Why make multiplayer maps?

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Deleted member 177737


Deleted member 177737


I go on THW every day, searching the forums, posting, uploading, all the usual stuff that I've always done. Over the past year or so (since Sc2 came out) I've noticed that when I'm on Battlenet there are almost no games other than DOTA being hosted, and when I try to host a game almost nobody joins.
As I've read the same thing is happening to a few other people around THW.

Now since I check THW every day, search through the forums, etc... I go into the map development section frequently checking out the new maps and seeing the progress of older maps.
What I've noticed is that a large percent of the maps under development (maps that are usually on the first page) are multiplayer maps. I find this extremely odd because almost no non-DOTA maps are being hosted on Battlenet (as far as I've seen).

This leads me to asking the question "Why make multiplayer maps?". If virtually nobody is going to play a multiplayer map why make it?, why not make a single player map or a campaign?

*I'm not trying to say that nobody plays multiplayer, I am just saying that from what I've seen there are almost no non-DOTA maps being played.

In conclusion... Why make multiplayer maps? :vw_wtf:
Level 37
Aug 14, 2006
You're 100% right and I also see it odd people still making multi-player maps.

I personally rarely play multi-player maps nowadays. Just few times in battle.net and in lan parties per year. If I ever do a new project after my current SPRG it will definitely be another SPRG.
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Level 12
Dec 28, 2008
garena is not so active and most of maps there (I mean most rooms) are DotA too. I guess maps like those only get REAL attention by very few friend groups, that's why I always look for AI feature on most multi-player maps though.
Level 7
Mar 9, 2008
Yayoi said:
Why make multiplayer maps?
Because, you can do things with multiple players other than push waves of creeps down one of three lanes to beat the other guy (oh, and there may or may not be random monsters on the map). You could, for instance...
  • Run through a dungeon to beat a bad guy (at a really huge supermarket).
  • Imitate a game show.
  • Have a race. It is now possible to do something like the Azeroth Grand Prix without crashing the map.
  • Relive old classics, with a twist! (And I don't mean, "New look, old self". Something like 'Pac-Man: The First Person Coin Hunter', or 'Who Framed Roger Rabbit: I still can't tell what's going on.' Ya know?)
  • Eat a banana, then pretend to be a... fantasy version of yourself? What?
  • Control swarms of similarly modeled soldiers? Huh?
  • Oh! You could also solve a clever puzzle (by turning on "Always show health bar"). ;)
  • You can also come up with something that might become a good team challenge, regardless of whether or not the other team is a CPU.

Also, don't forget to invite other users to play your game. I'm sure somebody will be bored of that DotA thingy. In fact, I heard about it once, didn't consider it after that, then heard about it a lot, tried it out, and didn't like it. I do seem to remember playing a version- or similar map- where there were multiple areas to choose from in an attempt to have the illusion of variety. Never saw it since. Huh.
Level 30
Jul 31, 2010
Its because of "Other Games". not all people would stick to warcraft everyday and play melee maps.

Warcraft III is already an old game were some players already left the game, its only us users who thinks warcraft III is the new game everyday.
I make multiplayer maps because they seem to be funner for me to make as I do like a challenge to make a multiplayer map bug free when it's persificaly for multiplayer or maybe nearly every time I make a map it just ends out being multiplayer even though I NEVER get to test my multiplayer maps unless I can be botheres to go onto garena and atract attention (which barley happens for me much anymore(going on Garena that is)) and even if so my maps can't be played first time as they are harder to learn than the adverage map and therefore I get no challenge (maybe a reason why my maps arn't as populure as they could be).
Basically making multiplayer game is what I would like to do as a future job or at least design multilayer games or something similar:p.
Level 12
Dec 28, 2008
Because, you can do things with multiple players other than push waves of creeps down one of three lanes to beat the other guy (oh, and there may or may not be random monsters on the map). You could, for instance...
  • Run through a dungeon to beat a bad guy (at a really huge supermarket).
  • Imitate a game show.
  • Have a race. It is now possible to do something like the Azeroth Grand Prix without crashing the map.
  • Relive old classics, with a twist! (And I don't mean, "New look, old self". Something like 'Pac-Man: The First Person Coin Hunter', or 'Who Framed Roger Rabbit: I still can't tell what's going on.' Ya know?)
  • Eat a banana, then pretend to be a... fantasy version of yourself? What?
  • Control swarms of similarly modeled soldiers? Huh?
  • Oh! You could also solve a clever puzzle (by turning on "Always show health bar"). ;)
  • You can also come up with something that might become a good team challenge, regardless of whether or not the other team is a CPU.

