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World of Henault

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I need an incredible portfolio (Which concerns this thread). I realized after awhile that I needed and still need artworks to create, to be able to form my portfolio... I found a simple answer to that problem: create badass concepts of my own, to show my real skills and creativity since I truly want to become the concept artist I want to become.
I've been thinking about it, and I decided to create a fantasy world on my own, first: to have drawings (concepts), to be able to make the portfolio that will truly show who I am. Second: to be able to push myself creatively and technically. Therefore, I present you, the World of Henault! This project started this winter's holidays, and I've been working on it since than... now things involved, instead of simply creating concepts for an un-existing world. I decided to actually create that world entirely as a personal project, so I could be able to use it as an other medium later on, rather make a game/books/movies out of it, will see where it will lead me.

Since the project is bran new, there's not much work that have been done on it, mostly scattered pages of notes and pages full of sketches, so don't worry if this is quite confusing for now, I'll fix things up, as I go along with the new work, I might completely change what have been written in the way and change information here and there, if I do so, don't be confused. Beside, you should know that 100% of this world have been created by myself (with help from a few friends for a few concepts), my inspiration comes from many things but I've never copied anything from something that I saw, so if there's a concept that looks quite like something you've seen, than it's a coincidence. I invite you to comment/critic/correct my work but if you do, please do so via P.M, also I don't want to hear ANYTHING about concepts you've made... Thank you!


World Mythology:
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World Map:
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Typography of the word = Means ''Home'' in Auh Language

Konah, is a vast territory which is placed on a focal region on the planet. It’s the land where lays sleeping volcanoes. Known for his many big crystal water lakes and his thousands of underwater tunnels lakes and rivers, it’s a place known for his incredible colourful bio-diversity and beauty. The land of Konah is a mystic place with wonders of every kind, due to his special and rich volcanic ground, Konah has three distinct levels: the highest ground, the region of the volcanoes, where the rivers starts and goes down slowly into the middle ground. The middle ground is where the rain forest is situated with the main crystal water lakes. The final level is the underground of Konah, where thousands of underground lakes connect with each other in a complex underground labyrinth made from the various under water caves and tunnels. Overall Konah is a very beautyfull and safe place to walk around, but the water of Konah can be really dangerous due to the creatures that lurks these water.

Temperature = Hot and humid (around 30 to 35 degree)
Type of Environnement = Quite Safe


Flora of Konah:

Typography of the word = Means ''Life keeper'' in Auh Language

Exotic Giant Tree that grows into the water, with a very unique look. The roots start at the bottom of the lake and it goes up until it reaches the water level where the trunk starts. Around each Bogooh, there’s a small eco-system living around it, fishes and water plants surviving due by the nutrition given by the roots, or the small hide-outs created by the roots formation itself etc. The Bogooh are usually surrounded by the Auh tribes, due to the eco-system formed around it that is highly benefice to the Auh and their survival.

Fauna of Konah:

Typography of the word = Means ''Us'' in Auh Language

Aquatic intelligent beings, these creatures are the rulers of the underground level of Konah. Because of their nature, they are really shy of the outsiders of Konah. They aren’t used to go out of the boundaries of their known land, due to the comfort that the land procures them. Strangers should although be warned of the Auh, first: because even though they are shy beings, this doesn’t mean they are afraid of you, they can be deadly fighters and strike hard and fast if they want to. Second: Auh are really friendly creatures, you just have the let them know you, but as soon as they adopted you, it is not easy to leave a Auh tribe, because if you make yourself clear that you want to leave them, they take it as a huge offence and dishonour and they will kill you.

Size =
Baby: 2-3 feet long
Teen: ~6 feet long
Adult: 8-9 feet long
Type = Amphibius
Numbers of Babies it can has = 5 at the time
Nutrition = Fish, fruits, Lillypad, roots, crustacean, etc
Longevity = 50-65 years

Special qualities
The Auh has a very strong skull membrane made to knock their attackers off. As serpents, they will retract themselves on their tail and will lunch themselves in an instant blow towards you.
The Auh are water creatures, so they have a particular weak skin against sun burns.
The Auh has a special regenerating ability, like a few types of Lizard, they can lose an organ, and in a matter of a few months, that member will grow back. Although, a Auh with a missing organ is usually going to die, due by the fact that every member are vital for their survival.

The Auh are water creates that can only be found in the land of Konah. They live in the underground lakes where the Bogoo grows and in the small caverns surrounding these mighty underwater trees.

