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Garden of Death

Garden of Death

Plants aren't the only thing growing in this abandoned garden. Evil has taken root in this once peaceful place. Can you survive the night in the garden of death?


This is a quest oriented singleplayer RPG in which you have to complete the two main objectives in order to win. However there is a time limit and the objectives change as time advance and as you complete or fail certain quests. Your charter has two attack modes - melee and ranged, which have different custom skills. There is a decent amount of custom items which can be obtained through quests and purchased from a special merchant. If you die you will have to find your remains with your spirit in order to revive (WoW style), but don't take too long because the Soul Eater will come after you and if your spirit dies you will lose. Attack system is not the default WC3 one, so read the descriptions/tooltips. You can right click to attack your enemies or use the shortcut keyboard (A). Arrow key movement available. The map has some puzzle elements, so pay attention to the details. You can skip most of the quests, and level up for the final, main quest (level 9+). There are 3 camera modes from which you can chose from (esc key). Most of the systems in the map are designed for multiplayer, so in some of the future updates I could add more game modes, like co-op and death match.

Version 1.0
First Upload.
Version 1.1
Added more creeps
After level 5 creeps become stronger.
Fixed some bugs.
Balance adjustments.
Version 1.2
Fixed buggs related to kill counter & gold rewards.
Increased timers for Soul Eater and demon portal.

Map Template: Heinvers

Models: WhiteDeath, Epsilon, Suselishe, JesusHipster, Hexus, kellym0, eubz, Matarael, EviL_BuddhA, Kuhneghetz, Ampharos_222

Icons: Sin'dorei300, Hemske, sigelang, tjordell, kola,

Skins: ana

Zombies, Garden, Garden of Death, Diablo, Night Elf, Huntress, Undead, RPG

Garden of Death (Map)

21:51, 3rd May 2015 StoPCampinGn00b: This miniature action SRPG map comes of rather challenging and visually pleasing. With the right execution, a map like this would be approved. And so it has. Map approved.




21:51, 3rd May 2015
StoPCampinGn00b: This miniature action SRPG map comes of rather challenging and visually pleasing. With the right execution, a map like this would be approved.

And so it has. Map approved.
Level 21
Nov 4, 2013

I found the gameplay positive and negative in multiple aspects. The choice of the template contributed to a great atmosphere. The creeps you put suit the map and were generally well-balanced. It was a good feature to find plenty of quests in such a small map. However, I must say that the camera was very clumsy. The first and second camera modes were just too annoying. They got obstructed easily and if a creep was chasing me from behind, I risked to click on it rather than escaping. Then, when I passed on the stone bridge above water or, even worse, when I climbed the stairs, the camera totally went mad. Only the third camera mode (normal camera view) is the one that seems most appropriate. Now I would like to draw your attention to the quest of the orc champion. It was a bit buggy because sometimes the timer started automatically when I didn't kill any creep. Was it maybe for that unselectable bear that auto-attacks creeps? Look into this. Finally, after some time I played, I started to feel that the game got repeatative. Minions do not evolve as I level up. I really expected that when I reached higher levels, stronger creeps would appear.


She is the core of the game. I control a hero which can switch between melee and ranged, which is actually a great feature. What wasn't great about her was the arrow key movement. It was so rough that I couldn't control her well so people might prefer to use the common right-click movement and ignore the arrow keys totally. Then, even the attack system was a bit messy. If I right-clicked a creep from far, my hero doesn't attack it. She just walks to it and stops. I thought: "Good abilities will probably compensate this" yet it wasn't so. The abilities were overall underpowered for me. Only the throwing knives seemed good enough but they were limited (20 charged only) so I had to count on the other skills. Sadly, I benefited more from my normal attacks than the abilities I had. You should increase the damage of all offensive skills as to obtain a proper balance. Just as I managed to defeat 10 creeps, I was critical HP. At least when the hero dies, it's not over. You can drive your spirit to the dead body and revive (by taking great care from the Soul Eater). Good thing!


Overall the map is fine yet I would like to see improvements in some issues before voting for approval. So, my rating 3/5 and the moderator should AWAIT UPDATE!

I found the gameplay positive and negative in multiple aspects. The choice of the template contributed to a great atmosphere. The creeps you put suit the map and were generally well-balanced. It was a good feature to find plenty of quests in such a small map. However, I must say that the camera was very clumsy. The first and second camera modes were just too annoying. They got obstructed easily and if a creep was chasing me from behind, I risked to click on it rather than escaping. Then, when I passed on the stone bridge above water or, even worse, when I climbed the stairs, the camera totally went mad. Only the third camera mode (normal camera view) is the one that seems most appropriate. Now I would like to draw your attention to the quest of the orc champion. It was a bit buggy because sometimes the timer started automatically when I didn't kill any creep. Was it maybe for that unselectable bear that auto-attacks creeps? Look into this. Finally, after some time I played, I started to feel that the game got repeatative. Minions do not evolve as I level up. I really expected that when I reached higher levels, stronger creeps would appear.


She is the core of the game. I control a hero which can switch between melee and ranged, which is actually a great feature. What wasn't great about her was the arrow key movement. It was so rough that I couldn't control her well so people might prefer to use the common right-click movement and ignore the arrow keys totally. Then, even the attack system was a bit messy. If I right-clicked a creep from far, my hero doesn't attack it. She just walks to it and stops. I thought: "Good abilities will probably compensate this" yet it wasn't so. The abilities were overall underpowered for me. Only the throwing knives seemed good enough but they were limited (20 charged only) so I had to count on the other skills. Sadly, I benefited more from my normal attacks than the abilities I had. You should increase the damage of all offensive skills as to obtain a proper balance. Just as I managed to defeat 10 creeps, I was critical HP. At least when the hero dies, it's not over. You can drive your spirit to the dead body and revive (by taking great care from the Soul Eater). Good thing!


Overall the map is fine yet I would like to see improvements in some issues before voting for approval. So, my rating 3/5 and the moderator should AWAIT UPDATE!

Thanks for testing! I will look in to the issues you mentioned. I know the map needs some polishing, but time is rarely on my side. And about the abilities they are intentionally not high-powered because they can stack and do some real damage which is the whole idea -> Stack damage / tactical use.