Also, don't forget to invite other users to play your game. I'm sure somebody will be bored of that DotA thingy. In fact, I heard about it once, didn't consider it after that, then heard about it a lot, tried it out, and didn't like it. I do seem to remember playing a version- or similar map- where there were multiple areas to choose from in an attempt to have the illusion of variety. Never saw it since. Huh.

yea I bet you can do all these without another interested player *sarcasm*
Level 7
Mar 9, 2008
I... kind of missed your sarcasm there. Don't worry, I miss a whole lot of it in real life- especially when I'm tired.

Ya don't have to make a multiplayer map, but even if you do, try to keep the players' attention before the map starts, while the map is going, and while the map "ends". I think I've seen a few maps around here that do that.
Level 17
Nov 11, 2010
I make sure my maps have AI in them.
Which is why I stick with melee maps, because I suck at everything else.
Level 12
Dec 28, 2008
Wait was that sarcasm? Man, I still can't tell. I better get some coffee. :vw_wtf:

this is getting creepier and creepier..

Also, I must apologize if this is derailing Yayoi's thread. I'm gonna stop replying about sarcasm in 3 . . . 2 . . . 1 . . . Now.

yep I agree with that, the best choice there is that you calm down now xPp
Level 22
Feb 4, 2005
I have a better question: Why make maps? I mean are 90% of them even played? Why not work in a team make some really good project like some existing like Diablo 3 warcraft that the creators were assured was played specially when CloudWolf was working on it. Even I played it as it was good despite not using my time on playing custom games.

So many maps but how many play your maps? Im talking aboout the thousands of maps submitted by random single people, no team work.

Deleted member 177737


Deleted member 177737

I have a better question: Why make maps? I mean are 90% of them even played? Why not work in a team make some really good project like some existing like Diablo 3 warcraft that the creators were assured was played specially when CloudWolf was working on it. Even I played it as it was good despite not using my time on playing custom games.

So many maps but how many play your maps? Im talking aboout the thousands of maps submitted by random single people, no team work.

That right there is the reason I only work on campaigns now. If you go through the maps section most maps are barley even downloaded, and probably less of those down-loaders played the map. But if you go into the campaigns section, because there are so few campaigns, and because they are generally better made and more interesting to play, more people download and actually play them.
Level 22
Jan 10, 2005
I have a better question: Why make maps? I mean are 90% of them even played? Why not work in a team make some really good project like some existing like Diablo 3 warcraft that the creators were assured was played specially when CloudWolf was working on it. Even I played it as it was good despite not using my time on playing custom games.

So many maps but how many play your maps? Im talking aboout the thousands of maps submitted by random single people, no team work.

Some of the best maps and campaigns are made by one guy. Multiple people working on a project doesn't guarantee anything.

Also, lots of people think map making is more fun than playing the game itself. Or maybe they just want to learn how to mod. It's not all about getting the most downloads.
Level 22
Feb 4, 2005
@Fan, yes I found that fun too but still, if it is just for the fun of making a map, one could do like I do, 'private' maps just for one's self. And it sure matters how many play it cause if little or none, I would say, i wont waste my time with a map again. Many who talk about working on a map do a map for themselves, which is ok, ive done the same.