Life Psychology
Being water creatures, they follow the psychology of the water; they can easily deal with any situation and will always come up with brilliant ideas in times of need. Conditioned to survive, the Auh follows the way of the nature and will survive with what they have without harming the nature around it if it’s not vital for their survival.
The Auh also have a strong feelings concerning their community, because they know everyone has an important role in the tribes survival, due to that if a Auh decides to leave the colony, It will be killed as it is a massive offence to all the tribe.

-Still In Construction-

Other information

Typography of the word = Means ''Hard head'' in Auh Language


Size =
Baby: ~0,5 feet long
Teen: 2-3 feet long
Adult: 3-4 feet long
Type = Amphibius
Numbers of Babies it can has = 1 to 20 babies at a time
Nutrition = Fish, Birds, plants, etc
Longevity = 10-15 years

Special qualities
The Toko are passive animals, although they can be very dangerous. If they feel threatened, you better leave them alone or else you can get seriously injured. Their head is their primary protection device: The top of their skull is their weapon, as strong as a rock.
They attack their prey and their enemies by jumping towards them, aiming for the head of the creature they are facing to knock it down; And with their big pair of legs, they can knock down enemies two times their size.

The Toko live in the jungle of Konah near water sources, normally walking alone. The exception is during their mating season. These amphibians are a rare sight due their shyness - They try to avoid contact with other beings as much as possible.

Thanks to my friend Olivier for helping me coming up with the ''look'' and of the Toko.
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Typography of the word = Means ''Ancestor's land'' in Mok'notöhr Language

The white lands of _____, Tilik’to is the land of white forests, huge and silent mountains and mystic frozen rivers. Vast and dangerous, this land is the place of lurking and stealthy predators and the homeland of the Mok’notöhrs, the giants of the north. Cold and harsh land, Tilik’to is one of the few rare lands that haven’t been touched by humanity, due to his temperature and the distance. Covered of snow 9 months per year, Tilik’to has a really short rain and ¨warm¨ season, when rivers melts and where the Fauna can regenerate for the next year. Altough mostly frozen the whole year, Tilik’to has an underground magma line called the Minik’no, which can be identify by the line of the unfrozen lakes. Minik’no is the reason why living creatures can live in this harsh land.

Temperature = (around -30 to -40 degrees)
Type of Environment = Dangerous


Flora of Tilik'to
-Still In Construction-

Fauna of Tilik'to

Typography of the word = Means ''Ground Stomper'' in Mok'notöhr Language

Mok'notöhr's primal beast, used for transportation, war and traveling. The Equa'losk are the most used animal for the Mok'notöhr society. They offer a signifiant amout of food for the Mok'notöhrs, altough, being passive animals and easy to hunt, they aren't really a price for the Mok'notöhr belief.


Size =
Baby: ~3 feet long
Teen: 7-8 feet long
Adult: 8-10 feet long
Type = Mammal
Numbers of Babies it can has = 1 to 2 babies at a time
Nutrition = Ferns, bushes, Pine leaves, roots, etc
Longevity = 18-20 years

Special qualities
The Equa’losk has a very strong bone structure; their head is their primal protecting devise, the top of their skull with the set or horns, is as strong as steal. Their neck is so muscular; they can break trees with a head blow, it is also the reason why a ramming Equa’losk is a really dangerous thing. Due to their natural protection against the cold, their skin is really really thick, close combat is the best way to bring this beast down, because arrows won’t harm them only if you aim them in critical weakness spots. Due to their strength, their passiveness and their survival abilitys, the Equa'losk are tamed by the Mok'notöhrs as farm creatures and mounts.

The Equa'losk lives in the forest and on the planes of Tilik'to that are near water sources, normally walking in pack, these mammal can easily be spotted from far way.

Typography of the word = Means ''Black Shadow'' in Mok'notöhr Language

Mok'notöhr's primal pride, these creatures are the biggest and the hardest beast to kill of this frozen land. They are strong, fast and dangerous. These beast are rarely seen because no one really knows where they live, the only momment they are seen is when they hunt for food. Being their size and having their physicality, they are the biggest trophy for the Mok'notöhrs, because they are the the biggest treat for the Mok'notöhr. They eat the tamed Equa'losk of the Mok'notöhrs, and when one is brang down they provide meat for days for a family.

