When Will Warcraft 3 Modding Die?

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We have a strong and large community here at the Hive. But the Hive is pretty much the only Warcraft 3 site left with any community. If you ask me, it's quite amazing that the modding community for such an old game has lasted so long. But, the truth is, Warcraft 3 modding will eventually die. Sorry if I sound negative, but so many talented modders have left us in the last years, and it's got me down. Anyone got a guess on how much longer we'll last? I just want to know that I'll have a community to release my full project to when I release it this summer.
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Level 14
Jan 2, 2007
Currently I think Warcraft modding will continue to be a thing, mostly because it's one of the easier games to mod for. It is a stepping stone into modding for many people. Not to mention that Warcraft 3 is still a played game, on Bnet or Garena or where ever, people still enjoy this game and it's maps besides than just DotA.

I think Warcraft 3 will be like Heroes of Might and Magic 3... many many years pass, OS platforms do not support Warcraft 3, the game will install really problematic on these platforms... yet still... some guy will make a third party application which solves the problem of installing Wc3 and fixes the game for the resolutions used at that time.

A couple of days ago I watched a 3h long Azeroth Wars Strategy match, just for the nostalgia. Some maps man... just some maps... so so good!


Tutorial Reviewer
Level 40
Jun 9, 2011
I think the modding will die, but I don't think it is within a short period of time.

in 5 years maybe, hard to say.

The reason is, warcraft 3 is a well made game made compared to other games made at that release date. But sooner or later there will come another game that is easy to mod and most likely will be better than warcraft 3 engine.

we all know GUI is bad, JASS is also slow compared to newer stuff.
Level 16
Mar 27, 2011
Well I've read over and over again that new games will come in, WC3 will eventually not be supported. GUI is bad and Jass is slower compared to newer game and that a better modding game will eventually come out.

Yeah, yeah. The next best modding game will have to be Warcraft 4. Its been way too long since I played the WC3 campaign, so I've forgotten how the story will continue. But if WC4 game out, it would probebly replace WC3 modding. I don't like moving onto new games, but if WC4 was a sequal, the art direction, interface and units shouldn't be too different and difficult for me to accept.

To be honest, if every1 moved onto a different modding game that wasn't WC4, I'd probebly call my modding days over. I'm really not good at getting into new games. And my god I hated using the Starcaft 2 editor. Couldn't learn it at all! The only non blizzard games I've played are Red Alert (the really old one), and League of Legends. My god if every friend of mine wasn't playing LoL, theres no way I'd have the motivation to learn the game. Lets hope WC4 is the successor to WC3, any1 agree?
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