So Blizzard has announced that in Mists of Pandaria they are going to use world PvP so that PvP:ers actully have to go out of the city in order to get their rewards to be able to buy gear. There are many diffrent people that have many diffrent wievs on when world pvp died and some said it was in WotLK when no one was going to Isle of Quel'Danas any more and some others said that it died in vanilla when battlegrounds where introduced since before battlegrounds came people where charging into enemy citys to prove their metal in combat with other players.
So my questions to you are what are your wievs world pvp is it good or bad? Do you think that there should be more world pvp? When do you think world pvp died? And do you think world pvp can be revived or will Blizzard fail in their attempts?
So my questions to you are what are your wievs world pvp is it good or bad? Do you think that there should be more world pvp? When do you think world pvp died? And do you think world pvp can be revived or will Blizzard fail in their attempts?