Warcraft 3 - UNFORGED?

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Level 28
Mar 25, 2008
Welcome people,
to an era where the wc3 community is divided due to WC3 Reforged.
People cannot play old wc3 anymore, they're forced to update to Reforged.
Modders are going mad about their new EULAs and refrain from modding any further.

That is why I kept looking a bit and found a growing community called Warcraft 3 Unforged.

Not going into details how it actually works - due to hive's ruleset - I'm just throwing a discord for you people and maybe we'll see each other there.

Join the WARCRAFT3 UNFORGED Discord Server!

I personally am overjoyed to have found other people preserving classic wc3 and will resume modding my map(s) from there- what about you?
If this thread violates any rules, just delete it and infract me with a point.
I don't give a damn if you stick to reforged (a game that is terrible in ALL aspects).
This is NOT an advertising but an alternative.

Have a great day o/

Update: We now have our own Battle.Net Server
It can do custom maps, ladder, everything.
Versions do not matter - but we love 1.27b
The server is split into different versionings so people can host anything given their versions match.
Hosting a game requires portforwarding until the server is able to host games (which will happpen soon)
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Level 7
Jul 21, 2019
1.27 series has various memory corruption bugs and shuoldnt be used as anything stable
1.26 only

By a chance do you have a download link for that patch? (i have physical v 1.07 CDs and i want to downgrade)

i've been told a lot it's the best for the editor, which i use a lot :D

Nevermind, found it, thanks for the recommendation though
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Level 2
Feb 10, 2020
What version are you guys using for your projects? i'm using 1.27b

Hello, Archiver from Unforged here!
The only Versions we currently have available are 1.31.1 (Which i archived mainly to use for Singleplayer due to the Widescreen and 144Hz Enhancements).
But the most widely available Version and most used we currently have is 1.27b (In multiple languages too.)
Level 7
Jul 21, 2019
I downgraded to 1.26 so i can finish my project without any bugs, but i still have the 27b patch so i can update anytime and join your server when the time comes!

PD: i'm still waiting for my refund, currently using a cracked version, do i need the original cd key in order to play on this server? (i plan to buy the key because i dont support piracy, but i dont have it yet)
Level 28
Mar 25, 2008
As for versioning, we included 1.26 and 1.27b in the chat channels so people can settle on that respective version and play from there.
There is also an exotic channel for those who have older versions.
The server supports all versions up to 1.28.5 as of now.
So basically, as long as everyone in the game has the same version, they're good.
Due to hive's policy, I cannot comment on whether it rejects or allows pirated versions, but you can figure that out yourself.
I also cannot disclose whether the community actually supports pure gaming enjoyment or sticks to legalties.
Just calculate Squiggy + WC3 = Profit.
Level 2
Feb 10, 2020
Archiver from Unforged here again:
We now host Downgraders that get you onto 1.26 so we should be getting a playerbase for that soon
Level 28
Mar 25, 2008
Our server has been updated to v1.99 for stability and versatility reasons.
Since we use a different way of storing accounts now, all previously created accounts have been purged and thus people need to reregister.
The next steps are going to be a hostbot (but I'm getting the creeps from it), custom icons and minor to major cosmetic upgrades.
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Level 5
Mar 2, 2014
Can confirm that the Server is up and running. Just make sure you get the right version and don't try to access it with a version-number above 1.28.5 .
Level 7
May 30, 2013
Yet another pvpgn server isn't what we need - there's already numerous of them out there.
What we do need however, is a coordinated effort to unite those communities including but not limited to,
- setting up hostbot (chains)
- setting up a service à la makemehost
- kludging a ghost that ensures full sync between 1.26 and 1.28 and everything inbetween (shouldn't be that hard to have it patch the few stuff that don't sync identically across versions on runtime), or convince everyone to run the same version
Level 5
Mar 2, 2014
Yet another pvpgn server isn't what we need - there's already numerous of them out there.
What we do need however, is a coordinated effort to unite those communities including but not limited to,
- setting up hostbot (chains)
- setting up a service à la makemehost
- kludging a ghost that ensures full sync between 1.26 and 1.28 and everything inbetween (shouldn't be that hard to have it patch the few stuff that don't sync identically across versions on runtime), or convince everyone to run the same version

Hostbot is about to get finished, or so the guy working on it says, but it can be relied on.

Making version compatible is somehow there, with a custom made regedit file that routes the game to the server, but the Unforged community takes a general effort at uniting it's people under 1.27b as well. Easily accessible with a custom excecutable that instantly starts up your game with the private server being accessible.
The caviat here is that even with the modulary implementable regedit file, it is assumed to be impossible to share server between below 1.28.5 (including itself) and obove 1.28.5. In fact, because on introduced encryption at any release after 1.28.5 it appears to be impossible to run any kind of private server on them.

