Wings Of Death v1.3.8

This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
----------Nirex Presents----------

Wings Of Death
Created by Nirex

Map Info:

This map contains two groups , villagers and nightmares.
villagers are the defenders and nightmares are the attackers

As A villager,You must find a place and set up a base and fight against the Terrifying nightmare as long as you can, hold your base and gain power as to destroy Them

As A nightmare,You must look for the villagers , slaughter them and Raze their base to ashes, with Great power and teamwork, comes great success.


-Villager race Tech-tree
-Five Classes of Heroes
-Season Changing
-Difference of Night and Day on Powers
-Weather Changing
-Deathmatch Mode

Gameplay and Help:

As a villager you control a lord...
Your lord is your Champion and the one who grants you power.
although he has Windwalk and Blink abilities he is vulnerable to nightmare and must be protected.

Note : Animals Will never attack your lord

your main Goal is to Destroy Nightmare Forces, to do so you need Gold and Knowledge of training new and powerful units.

each time a unit attack a creature , your lord gains 1exp in addition to you earning 1 gold, each time your lord attack a creature , he gains 25exp plus 1 gold.

so earning gold is based on attack itself rather than attack damage.

You can choose among five lords of nightmare.

Fire : A very powerful damage dealer with slight armor.
Chaos : A multi attacker with moderate damage and armor.
Darkness : A very fast damage dealer with slight armor and moderate damage.
Frost : An effective tank with slight damage and powerful armor.
Lightning : A scout with moderate damage and armor , capable of summoning two minions, to search for him.

each lord has an ability of their essence... each can be casted to an ally or themselves to grant power and effectiveness... a raven can have multiple powers.

each player earns 25 gold per 0.6 seconds (2500 per minute) and each attack a lord does gives him 10exp with 500 gold.

Note : Use animals to earn gold and exp

Inferno mod can be activated with the Command : -IN
it is to bring hell on earth , meteors starts falling and the sky becomes red.
it's basically a hardcore mod

Safe-location reveals safe areas in the map to set up a base : -SL (SL Disables DM)

As self-explanatory as it is, it can be activated with the command : -DM , villagers start fighting together (Good for No-Nightmare match) (DM Disables SL)


Thanks To:

- Tenebrae For RPG Hero Villager
- expresso For Angel And Angel-Female
- Tranquil For Angel And Angel-Female
- .KC For Villager
- diosilva16 For Villager In Rope
- Tarrasque For Lightning Elemental
- UgoUgo For Ravens / Icons / Some models
- I3lackDeath For The UI
- JesusHipster For LightningArrow
- Ket For HumanChurch
- Darkwind For Golden Claw
- Deolrin For Black Glow (terraining)
- Juan_Ann For Icons
- Palaslayer For Icons
- Apheraz Lucent For Icons
- Hemske For Icons
- The Panda For Icons
- PeeKay For Icons
- ~Nightmare For Icons
- -Berz- For Icons
- -Kobas- For this awesome description template (link below)
- -Grendel for Fallen Angel Model

Change Log:

Removed Villagers ability to wind walk
Changed the lenght of Blink from 4000 to 500 (Just to jump from walls of base)
Changed the Heal rate of "Holy Well" from 50% to 2%
Added more props to the terrain as suggested (More Will be added soon)
Added In-game intoduction for the new players as suggested
Added more mercenary Camps (Total of 4)
Infernal Damage Changed from 25 (100 per sec) to 60 (240 per sec)
Islands can not be build upon
Lowered the strength of Villager units so each 3 villagers can fight 1 nightmare lord
Day-Night Cycle is now 3 times faster
Fixed a minor bug with Darkness raven
Added Hint in "about section" (f9)
Added new Herbal-Weed system in map (These Weeds have a 30% chance to deal damage and a 70% chance to help the Hero (villager only))
Changed Arc Angels Powers (More powerful but Costy)
Ravens are now more powerful
Fixed Arc Angel not Being Removed
Added 3 Obelisk of the damned and Fallen Angel (Costy but worthy)

Added Safezone Command
Fixed spawning glitches
Fixed ending glitches
Removed The misplaced tower
Fixed a LOT of typos
added new description for units
removed observer tower

Author's notes:

This is my first upload on this site, so please go easy on Me if there is any mistake made in any part of this map or this description.
If I have missed to give Credits for any reason, please let me know

I'd be very happy to hear suggestions from you guys.

Note : This Map is protected

Map Description Template Created by -Kobas-
Find more here: Map Description - Templates


Wings Of Death v1.3.8 (Map)

23:30, 7th Jul 2015 Shadow Fury: Set to needs fix based on demon_slayer20's review.




It is very messy at the beginning. Are there bases ? Maybe think about adding a command that show base locations as it is hard to walk around searching for a good spot without knowing whether there is a base or rather a trap.
Level 3
Jul 4, 2012
It is very messy at the beginning. Are there bases ? Maybe think about adding a command that show base locations as it is hard to walk around searching for a good spot without knowing whether there is a base or rather a trap.
I'll make sure that is done by adding more Safe-locations and modes (If this passes The moderation)

Glad to hear suggestions

--- Edit ---

Safe-Location mode added
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Deleted member 242951


Deleted member 242951


Demon Slayer's Review on Wings on Death

Map Name :Wings of Death
Creator : NIREX
version : v 1.3.7
Moderated : No

The terrian is not specific on anything. The placement of trees is done decently as for a melee map but there is nothing
except the trees and tiles of grass. You should use different terrain tiles for different places and more doodads like
rocks, shrubs, houses, flowers etc. There are many maps on the site you can take as inspirations and try to be like them,
or have a style of your won, tutorials for terraining are the best way of advancing. Use of custom doodads will
give it a more realistic look but the warcraft style is preferred by many so you can do that too.

