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Which map making program should I use now?

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Level 13
Jan 2, 2016
It's been a long while since I last worked on WC3 maps, but with Reforged coming, I thought I should refresh my worldmaking knowledge.
However, JNGP no longer works. I tried using the original World Editor, but I can't continue developing my old map, and starting from 0 would be annoying. And I have also forgotten a lot of the functions, so an Editor that suggests functions (when I start typing out part of them) to me would be nice.
Also, recent patches added new functions, and I can't seem to find a well structured list of all the new functions. I've seen a thread on this forum that had something like that, but it wasn't well structured and I couldn't tell which has already been implemented and which was just demanded by the community (so it wasn't useful for my purposes).
If a well structured list of all the new functions that have been added to the editor exist, please share a link. Having short descriptions of what the function does, and how/when to use it will be a good addition.
I've seen some people being hyped about the bit support, but I have no idea what this is, or how to use it.
Level 41
Feb 27, 2007
There is an updated JNGP: JNGP Lua Edition - Combining JASS/vJass/Lua

You can write code in Notepad++ with a vJASS plugin to make it autocomplete and syntax highlight. It’s here on the forum somewhere just search for it. There’s also this: A new TESH Syntax Highlighter for Warcraft 3

IcemanBo links to a current common.j in his signature which I find helpful for the new functions. They all start with Blz so you can search for that here: common.j -- patch 1.31.1 | HIVE

As far as “bit support” they probably mean 64-bit versions of the .exes which now exist alongside the 32-bit ones we’ve had. You could also mean bitwise and/or/xor which now exist as Blz functions and I think some single char operators (&& for one).
Level 41
Feb 27, 2007
// Bit Operations
native BlzBitOr                                    takes integer x, integer y returns integer
native BlzBitAnd                                   takes integer x, integer y returns integer
native BlzBitXor                                   takes integer x, integer y returns integer

call BlizBitOr(1,0) //returns 1
call BlizBitXor(7,1) //returns 110 in binary or 6
call BlizBitAnd(12,16) //returns 11100 in binary or 28
They are bitwise and/or/xor functions. They compute the result of the operation taking the same bit from each source number, then combine them all and produce an output.

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