Size =
Baby: ~5 feet long
Teen: 10-12 feet long
Adult: 18-20 feet long
Type = Bird
Numbers of Babies it can has = 1 to 2 babies at a time
Nutrition = Big animals, Big fish, etc
Longevity = 30-40 years

Special qualities
The Qualak'Talouk are the most dangerous predators of Tillik'to, they are fast, extremely strong and agile. These monsters are called the ''Black Shadow'' for a simple reason, they strike in the fog at a such speed that the only thing you see from them is their shadow. They can lift enormous beast like the Equa'losk away from the ground which makes them even more deadlier.

No one really knows where these beast lives, but it is belive they live on top of the mountains.

-Still In Construction-
Typography of the word = Means ''Night Forest'' in _____ Language

Que'Na is known to be one of the most dangerous place ever walked by man, with his incredibly tall trees that blocks most of the sunlight, this region is known for his distinct constant feeling of being observed every single second you walk through it. A highly hostile environnement, this place is known for having lurking creatures with no real distinct descriptions made by humans, due to the vileness and their way of killing without revealing themselves. Altough Que'Na have no good reputation for human kind, this region is a goldmine for alchemist due to the several rare plants and ferns that grows in that region. It is also the reason why human groups lurk this forest in hope of finding the specific plants, most of them never made it back to their home sadly...

Temperature = (around 5 to 20 degrees)
Type of Environment = Dangerous


Flora of Que'Na
-Still In Construction-

Fauna of Que'Na
-Still In Construction-

Typography of the word = Means ''Small ones'' in _____ Language


The Hibass are small smart venomus quadripeds that lives in big groups. These small creatures lives in small basic society and are very territorial, as it is the only way for them to survive to the woods of Que'na. The Hibass are nocturnal animals that highly depends on their ears more than their eyes. Because of their living, they fear the light more than anything, because their eyes are very sensible, when they stair at any sources of lighting, they will suffer immense pain. This is the reason why travellers managed to counter hibass when walking in woods populated with these monkey-kind of creatures, they surround their camp with torches.

Size =
Baby: ~0,5 feet long
Teen: 1.5-2.5 feet long
Adult: 3-3.5 feet long
Type = Amphibian
Numbers of Babies it can has = 5 to 8 babies at a time
Nutrition = Fruits, insects, Small animals, fern, bark,etc
Longevity = 8-12 years

Special qualities
The Hibass have feet articulated like hands, since they are animals that lives in the trees, which gives them a incredible agility in any circumstances. The Hibass are very venomous creatures, if they bite once, a human would be sick for a week, if they bite twice, a human would probably die after 24, if they bite tree times, a human will die witting 10 minutes without treatment. The Hibass are also smart creatures that uses the environment to stalk and attack their pray.

The Hibass lives in the trees of Que'na in big groups, they sleep in bulb kind of house made out of mud, branches and their saliva as a protecting nest to counter the light of the day and the predators.


-Still In Construction-

Thanks to my friend Catherine for helping me coming up with the ''being'' and the name of the Hibass.
Typography of the word = Means ''Low level'' in the Hrua Language

A unique and hided place on Henault, Sal is one of the rarest place not known by mans due to his position, Sal is a strange shaped giant valley that was created by unknown reason, because Sal is a Land withing a land. Sal is firstly a jungle-like forest that lays inside an enormous crater the size of a country, where giant rock pillars stick out of the vast jungle. Secondly, Sal is a dangerous place with an incredible biodiversity where you can find the most exotic plants and creatures in the land of ____.

Temperature = (around 15 to 30 degrees)
Type of Environment = Dangerous


Flora of Sal

Typography of the word = Means ''Secrets of the gods'' in Hrua Language

The Galla are rare flowers that only grows in the higher grounds of Sal, on top of the rock pillars where Hrua settled their home. Flowers with incredible alchemist capacity, these flowers are one of the main reason of the Hrua longevity and survival capacities. Characterized by their 3 silver-blue/green thick petals, the Galla are hard to find due to their colours that makes them blends into the hard rock of the pillars. Beside, they are covered of poisonous thorns which makes it hard for any un-experienced alchemist to remove them from the ground.