That right there is the reason I only work on campaigns now. If you go through the maps section most maps are barley even downloaded, and probably less of those down-loaders played the map. But if you go into the campaigns section, because there are so few campaigns, and because they are generally better made and more interesting to play, more people download and actually play them.

Agreed, campaigns seem to belong to those worth making and using your time on. I remember having tried Acathla or whatever the name was, and it was well polished and good. There are others good but I'd say it matters how many play it.
Level 12
Dec 28, 2008
I have a better question: Why make maps? I mean are 90% of them even played? Why not work in a team make some really good project like some existing like Diablo 3 warcraft that the creators were assured was played specially when CloudWolf was working on it. Even I played it as it was good despite not using my time on playing custom games.

So many maps but how many play your maps? Im talking aboout the thousands of maps submitted by random single people, no team work.

This leads us to question why make ANY maps in the first place. I mean why even make DotA or some other popular map/campaign. Because everyone's center of interest is different, for example I can't say that I bothered to try that diablo 3 map you're talking about, also I am not so a DotA fan though. Some people play some maps and others don't. So DotA and some other popular maps shouldn't have made because of that part of people aren't playing them.
So my point is, not making ANY maps or not making maps other than popular ones are not a solution.
Level 22
Feb 3, 2009
I don't know if this should be posted here, but has anyone else noticed that they don't even join dota any more on battle net except for Dota Div-Safelow games.

Back on topic, well without doubt it's a lot more fun to play with others than alone, the possibilities are a lot bigger too.

Deleted member 157129


Deleted member 157129

Just dropping in to mention that you might want to try visiting Northrend. Not a DotA in sight, to my great dismay. Also felt like twisting Gilles' post around, as far as I know, friends and clans (including leagues) are the only ones who play DotA. Pick a random player in any channel not related to a DotA league or clan, and you'll see he's not interested in DotA.

Why make multiplayer maps? Well, for one, I bet it's fun and challenging? Sufficient if you ask me. It's as good as any choice. Personally, I never made a map aiming for it to be the next hype, but merely to have fun making it. A lot like why I paint.

Deleted member 177737


Deleted member 177737

Why make multiplayer maps? Well, for one, I bet it's fun and challenging? Sufficient if you ask me. It's as good as any choice. Personally, I never made a map aiming for it to be the next hype, but merely to have fun making it. A lot like why I paint.

I realize that its fun and challenging but now that the amount of players still actively using the Wc3 Battlnet is declining at a steady rate (This is all only IMO) I personally think people should begin making more high quality/well-made singleplayer maps/campaigns, so when the Battlenet using portion of Wc3 players "dies" (Dies meaning under 1000 people using in this case) people can still come to the hive and find...

*I lost my train of thought while typing, I'll try to finish this post in a bit.

Deleted member 157129


Deleted member 157129

I personally believe the amount of people playing single-player maps will reach bottom before the multi-player group. But it's just assumptions either way. What happens, happens. People should make what they feel like making anyway.
Another reason why I make multiplayer maps is that atleast some thew groups of poeple can experience what I have created and enjoy it to whatever extent they want and also experience a map that is very unlikely to be hosted /seen in a open gaming site therefore them knowing that not the only good maps are populure.
Just me thinking as I have seen a thew replayes of one of my maps while google searching out of boredom :p.
Level 15
Jan 12, 2011
I make a map called Through Snow and Ice and it is an altered melee single-player map. I never hosted that on Bnet. Maybe some users get bored because the computer!melee AI does always the same. Well, i prefer playing on single-player modes because some enemise are much more faster that the melee AI and i hate the bm rush and the wind walk. And mele AI doesn't contains noob allies, i got enough of them forever.
But one thing: in multiplayer maps you can give gold and wood to your allies and help them out.
Another reason is that they find it much more entertaining to fight online. E.g. Azeroth Wars is much more exciting if they play it onlkine becuase everone ins active on it.
Another reason that i do not like multiplayer maps that you cannot pause them. Although you have 3 chances to pause it another player can immediately resume the game. :DD
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