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[Trigger] Workaround for "Order Unit to (Ability)" stopping unit

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Level 9
Mar 17, 2016
I want a seamless ability that is toggled on and off, it is based on Immolation for the toggleability and Berserk for the buffs that it gives. I do not want to use item buffs because they don't give the damage amp that berserk offers, as it is necessary for this ability.
Is there a way that the "Order unit to Berserk" function does not cause the unit to stop moving, as it would if you just used the ability normally?

If there is a way to add damage amp to the unit like berserk does, that could also work because then I can just use item abilities to add the bonus stats and not need the unit to be issued an order.

  • OC slither
    • Events
      • Unit - A unit Is issued an order with no target
    • Conditions
      • (Unit-type of (Triggering unit)) Equal to Oceanic
      • Or - Any (Conditions) are true
        • Conditions
          • (Issued order) Equal to (Order(immolation))
          • (Issued order) Equal to (Order(umimmolation))
    • Actions
      • If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
        • If - Conditions
          • (Issued order) Equal to (Order(immolation))
        • Then - Actions
          • Unit - For (Triggering unit), Ability Slither Dummy (OC), Hide ability: False
          • Unit - Order AbilTargetUnit[23] to Orc Troll Berserker - Berserk. <--------------------------
          • Unit - For (Triggering unit), Ability Slither Dummy (OC), Hide ability: True
          • Animation - Add the swim animation tag to AbilTargetUnit[23]
          • Custom script: call GameTimeWait(0.1)
          • Wait until ((AbilTargetUnit[23] has buff Slither (Immo) ) Equal to False), checking every 0.22 seconds
          • Animation - Remove the swim animation tag to AbilTargetUnit[23]
          • Unit - Remove Slither buff from AbilTargetUnit[23]
        • Else - Actions
          • Animation - Remove the swim animation tag to AbilTargetUnit[23]
          • Unit - Remove Slither buff from AbilTargetUnit[23]
  • [/hidden]


Warcraft Moderator
Level 67
Aug 10, 2018
There's no need to hide/unhide the Berserk ability, just remove it's hotkey and set it's Art Button Positions to 0,-11 in the Object Editor. The ability will be hidden/unusable by normal means, but you can still cast it with triggered orders.

Also, you could optimize your trigger by removing the OR Conditions and add an If Then Else in your Else block to check if the other order was equal to "unimmolation". In other words:
If order = immolation then
do stuff
if order = unimmolation then
do stuff

And for your issue, I'm not sure why that's interrupting orders as both abilities are instant. A workaround would be to use a Damage Engine to trigger the amplified damage effect of Berserk.
Level 12
Mar 13, 2020
Ok then if he want a amplified damage effect why he don’t use bloodlust if it’s a not already in the map? Just asking so he has no issued order after he he turns on Immolation he get bloodlusted from a dummy ?

i don’t know if Bloodlust ist already taken and ye the damage engine would be a option but only if he has the knowledge how to use it
Level 12
Mar 13, 2020
Im not at Home but my ability doc says it has percentage damage taken?


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Level 12
Mar 13, 2020
Ok i did what he wanted easy without that much triggering and without orders instant and easy using thornyshield 1.0 is default that means your unit takes 100% damage if you set it to 0 you will get no damage so if you turn immo it jumps to 500% if you turn it off to 100% there is your amplified damage that you wanted with a passiv you can also hide the passiv and set variables im a noob so im lazy its just an example :p

BTW: in your triggers its (Umimmolation) it should be (Unimmolation) :)


  • NoobMapperStrikesagain!.w3m
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Level 9
Mar 17, 2016
Wow, Pwnica you're right that is exactly what I wanted. Yet another instance of this game having abilities that I have no idea existed that work perfectly for what I'm trying to do xD

One question about this ability, will it amplify only attack damage, or spell/code damage as well?

Also, thanks to everyone for all the info!
Level 12
Mar 13, 2020
Watch out the index of the level starts from 0 so that means 0 is lvl 1 of your ability

And second thing I figured out is passives you can change by time or event like immo or other, the effect will change instantly
After your event :)

Its a new era that comes with reforged and also new mappers :p

Your second question try it out bro I use set ability to change the damage of ability based on attributes because so I don’t have the simple damage unit or pick units in range / loop damage picked unit (for aoe) I used before
It was frustrating to do a damage in a straight line like a schockwave do...
But now with set ability it’s simple and easy :)
Level 9
Mar 17, 2016
I just tested it and it only amplifies physical damage. So if an enemy has their damage set to "magic" it will not amplify the damage at all. Im assuming it will be the same for spells. However I'm still going to use it because I am running out of time to make this game, and the amp is not very extreme at all so it should be good enough for the time being.
Level 12
Mar 13, 2020
I will look for a fix for the magic damage.. maybe I have an idea

i used rune bracers with - 5 value that means its - 500% magic reduction = + 500% Magic Damage Taken
i used negativ values and add the ability when he immolates and it works..

the priece for this is rune bracers dont stack so if you have items based on them
the hero get only the magical reduction while he is unimmolate if he immolates the negativ value will overwrite the items positiv one

thats the best solution i think


  • NoobMapperStrikesagain2.w3m
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