-Still In Construction-

Fauna of Sal
-Still In Construction-

Typography of the word = Means ''We'' in Hrua Language
We have a few information about these mystical people, the Hrua have rarely been met by humans due to their situation, although it did happened. The Hrua are the only known intelligent beings of Sal, living on the top of the massive rock pillars. The Hrua managed to settle their villages there for a simple reason, they are out of reached of the creatures of the lower Jungle. Each pillars are about 500 meters high to a kilometre high and can only be reached by climbing or by flying. The Hrua are survivors, they have learned by themselves how to survive to the danger of the forest that lays beneath them by following their own traditions in martial art training and hunting. It is quite impossible to understand the Hrua mentality since it is too different from the human thinking, they are over conditioned warriors that knows only their own way of living and don't accept any other ways due to their mentality.

Size =
Baby: 1-2 feet long
Teen: ~5 feet long
Adult: 7-8 feet long
Type = Mammal
Numbers of Babies it can has = 1 at the time
Nutrition = Meat, fruits, roots, flower, etc
Longevity = 100-125 years

Special qualities
The Hrua are incredible warriors that knows no limit, they have incredible speed, incredible strength and incredible dexterity, they have their own martial art unknown by man. With their four arms, no human know their true strength in combat, since they are trained to only release the necessary strength for each blow against the enemy. With their four arms, and their speed, they can immobilize who ever they want if they want to. (But since the Hrua are pacifist they never use their strength for un-justified reasons.)

The Hrua lives on top of the high rock pillars that lays in Sal, in their circular village with their houses that looks like strange caterpillars. They live there for two reasons, the height that provides them a safe resting environment, since it's out of reached of the predators of the bottom; and the presence of a rare flower called the Galla, a flower with incredible alchemist capacity that is thought to be a gift from the gods for the Hruas.

Life Psychology
The psychology of the Hrua is quite complicated to understand for humans, because they have a different moral conception than us. Just like monks, they will try everyday to become the purest they can, which is for them: remove all the unnecessary harming of the world. They will do what ever it takes to stop things from harming each other. It might sound simple said that way but it doesn't explain at all the conception of the Hrua. There's a few events that shocked humans once, here's just an exemple: a man was tickling his wife in front of a Hrua, and the Hrua knocked down the man because he was ''harming'' the lady. Hrua have a complete diffrent conception than humans about alot of things, just like death. For humans, when someone dies, you need to make a proper ritual as a respect of that person and her body, this is a true misconception of the Hruas. In opposite, if a Hrua dies, the Hrua will simply let the body there and walk away; They would answer you: this is not the Hrua they knew, it's simply an empty jar.

The Number 3
As said before, the Hrua cherish the Galla, the ''secrets of the gods'', they based their whole society on the number of tree, based about that flower. For the Hruas, since the moment they are born, they follow a strict and complicated structure of life based upon the traditions of their ancestors following the way of the Galla. Since the Hrua are born they are raised in a number of 3, and they will spent the rest of their life with their team. Every single Hrua in the team have a special field of expertise that will be greatly appreciated and used for the rest of the team. In number of tree, they train every single day of their life to become the strongest they can. In tree, they will learn how to protect themselves in a 360 degree radius, in tree they will learn how to hunt the dangerous creatures of the jungle, in tree they will learn how to climb the rock pillars without tiring themselves.

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Other information
-Still In Construction-

Thanks to my brother Louis-David for helping me coming up with the ''way of being'' of the Hruas.
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Diablo has something very similar to your Hibass House. The difference is that in Diablo swarms come out of it :p :D
Never mind that, I really like what your doing here and It's great stuff, keep it up. Respect!

oh, you mean those wierd breathing organ thingy that looks like some weird Zerg Building but desaturated? o_O

never thought of it, but yeah, the ''sphere'' IS ZOMG LOOKS DAH SAME! D: (yes I'm kiding) :D

but yeah, enough trolling, I believe you are right at some extend, but this concept definitely came up after I watched on TV a Cuba publicity with coconut drinks XD
you should also try monsters that looks like vehicles or something, you know from elder scrolls? :)

If you mean tameable beasts that can be mounted, than yes! I'm definetly going to include that in my World, just like the Equa'losk, that are uses as mounts for the Mok'notöhrs.

anyway, added a first WIP of the Hruas and a first Plant of Sal called the Galla..enjoy and feel free to comment!

Deleted member 157129


Deleted member 157129

I'll be honest, I'm not going to read all that anytime soon, I'm just that lazy. Anyway, Hrua are awesome. And this world seems amazing. :)
I'll be honest, I'm not going to read all that anytime soon, I'm just that lazy. Anyway, Hrua are awesome. And this world seems amazing. :)

big pussy :D

And thanks alot for the kind comment...

