In WarCraft there are several great moments in time we've never been able to see. Past Draenor was one of those but where and when would you like to travel? Maybe you'd like to see the Twin Empires in all their glory or walk in the gardens of Zin-Azshari or see Quel'Thalas before Arthas payed a visit.
Me personally I would like to see prehistoric Azeroth as I love the dragons and the Old Gods. Going back to prehistoric Azeroth would give us a great chance to learn about both the Old Gods and the proto-drakes and for those interested also the arrival of the titans. I would love to see an expansion starting of with us fighting the Old Gods and ending with Galakrond as the end boss. Galakrond was painted to be such a indescribable villain whom not even Tyr stood a chance against. It would in my opinion be glorious to fight alongside the Aspects as Malygos led a movement that would save our entire planet. And the boss fights would be spectacular the Old Gods have always been popular bosses. Additionaly imagine having the end fight inside the throat of Galakrond helping Neltharion and Malygos to fend of undead proto-drakes. Maybe it's just me but I really want to see prehistoric Azeroth.
Me personally I would like to see prehistoric Azeroth as I love the dragons and the Old Gods. Going back to prehistoric Azeroth would give us a great chance to learn about both the Old Gods and the proto-drakes and for those interested also the arrival of the titans. I would love to see an expansion starting of with us fighting the Old Gods and ending with Galakrond as the end boss. Galakrond was painted to be such a indescribable villain whom not even Tyr stood a chance against. It would in my opinion be glorious to fight alongside the Aspects as Malygos led a movement that would save our entire planet. And the boss fights would be spectacular the Old Gods have always been popular bosses. Additionaly imagine having the end fight inside the throat of Galakrond helping Neltharion and Malygos to fend of undead proto-drakes. Maybe it's just me but I really want to see prehistoric Azeroth.