Why night elf archer has only 245 HP?

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Level 16
May 2, 2011
Hey guys

I was just wondering, why was night elf archer nerfed from 310 HP to 245HP?

ofcourse elune grace was then added, but still, isnt 245 HP too against melee units?

its like elunes grace make them as good as they were against archers (actually a tiny bit better than they were against archers, like, 1 or 2 hp better lol) but 245 HP is so bad against melee

so what do you think? or know? from balancing point of veiw
Level 25
May 11, 2007
They're cheap at 130 gold and 10 lumber.
Elune's Grace causes them to take 65% damage from piercing attacks so they're useful against that.
They have high damage, 16-18 damage.

They probably have low health as they're supposed to be damage dealers and not tanks.

In Reign of Chaos they have 260 health, cost 150 gold, 10 lumber and deal 19-22 damage.
Level 25
May 11, 2007
but 310 was fine nd not very tanky. 310 with no elune grace i mean
trolls can go 450
Trolls is a secondary unit. Just like Riflemen have more health than footmen.

Ghouls have 330 health, if archers have 310, they're close to ghouls in health and being ranged.

If your achers are attacked by melee units, just move them away and put something strong in between. Like a hero or a mountain giant/druid of the claw.
Level 4
Jul 29, 2011
that's because in early game (RoC), night elves were overpowered simply because of their creeping speed - archers dealt far more damage for their cost than any other tier one unit. Reduction of their hp (and of course addition of dust of appearance) made creeping much riskier, forcing night elf players to find different playstyle, which is now usually creeping with ancient of war, then using lvl 2 hero and only a few archers to harass the opponent until they get to tier 2 or even straight tier 3.
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