P.S new creature have been realeased : The Toko!:goblin_yeah:
Level 49
Apr 18, 2008
Special qualities
The Toko are passive animals, although they can be very dangerous. If they feel threatened, you better leave them alone or else you can get seriously injured. Their head is their primary protection device: The top of their skull is their weapon, as strong as a rock.
They attack their prey and their enemies by jumping towards them, aiming for the head of the creature they are facing to knock it down; And with their big pair of legs, they can knock down enemies two times their size.

The Toko live in the jungle of Konah near water sources, normally walking alone. The exception is during their mating season. These amphibians are a rare sight due their shyness - They try to avoid contact with humans as much as possible.
Not sure about that last part, do you even have humans in your world?
Not sure about that last part, do you even have humans in your world?

Yes I will do have humans in my fantasy world, not sure yet about their ''look'' but I will...

I might do something in the kind of Diablo, so Humans in a fantasy world, but there will be different human race, etc.

Thanks for the grammar fix by the way :D
Anyway, what would you guys like to see me update next?

More beast? More Flora stuff?

More drawings?

More regions?

More information about the races?

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I'd like to see a map and some *dragons!* :D
Would love to see you do dragons, but remember to post a without PS version. :)

Negative I won't include a map before I have significant development of my world, which might take a while.

Beside, I'm sorry to disappoint you, but DRAGONS won't exist in my Fantasy world, there might be some flying lizard-like creatures, but they will surely not be named ''Dragon'' and they will surely not breath fire, because it's just illogical that a mouth and internal organs can 1 produce fire (isn't that impossible) but that can also survive to a incredibly high temperature without melting (Impossible) so yeah...

but don't worry, you will see highly exotic creatures that will make your drool :D:goblin_good_job:

Concerning the Mok'notohrs = information will come soon about them.
Concerning the ''Giants of the Mountains'' = I might after-all not include them in my fantasy world, but that is no sure yet, I just find an over proportioned creature abit too RPG dumb. Like Females with plate breast armour.
Level 16
Mar 8, 2009
wow, this is amazing! *¬*
maybe, when you develop enough of this world, would you mind if I map a RPG wc3 map based on it?
the concepts are wonderful, and would be really nice to give them live in a playable world! ^^,
Obviously, I can make it all by myself with your agreement, but if you want you can join the fun and make some textures or whatever you want to do :D
wow, this is amazing! *¬*
maybe, when you develop enough of this world, would you mind if I map a RPG wc3 map based on it?
the concepts are wonderful, and would be really nice to give them live in a playable world! ^^,
Obviously, I can make it all by myself with your agreement, but if you want you can join the fun and make some textures or whatever you want to do :D

Maybe somedays, but for now, it's no... beside it's still FAR from being done, so yeah :p
Level 6
Apr 18, 2009
"Henault" seems too french to be part of a fantasy world IMO try changing the name to something more "fluent".
Otherwise it's good that you kept a part of realism in it.

I got a concept about different races living in totally different regions (aka lava/water etc...) and who adapted to their respective environments via evolution due to a progressive transformation of their former ecosystem. This would be caused by a global cataclysm that happened millenniums before the current world.

And i agree with oziris that a map would be great, if not a global map, a separate map of each current region.
Eeerrrmmm, okay but no, I'm definitely keeping that name, and concerning the world map, I cant make one right now, because if I did that before the race/beast concepts, I would impose myself with "creative issues" I would have to create beast that works with the region, blocking myself from creating more unique concepts. That's why I will come up with beast concepts as I come up with region concept... And hopefully, at the end, I will put everything together! :D
Level 1
Nov 29, 2009
Great work, I am also planning to develop my own fantasy world one time, but more in writing I think. Which programs did you use for the landscapes with themountains and so on? These skills are EXACTLY what I need right now for something I am working on >.<
Great work, I am also planning to develop my own fantasy world one time, but more in writing I think. Which programs did you use for the landscapes with themountains and so on? These skills are EXACTLY what I need right now for something I am working on >.<

First, they are real life picture took from the internet.. and the scroll effect was created with photoshop :p

and thanks for the feedback <3
Level 5
Jul 5, 2011
This is a great fantasy your doing dude, i am very interested to see more. Got a suggestion.. why not make some industrially-inclined races or some spiritual ones? Like dwarven and elven counterparts. But your originality is really commendable.

I'm making some lore too, just too intimidated to post it XD
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