We'll see, I think what you're asking for is in line with the Unforged peeps own Vision.
Level 7
May 30, 2013
You don't get me.

What I am saying is that, right fucking now you're fucking wasting your time, as this is a wasted duplicate effort.
Setting up yet another pvpgn server is useless - you could've just used one of the existing ones.

Setting up hostbots and convincing people to play 1.26-1.28 should've been the first priority, not this.

Oh and, uniting the playerbase obviously, not further sharding it.
Level 5
Mar 2, 2014
You don't get me.

What I am saying is that, right fucking now you're fucking wasting your time, as this is a wasted duplicate effort.
Setting up yet another pvpgn server is useless - you could've just used one of the existing ones.

Setting up hostbots and convincing people to play 1.26-1.28 should've been the first priority, not this.

Well, assuming that I now get what you're saying, calling it a wasted effort would be overstating it, even if you're right about the priorities not being in place. If everything is set-up in advance, convincing people afterwards to play 126-128 and join the servers is easier to do as well. People usually refrain from joining up over promises of a functioning alternative to Blizzards Servers.

But as I said, I think what you are asking for is the Vision of those people running Unforged as well, they speak of uniting the WC3 community as well, with some daily inviting people and trying to make people aware of their efforts. Not to be rude, but while I understand your perception of this being "just yet another one of those servers", you oughta givem' a chance on their own merits.

And I genuinly don't get you on "Setting up hostbots and convincing people to play 1.26-1.28 should've been the first priority, not this." - because what I tried to tell you was that these are, in fact, Unforged priorities.
Level 7
May 30, 2013

My point is that whether theres 1, 5 or 200 pvpgn servers out there is quite irrelevant - what matters, is uniting them (have hostbot chains that connects to all of them, amongst others). The War3 community's already fairly sharded - we don't need to shard it any further.

The thing is, legacy War3 will outlive us in any case - but the surrounding community will slowly wither unless we make a coordinated effort to unite it as united we shall stand, divided we shall fall.
Level 5
Mar 2, 2014
I'm quite confused about your apperant believe, that somehow the people making private servers etc. owe something to some- or everyone to the point of needing to march into some kind of War of Survival.

As long as there are people interested and willing to play WC3, the community cannot die, because those people are the community. Whatever path that community takes is to be assumed the best path to retain what is most important here. Fun and creative expression. Not some Illusion of a shared Unity.

Communities like this always start out small, replicating what others already attempted, and then go from there to become greater, if they so desire. Best example I could think of right now is Age of Empires 2, their shared Server called "voobly" and their main Streamers. But I will not value the WC3 community of Multi- and Single-players as well as their modders any less, if they choose to be a "sharded" community, where all play Warcraft 3 in their own seperate groups. It would be like saying that setting up a football field in this here town is pointless, because I'd believe that we must have a grand united force of football players, before we are allowed to just go and enjoy some football.

Judging from the Path that AoE2 took, I assume that it doesn't matter at which point a WC3 version of "voobly" appears, if it is (somewhat) convenient to use and just works, those "sharded communites" that you speak off will gravitate towards it over time.
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Level 7
May 30, 2013
You're just parroting what I said, basically.

My point is, that unless we have a strong (read: sizeable) community in place, it will slowly wither in both the sense that it will bleed more players than it'll attract, and that short of the most popular games other public ones will die.

As I have said, War3 will survive us in any case - there's already plenty of pvpgn servers out there, and then there's stuff like Gameranger and w/e.
The problem now, is that these communities are all sharded - and suffer from the issues I just described.

Imagine a 12-player map. Now imagine, that maybe 1% of the playerbase is interested in playing it, at any given time. If we had 5 split communities with 200 players each, you'll never be able to play it.
However, if we manage to convince those communities to unite, you'd be to get enough players for it to fire consistently.

And rather than having players connect to different communities for different maps, I'd suggest that we try as much as we can to interlink those ie, pool the playerbase so that everyone may benefit from it.
Level 5
Mar 2, 2014
I think we both don't actually have an argument here, safe for my believe that you overly dramatize the effects on an community that doesn't connect to a single place. I'd be willing to bet that even if only in the year 2050 someone would setup a proper shared Server for everyone, there'd still be people around who then will regrow into a bigger community. You may not be willing to wait that long, I however don't care if things stay the same, so that's our conflict which boils down to personal preference.

Of course I am in favor of people who want to have giant WC3 free-for-alls being able to just spontaniously throw up their WC3 and connect to a shared server to immediatly find a game. And I still think that that's what Unforged is working on, as far as I can tell from visiting them.

