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World Event-ideas

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Level 6
Mar 27, 2009
So yeah its me, DudeSpirit again asking for World Events this time. I also have that Elemental Lord-thread here, you can still answer there as well.

So by world events i mean things that happen in the world, its a strategy map that im making so i mean stuff like "Year 22 - The tribe of Roktann has finally reunited after a long civil war", a message like that comes on the screen and the event happens. Just ideas of stuff that might happen. Naval invasion, volcano eruption etc..
Level 15
Mar 8, 2009
Great Winter - weather changes to Northrend Blizzard, all units get slowed, some Snow Wolves spawn at random and attack people, fire elementals receive damaga, ice elementals get healed.
Level 20
Apr 30, 2007
Epidemy - Units all over the world get sick and is damaged or dies, every unit except rats and undeads are harmed by this. undeads and rats still can host the disease. decreased hit points and attack damage. Disease spread from where it started with large rat swarms running in all directions.

Monsoon - It rains as hell, every unit except water-related elementals has decreased Line of Sight, fire elementals damaged, water-related elementals heals. Every unit with metal armor and weapons has a chance for its gear to rust, meaning it has decreased attack and armor rates. Crops are doing well, increased food and resource supply.

Extreme Dry-Season - This time of the year is unusually dry, crops fail and husbandry dies, resulting in lowered food rate. Units have a chance of dying from starvation. Water-related elementals is damaged, Fire Elementals are Healed. smoke elementals and Earth Elementals related to dust and sand is healed, while those related to plant life is damaged.

Raiders - Lands around the coast or the wide grasslands are attacked by bands of raiders, pillaging and stealing. Random Raider camps or ships spawns at some areas, which you can pillage for resources.

King Death - This year a king dies, he is replaced by the heir to the throne, If there are no heir, there will be civil war between the Nobles.

Great Discovery - Somebody in a country makes a great discovery, unlocking special technologies for that player. Examples: Gunpowder, Steampower, Evolution, Laws of Physics, New Religion etc. etc.

Revolution - The power centre in the land changes, gaining achess to new types of units and heroes, while abadoning old ways.

Alliance - An alliance between empires have been made.

Revelation - A grand religion gains massive popularity in this country, which gives the religious troops tremendous strength and acces to new religious units special to that religion.

You might find these events in my strategy project (Tribal Chief) aswell
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Level 15
Mar 8, 2009
Coming of Sephiroth - Sephiroth spawns and starts slaughtering all units in his path. he has 999999 hp and 9999 dmg. Sadly, no 'Coming of Cloud' is implemented... =D
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