles and stories into a proper geographic perspective, this was not available in Arkain, a campaign which badly needed it due to battles and events taking place all over the map, I'm glad that Shar Dundred finally made a map which allowed us to see where events unfolded as well as to understand how these events were influenced by the topography of the continent. Lastly Shar Dundred I know my map is way off, but for someone who has no clue or ability to deduce the shape or arrangement of something how well did I do?
Level 11
Mar 9, 2017
I always thought that the Pyrru kingdom was a very mountainous region because of the pass mission, that was one of those missions that make you wanna toss your mouse out the window, especially towards the end where you have to find and destroy 2 barracks which are inside random rebel bases.
Level 1
Sep 23, 2018
Wohoo! This is awesome! All this time there was a map. Been randomly imagining the geography till the end.

So the demons can access the cold north without passing through the gate of hell? Or there seems to be a way just above the forge of Kostragoth?

Seriously man, if you'll publish your story, I'll buy them all!!!
Level 1
Nov 21, 2017
That's really cool. I wonder though - there are the Orders lands? I remember that Order of the Flame is somewhere in Rengar. And the rest would be...?

Or even worse!!!
Well, I guess, technically King of the Night (or whatever he is called) is a parallel universe Lich King. Also, if we try to parallel Lich King || Archlich, I guess we have nothing to worry about)
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Shar Dundred

Community Moderator
Level 73
May 6, 2009
That's really cool. I wonder though - there are the Orders lands? I remember that Order of the Flame is somewhere in Rengar. And the rest would be...?
Ker'Annoch is the main base of the necromancers and grave wardens of the Guardians of the Grave.
The Dragon Knights dominate both Ker'Dramos and Ker'Dossar, though the latter is not exclusively their property.
The Order of the Three Swords, led by the Three Dukes of Angas, has its seat in Castle Angas.
The Order of the Black Fist hails from the Black Keep, keeping a close eye on Dominion and Demon operations.
Level 1
Nov 21, 2017
Ker'Annoch is the main base of the necromancers and grave wardens of the Guardians of the Grave.
The Dragon Knights dominate both Ker'Dramos and Ker'Dossar, though the latter is not exclusively their property.
The Order of the Three Swords, led by the Three Dukes of Angas, has its seat in Castle Angas.
The Order of the Black Fist hails from the Black Keep, keeping a close eye on Dominion and Demon operations.
Thanks a lot! Btw, that map with respective marks on it would look awesome as the loading screen. Though when I think about it - it can't stay static, right? It would take rewriting for almost every next mission. Must be real pain in a butt.

Shar Dundred

Community Moderator
Level 73
May 6, 2009
The Hot Sands are no part of the Demons's land, they are the area south of it.

Its inhabitants are mostly nomads who also sometimes get raided by the Demons,
but the Demons don't have much interest in that area conquest-wise as long as stronger
enemies that would give more resistance, like the Human Kingdoms, still exist.
Level 6
Nov 24, 2016
The Hot Sands are no part of the Demons's land, they are the area south of it.

Its inhabitants are mostly nomads who also sometimes get raided by the Demons,
but the Demons don't have much interest in that area conquest-wise as long as stronger
enemies that would give more resistance, like the Human Kingdoms, still exist.
That explain much...