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Wind of change within the Blizzard?

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Level 13
Apr 19, 2007
As for the graphics, the editor will hopefully be like warcraft III, and here's where you might be interested... Seeing as hpw the Starcraft people look like War3 characters, and Blizzard's using mdl. Do you think, (if the editor has an import system) that we would be able to import the same things into starcraft II that we could in WC3?
Level 36
Mar 15, 2006
Indeed, i'm not much of a Starcraft fan, but I will switch over just to mod it. WC3 has gotten old, i'm sorry, but it has. I loved the game, but people are looking for something fresh, and the modding community will be balistic once people figure out how to use the WE effectively.

I want to be part of the revolution for a change :p
Level 36
Mar 15, 2006
But it isn't. And it wont. Honestly, everyone was screaming bloody murder when WoW came out, because everyone thought it would kill WC3. But it didn't. Actually, it made WC3 even MORE popular, due to hundreds of thousands of WoW players who had never played WC3 wanting to get in on the story and the franchise. Same deal. WC3 will not die, and Blizzard has already proved this with the original Starcraft. If you make a game good enough, then people will continue to play it no matter how old it is. Starcraft was made YEARS ago and it is STILL played online. I'm thinking WC3 will be the same way.
Level 4
May 23, 2007
i agree ScII will not kill wc3 we will lose about half our mappers i gues but it won't die. There will be a massive reorganization of many clans but most will jsut continue warcraft and include SCII in their list of mapping games. Our clan WWM is currently doing Supreme Commander, Warcraft III and soon SC II. But this can only help wc3 cuz soon we'll have tons of models and units we should be easily available to import into our wc3 maps.
Level 36
Mar 15, 2006
Rui, that's just rediculous. The Battle.Net for WarcraftII is still up and running, and it has FAR less players than WC3.

Also, sure, they might just come for the campaigns, but then they get hooked on DotA, and it's one of those duel-addictions. The Battle.Net community is still running strong.
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