Obviously though, as long as that damn hostbot is not finished, it'll be difficult to get casuals (aka. People who also play other stuff), which make up the meat of getting huger games running, to join private servers at all.
Level 7
May 30, 2013
My point is that instead of wasting yours all breath on pointless duplicate efforts (like setting up yet another pvpgn server) it would be smarter to instead do something more worthwhile - uniting the legacy war3 community (improve on hostbots, setup hostbots, talk to/negotiate with pvpgn servers, gameranger, et cetera).

I rest my case.
Level 7
Jul 21, 2019
Heey, i don't understand half of what you are talking about, but did i just read that it's possible for players with clients 1.26-1.28 to play with each other??
or is that what are you trying to accomplish? i'm not native english speaker nor i'm very knowledgeable about computer slang so please correct me if i'm wrong (probably i am), sorry for interrupting your battle guys xd
Level 2
Feb 10, 2020
All i want to do in this effort is keep Warcraft 3 Classic alive, no matter what it takes, even if we are all divided at this moment in time i am sure we will all come together at one point.
I want to be a part of that moment.
Level 7
May 30, 2013
As long as we live, so shall 1.21/1.26-1.28.
Of that, you need not to worry. However, unless we attempt to unite what is left of legacy war3 it shall forever linger in twilight, myriadly sharded.
I do believe that now is probably the best time to attempt this as the odds of succeeding has never been higher.

As for Gonguerf: It's possible to sync certain, different patches ie, these can play together (for the most part, there are certain things that will desync, but they may be fixable). Of note are everything from 1.26 up to 1.28.5 - these batch of patches can all sync.
Level 5
Mar 2, 2014
@Gonguerf Hey there, in a nutshell, yes 1.26-1.28 can play together, right now as many other places it is done on an PvPGN Server, what we're trying to accomplish is getting a universal hostbot working, which is estimated to be finished in about 2 weeks, hopefully. At that time then People will be able to meet up and play, while hostbot does some minor sync-related stuff but also replaces the host of a match, which leads to the game being able to always continue, as the host will never leave.

I also however want to inform you, that anything beyond 1.28.5 is considered impossible to include into the syncing as of now, due to introduced encryption in later releases. However, an important additions from 1.29 (in my opinion), being wide-screen-support can be replaced by a mod (which is the case in 1.27b), and playerlimits, which have been expanded in 1.29 can technically be modded as well. But Unforged obviously wants to keep everything as convenient and simple as possible, which is why you will find ready-to-play packages and the like on their Discord Server.
Level 2
Feb 10, 2020
unless we attempt to unite what is left of legacy war3 it shall forever linger in twilight, myriadly sharded.
I do believe that now is probably the best time to attempt this as the odds of succeeding has never been higher.
I fully follow that opinion. But who would be bold enough to unite the Clans?
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Level 7
May 30, 2013
Might as well be me, for the lack of alternatives.
I do have other, arguably more fulfilling projects to take care of, tho so there's that
Level 7
Jul 21, 2019
@Gonguerf Hey there, in a nutshell, yes 1.26-1.28 can play together, right now as many other places it is done on an PvPGN Server, what we're trying to accomplish is getting a universal hostbot working, which is estimated to be finished in about 2 weeks, hopefully. At that time then People will be able to meet up and play, while hostbot does some minor sync-related stuff but also replaces the host of a match, which leads to the game being able to always continue, as the host will never leave.

I also however want to inform you, that anything beyond 1.28.5 is considered impossible to include into the syncing as of now, due to introduced encryption in later releases. However, an important additions from 1.29 (in my opinion), being wide-screen-support can be replaced by a mod (which is the case in 1.27b), and playerlimits, which have been expanded in 1.29 can technically be modded as well. But Unforged obviously wants to keep everything as convenient and simple as possible, which is why you will find ready-to-play packages and the like on their Discord Server.

That's cool, i'll really give this a shot when i finish my map, i've lost all faith in playing the game throught the official bnet, my computer can't handle reforged and i don't plan to upgrade anytime soon, i'm also from a third world country, living on a rural area where my only source of internet is throught my cellphone's hotspot function, got 20gb/month to use 4g, if u use more than that the speed drops to unuseable levels (can't even open gmail xd), another reason to avoid the 30gb "upgrade"
Level 4
May 26, 2011
We warcraft 3 players are divided enough. Please stay on Battlenet. We can't afford to lose more players.
Truth be told, Reforged is not what we wanted but it's still superior in many aspects to 1.26 (ex : widescreen support, 24p, new graphics, battlenet integration...).
Level 5
Mar 2, 2014
That's cool, i'll really give this a shot when i finish my map, i've lost all faith in playing the game throught the official bnet, my computer can't handle reforged and i don't plan to upgrade anytime soon, i'm also from a third world country, living on a rural area where my only source of internet is throught my cellphone's hotspot function, got 20gb/month to use 4g, if u use more than that the speed drops to unuseable levels (can't even open gmail xd), another reason to avoid the 30gb "upgrade"

