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White's Archangel Balance

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Level 9
Sep 8, 2004
I'm afraid this unit needs a little bit of tuning as well. I was playing red, totally dominating the game, when all of a sudden, white created the Archangel. From that point on, it went downhill. I couldn't get through white's base defense spell, and I couldn't kill the Archangel. (using 6x the 4k mana Red dragon + legendary unit + a load of forces + spells) Why? It kept kiting my units and healing. No matter what I did, I couldn't stop it from healing itself all the damn time, and couldn't "nuke" it because of the 20k hp. It was a game-turner. The base defense spell was strong too, but not the problem.

Although I don't mind the legendaries having a great impact on the game, both me and the other players agreed that the archangel might be a bit blown out of proportion. (Nice model though!) Even white himself.

The suggestion:
Either reduce health drastically, reduce heal drastically, or reduce both a bit.

Played again to be sure. I was white and won the game easily.
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Level 5
Jan 13, 2008
I think whites a lil over balanced even without the angel. I usaly win the game with the angel and Max Paladins. The AOE heal and Divine shield is a bit imbalanced. As white I can keep the Paladins alive the whole game and not loose 1.
Level 9
Sep 8, 2004
Keep in mind that it's really hard to balance a game like this out, have to take it one step at a time. Let's not "nerf" white to oblivion right away. First reduce HP on the legendary and then see how it affects the gameplay. If white is still too strong then, GreyArchon can always change it later.

GreyArchon, I'll keep the feedback coming as I play more games. As for now, Just played a game with black, which seems fairly balanced. I loved the necromancer spam (skeletons gallore!)
Level 5
Jan 13, 2008
I think whites heros healing spell should be removed. Why? Because its the only spell that can heal a lengendary in 1 shot. Even with a long CD, his hero is impossible to kill. Combined with Pallies hes uber rigged.
Level 9
Sep 8, 2004
I think whites heros healing spell should be removed. Why? Because its the only spell that can heal a lengendary in 1 shot. Even with a long CD, his hero is impossible to kill. Combined with Pallies hes uber rigged.

No, no. It needs not be removed. In my opinion, less heal and less cooldown is better. Why? It'll take more intelligence and skill to know when to use it, keep track of the cooldown etc. I'd say make it 1min cooldown with... 6% heal. The overall effectiveness of the spell will be reduced respectively from 36 to 30%. It'll be harder to use, too, which would make it better - from my view.
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