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[WIP] A Small Farm/Outpost

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Level 17
Apr 11, 2007
Hey guys, this is WIP terrain; It's mainly just a small outpost or small farm situated on a river, still haven't done much much with the hills as they get cut off...

I would add weather effects but I'm too tired...

Anyway, I'd also use attach tags but the site is being a god damned butthole, so he's some Imageshack pictures!

Oh my god, even that's not bloody well working -_- Wait until tomorrow, I'll post pics then...
Level 17
Apr 11, 2007
Yeah VOID I have a diablo 2 one aswell :p

The Pics you say you wanted?



Kaitech[SanD];410568 said:
I don't care if hive isn't a color... Since when has panda, christmass and other stuff been a color?

Yeah, I'm working on improving it now, but first I go get a P.B.J sandwhich...
When did I say I didnt think panda and christmas ones were silly, too?

I must say, its the best logo thingie youve made so far, even still...

Anyways, I probably couldnt do any better on the terrian myself, but it looks kinda emty...
Level 8
Mar 25, 2005
GOD! Why do you keep using that bright grass? It burns! Seriously, get rid of it or at least get a new grass model.
The rocky spot with the camp fire looks arse, I have no idea why you put that in there it does not look good whatsoever. And why are there schrooms growing on rock in an obviously busy camp. Why is a building build upon rock for that mather? It looks bare like hell, get some more houses in there if it's an outpost or if it's a farm get rid of the walls. They just doesn't make sense.

Bare. Multicolored. Senseless.
I can't really think of anything that actually looks good. Most buildings sort of look good together I guess.
Fix this shit up please. If you can't make this look good with all those custom environment models you should really throw in some more vanilla ones (not like you did with the campfire though, god that looks retarded)

-end flame-
Level 17
Apr 11, 2007

1) It's spring grass
2) I'd like to see you do better
3) Lern to spell and why not have mushrooms there?
4) A building is on a rocky area because it wouldn't make much sense to build it on grass >.<
5) It's in the middle of a massive area filled with what's going to be creeps, why the hell would you take walls away???
6) Your jungle is empty, and to green without any wildlife at all, god, have you ever been any where near a jungle? It isn't green all over the show, where did you get your inspiration from? A child's drawing?

And if that burns your eyes either 1) Get glasses or 2) Turn the brigtness from max, jeez.
Level 8
Mar 25, 2005
Kaitech[SanD];410664 said:

1) It's spring grass
2) I'd like to see you do better
3) Lern to spell and why not have mushrooms there?
4) A building is on a rocky area because it wouldn't make much sense to build it on grass >.<
5) It's in the middle of a massive area filled with what's going to be creeps, why the hell would you take walls away???
6) Your jungle is empty, and to green without any wildlife at all, god, have you ever been any where near a jungle? It isn't green all over the show, where did you get your inspiration from? A child's drawing?

And if that burns your eyes either 1) Get glasses or 2) Turn the brigtness from max, jeez.

1) It still looks like utter crap I'm afraid.
2) Very well then! I challenge thee to a duel. Il'l get a challenge up in a mo.
3) Lern, nuff said. Because they're out of place, they don't fit in.
4) Err. Dirt?
5) Because if it's a farm, peasant generally can't afford siege weapons, and walls are just out of the question. If it's an outpost you're excused but it's still a pretty crappy outpost.
6) Wow. Awesome comeback. I've never been anywhere a jungle, no. I don't want it to look like real jungle, I wouldn't had made large paths all over the place if I wanted to. It's green to make it look dense, and the fog has already been discussed. I didn't get my inspiration from anywhere.
Now, just what farm-outpost did you get YOUR inspiration from mister?
Level 8
Mar 25, 2005
Kaitech[SanD];410718 said:
I ain't got enough time for a challenge, I'm taking my GF out to see a movie in a few hours and then I have a life to tend to...
This challenge can go on as long as you want. If you don't accept the challenge you're just going to have to live with the fact that my penis is smaller and deform.
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Level 34
Sep 6, 2006
Kaitech[SanD] you need to take criticism better. Even if he slightly flames you (Which you did Seruk). Just take it like a man.

Not bad terrain. The grass model you chose is too bright. Just tint it, or use a different one. You should give the terrain a slight height variation. You need to get a better atmosphere.

Do you have a fog set? If not then you should. Or use a better one.\

PS. Seruk... when you are giving helpful advice here, please refrain from using things like "this shit" or "god that looks retarded".
Level 8
Mar 25, 2005
Kaitech[SanD];410902 said:
How immature are you, seriously... Get a life...
Get a life just turns out wrong in a forum post. Also way to take a joke.
You know what would the best way to shut me up, rather than acting like a foo'? Prove me wrong, accept the challenge.

Gilles said:
PS. Seruk... when you are giving helpful advice here, please refrain from using things like "this shit" or "god that looks retarded".
Well, it does. I generally try to keep such somewhat childish comments to myself, but I felt like making an extra spicy reply just for this.

PS. Kaitech, could you repost that bashing of my terrain in my thread? Thanks.
Level 15
Dec 24, 2007
It's ok, not too bad but not very good, a little more tile variation would be good and i have to agree with seruk on one thing, you don't put houses on solid rock, put a variation of rough dirt and plain dirt under it to make it look more "realistic". More height variation! Maybe make it a fortress/Farm that's on a huge hill. Maybe make it so that the actual "farmland" surrounds the outer wall, giving you more room to add stuff inside the fortress.
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Level 28
Nov 12, 2007
OMG, you guys love yourselves, huh?

seruk, I suggest you to be less harsh, and more constructive.
And, don't be immature, the size of your pennis has nothing to do with your terrainning skills.

Kaitech, you must accept any critcism, if it is a flame or not. Exactly what Gilles said.

Now lets go to the coments:

1) seruk said everything, and I'm not going to say it all again. But, seruk said the needed, and the useless. I only agree about the grass models, tile vairation, about the palisade walls, and I also suggest you don't use the Blizzard cliffs (that one wich comes with the Editor) and to use a fog.
2) Look around for the good terrainers here. Learn with their work. And practice a lot.That really helps.

Remember that I didn't wanted to flame/be harsh to you (Kaitech) at any moment.

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