When would you like to visit?

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Level 24
Jul 9, 2009
In WarCraft there are several great moments in time we've never been able to see. Past Draenor was one of those but where and when would you like to travel? Maybe you'd like to see the Twin Empires in all their glory or walk in the gardens of Zin-Azshari or see Quel'Thalas before Arthas payed a visit.

Me personally I would like to see prehistoric Azeroth as I love the dragons and the Old Gods. Going back to prehistoric Azeroth would give us a great chance to learn about both the Old Gods and the proto-drakes and for those interested also the arrival of the titans. I would love to see an expansion starting of with us fighting the Old Gods and ending with Galakrond as the end boss. Galakrond was painted to be such a indescribable villain whom not even Tyr stood a chance against. It would in my opinion be glorious to fight alongside the Aspects as Malygos led a movement that would save our entire planet. And the boss fights would be spectacular the Old Gods have always been popular bosses. Additionaly imagine having the end fight inside the throat of Galakrond helping Neltharion and Malygos to fend of undead proto-drakes. Maybe it's just me but I really want to see prehistoric Azeroth.
Level 3
Sep 20, 2014
Can't deside betwean this moments:

Fall of Argus. Short period, but I would really love to see Argus before Sargeras and Eradar before becoming Man'ri/Draenai. Also would love to see Sargeras offering Eradar vision and chaos that followed.

Before War of the Ancients. I love Elves. This is probably the most important part of history. I would love to see that devide betwean filty nobels and people as well as abusing of the Well of Enternety. Would be nice to see Night Elven cities of that time and position of pristhood of Elune and druids in society.

Lotheron from the end of 2nd war to the begging of WoW. I would love to see this as person as well. Not to mention that during that time, one of the most important people shaped themselves and the world. I would love to experiance fall of the Dragonmaw, rise of the Scourge, fall of Quel'thalas and exodus of the Horde.

All those moments I would love to see in Carevens of Time not in new expansion like WoD (which in my opinion is one big mistake).
Level 24
Jul 9, 2009
I'd definitely like to visit Lordaeron during the Troll Wars, to see those 100 human mages trained by the Quel'dorei.

Basically the genesis of Arathor and the high elves in all their glory.
Would be interesting to see the splintering of Arathor afterwards, the tensions between the different castes/social classes of that empire.

Sadly that's a little to early to see Aegwynn but yes we could see more of the trolls, high elves and humans it would be fun. It would be interesting to see the shaping of the human kingdoms. If you played as a troll though you would have to be given a human model which is a bit sad. Maybe they could also add in Windrunner spire and let us see some of that history.
Level 9
Jul 29, 2014
I would want to see what the Night Elves are up to at the time of the First or Second War. I would also want to see Argus before its destruction and Draenor like 100 or more years ago. And maybe even the city what is now known as Tomb of Sargeras.

Deleted member 238589


Deleted member 238589

I would be cool if we could get a chance to see Sargeras doing his thing before turning to the dark side (Where-ever he was back then).
I would be cool if we could get a chance to see Sargeras doing his thing before turning to the dark side (Where-ever he was back then).

That must've been before his encounter with the Nathrezim.

Seeing the Vanir titan at that time would surely be great but still I think that he always had a dark side within him.
After fighting and imprisoning countless demons and whatnot it must've taken a toll on his sanity even before the corruption from the Nathrezim.

Deleted member 238589


Deleted member 238589

Yes. I've also heard there was some kind of human kingdom in Northrend. I would be cool to see them, too.
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