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World PvP

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Level 24
Jul 9, 2009
So Blizzard has announced that in Mists of Pandaria they are going to use world PvP so that PvP:ers actully have to go out of the city in order to get their rewards to be able to buy gear. There are many diffrent people that have many diffrent wievs on when world pvp died and some said it was in WotLK when no one was going to Isle of Quel'Danas any more and some others said that it died in vanilla when battlegrounds where introduced since before battlegrounds came people where charging into enemy citys to prove their metal in combat with other players.

So my questions to you are what are your wievs world pvp is it good or bad? Do you think that there should be more world pvp? When do you think world pvp died? And do you think world pvp can be revived or will Blizzard fail in their attempts?
Level 24
Jul 9, 2009
It would be fun if everyone started to rush the enemy citys and people where competing about who would kill Varian, Velen, Tyrande and the council since that would kind of force you to stay in the enemys citys and maintaining a position in Stormwind and Ironforge for a longer time is extremly difficult and requieres skill and team work.
Well, world pvp is fun if it is fair play. i mean if you get a HUGE group of player and roflstomp down every enemy in your way so its like 30 vs 7 its not fun att all. also the repair bills will become huge. but yeah world pvp is fun and flying mounts ruined it

you don't need to repair gear when killed by an enemy player...

edit: and world pvp died in wrath with the introduction of the Group Finder, making it so you more than literally didn't need to go anywhere to get anything done.

you could sit in one spot for the rest of the game and get everything you needed done
I like world pvp. It is pretty fun, but it is usually one-sided. (50 vs 10) Plus, it is organized vs. disorganized. Then there is all the petty stuff that come along with it, where the opposite faction makes a level 1 toon on your faction and starts to troll chat about the fight that happened 5 minutes ago.

Things like Tol'Barad are actually pretty fun but again are usually 50 vs 10 fights. IMO, it is better than Wintergrasp because that was partially PvE in killing the sieges and it was pretty annoying unless you had the tenacity buff. (lol domination unless cc-trained)

I think Blizzard should add another arena like Gurubashi. Yeah, it leads to same-faction hostility and flaming but it is overall pretty fun. The problem with world pvp, however, is that it is really server dependent. My server is luckily 1:1 but I've been on servers, such as cho'gall, where there is literally 20 alliance on compared to the 500 horde that are on. (it is actually really sad, and no joke. I typed /who one day on cho'gall and there were 12 alliance online total)

If blizzard is going to do world pvp, they really have to considered server merging. But I wholly support world pvp and trust Blizzard's judgment in making it entertaining. If anything, I like the AV turtle kind of PvP. It is a waste of time, but in terms of mass-pvp it is pretty fun.
Level 24
Jul 9, 2009
The boring things with just adding new arenas is that pvp isn't really balanced and today arena is based more around class combinations then team skills and I really hope Blizzard will focus more on ballensing out arenas then rather just making new ones.
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