Just don't spam on a single type of doodad for resources.

Gameplay 2.35/5
The gameplay was not bad in a sense of viewing but could be improved by a lot. Especially the balancing needs an update.
For balancing you have to check how much lumber a hero aqquires in a single work span. Then you need to decide the no.
of times you want the hero/worker to work for a specific lumber requiring item. However keep in mind the no. of
workers while doing this and how difficult you want the game to be.

Now coming to the base gameplay the game is like any melee map with custom stuff. The requirement of custom spells in this map
is less however because of its potential and the style of gameplay. What needs improvement is 1.The AI, 2.The Balances, 3. The Resources

The game lacks the presence of a good AI. For this map making the AI is neither easy nor hard. You need constant monitoring
("Every 1.00 seconds of game time" event ) To check on a units health / Mana and prepare for escape. use of spells must
be taken care of when low on mana. Circumstances must be checked for casting etc. However it still depends on you whether you will
be adding an AI or not.

The game could also make good use of a leaderboard / multiboard. Also take care of the Nightmare gameplay as its waaaaay too
basic than the villages. Dont know if that was the theme.

The techtree was very well done for the maps orientation and gameplay. All that needs repairs is the balance.

Miscllaneous 2.2/5
There are no many misc. features in this map. Just that you can change the lumber and gold tooltips (Advanced => gameplay interface)
to make it more custom. The UI was well picked for the Nightmares but not so for the Villagers.
The description on site is well done. The credits seems fair. Thats good. But whats bad is the game is not so newbie friendly unless the player presses F9. A hints and tips system is needed.

Uniqueness 3/5
Now about the uniqueness of this map is that it features spells like windwalk and blink for villagers and builders (hero) which
adds much uniqueness to the build, susrvive and run style of the map. But most of it sadly the old terrain, old melee
structure. This can be fixed by observation of the map. You can think yourself what is missing in the gameplay.

Overall 2.5/5
Wings of death has potential in terms of idea and structure but can be improved and must be kept going and improving

BUGS (None)

Some bugs in the map :

None yet.

some personal tips :
1. When the game begins there should be a intro fade and text for players new to this game despite the simple gameplay.
2. The stealth of the Villagers is waaay too high you know. It doesn't make any sense about the villagers being able to
windwalk and teleport. This can be fixed by making a custom item that grants invisibilty for the villager. (Probably cloak of shadows type)
3. The terrain needs decoration, work hard on it. :)

VERDICT : VOTING FOR "Approval" when balanced.

1. The terrain
2. The unbalanced gameplay
3. The not so-friendly start of the game.
4. In-game presentation of rules and data

REVIEWER : Demon Slayer 20


If you have any doubts, complains, problems etc. then please contact me.... :D

Demon Slayer 20
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You should not vote for Rejection.
Rejection means there is no hope a map can ever become approvable and it is not the case for this map.

Deleted member 242951


Deleted member 242951

Ardenian said:
You should not vote for Rejection.
Rejection means there is no hope a map can ever become approvable and it is not the case for this map.

Voted for approval, WHEN BALANCED.

And I'm not saying there is no hope. There is a lot of hope and a scope for improvement on this map.




Voted for approval, WHEN BALANCED.

And I'm not saying there is no hope. There is a lot of hope and a scope for improvement on this map.

Hm, I think what you mean is Awaiting Update or Needs Fix.

If you vote for Approval, then the map might be approved with a low rating, as it is considered playable.
Level 3
Jul 4, 2012
demon slayer's review on wings on death

Thanks for decent review on this map.

I started working on this map and there are some things that are in need of change based on your review.

1-Removal of Villagers ability to windwalk
2-Lowering the length of blink
3-Lowering the ratio of heal ability of holy well
4-Intro about what this map is and how it is meant to be played (in-game text)
5-Adding more props to the terrain
6-Lowering the power of villagers (so they must work together to defeat the nightmare)
7-Changing the price of ankh from 0 to 750 gold
8-Changing the tooltip of Gold and Lumber
9-Lowering the cost of Arc Angel

Terrain and Tileset
The changing weather system will take care of the grass terrain (There are only two seasons now (don't know how to show others))

I was planning on adding an AI, there will surly be an AI in the next few version of this map

There will be some miscellaneous stuff , put on the map to help both villagers and nightmares

I will be totally glad if this map was to be placed in "Awaiting update" Or "Needs fix" section, so people won't get annoyed by playing this

Thanks for the review again


Villagers can also buy items from Church


Due to large amount of trees in the map... Smoothing the edges for terrain will not be possible (Limit of pathblocks) but tileset will be made better (I'll try)
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Level 3
Jul 4, 2012
This version is ready to be checked but ignore the Terrain (Haven't worked on it a lot)
Just changed some rivers and some stuff , added a bit of props (not a lot)

But balanced the teams and added a new unit.

so check but ignore the terrain I'd Still give it a 2/5

(Terrain will be improved in 1.3.9 or 1.4.0)