Sad to hear your Internet Providers over there are so limiting. As long as you'd not be hosting a game, just playin, though, your internet usage should diminish. The Problem that I see for you, generally speaking, is that when you have high Ping (in the 200 area) the best thing to do is to download the associated map (assuming you play custom multiplayer) which might not work so well with a 4 GB limit. Many maps are small though. 20-30 MB at most.

In either case, we'd be happy to see you join our discord. If you'd have any more questions, there are always folks around to answer them :)

Level 2
Feb 10, 2020
Truth be told, Reforged is not what we wanted but it's still superior in many aspects to 1.26 (ex : widescreen support, 24p, new graphics, battlenet integration...).

Did Blizzard pay you enough shekels to shill a downgrade this much and then say it's superior to 1.26?
Level 5
Mar 2, 2014
Did Blizzard pay you enough shekels to shill a downgrade this much and then say it's superior to 1.26?

I'd rather assume that this is less of a shill, and instead something someone written who only rather recently joined the warcraft III.

Either way, the described widescreen support, and 24p go back to update 1.29, new graphics.... ah well, I'll keep my personal opinion on that to myself, and "battlenet integration" I'm not sure what you could mean, Battlenet was always part of WC3. And, in fact, battlenet is being emulated. So.... yeah. Please clarify, if you may.
Level 7
Jul 21, 2019
...might not work so well with a 4 GB limit. Many maps are small though

Hey there, thanks for the information, but i meant i have 20 gigabytes to spend a month, by 4g i meant the broadband my phone uses (sharing wifi with my phone is the only way to have internet where i live), if i use more than my 20 gigabyte cap then i can still use internet, but it drops to 2g and it's so slow it's like having no connection at all lol

We warcraft 3 players are divided enough. Please stay on Battlenet. We can't afford to lose more players.
Truth be told, Reforged is not what we wanted but it's still superior in many aspects to 1.26 (ex : widescreen support, 24p, new graphics, battlenet integration...).

I'd love to believe me, i am 100% willing to buy the original game again if either A) they allow me to buy and play the classic game (unlikely to happen) or B) i upgrade my computer so it can handle reforged (even more unlikely to happen)

and tbh the only thing i miss from the new patch is the 24 player limit and access to bnet, i use a square monitor because fuck widescreen, and i'm not part of the ultra 4k supah HD craze that is the norm for games now either, i like games looking goofy and unrealistic, if i want to witness realistic fantasy i go watch a movie, for me games are like porn films, i only care if it's good where its intended to be good (being entertaining), i'd rather play a plot-less, 2d videogame that is very entertaining, than a movie-esque, lifelike graphics game that feels more like an interactive movie than a game (most modern games i've had the chance to play fail to have a good enough plot to justify the endless cutscenes and interruptions, it's like they try to create a mix of game and movie but fail at both)

While i agree it's best to have most of the community playing on the same platform/server, it is up to blizzard to fix the issue now, not us, i used to play everyday, from my potato computer, i was a happy customer spending time on their game, but now i am unable to, and i'm sure there are a lot of people like me who can't play anymore because their computers are not good enough for the new version, they literally told customers to basically stop bitching and get a better computer on their forums LOL, i mean, who is going to buy a new computer just so they can play one game? not me at least :(, even if i had the money, i have motorcycle, a girlfriend, friends i like to hang out with, all these activities require money too and while i consider myself an avid gamer, it's near the bottom of my priority list
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Level 5
Mar 2, 2014
In the vein of goofy yet serious attempts of putting Unforged on the map, Zeronia and Bolty of Unforged posted this altered Scene from Wc3. Enjoy :)

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Level 25
Jul 26, 2008
Not sure why the leaders of all the non-bnet groups don't work together and avoid branching off into various communities. It comes across as more about ego when this happens, since there cannot be any good reason fracturing the non-bnet player base. Not that I am complaining, since I strongly support reforged/official bnet, and your approach only makes reverting to bnet more attractive for players who are still playing in private communities, since there are not enough players in each community.


This is the upcoming UI for Bnet, which implies cross realm will now be possible, which will like only further the decline of player-base in private communities since players will probably become congregated in bnet. Of course, this is just speculation.



Level 32
Mar 21, 2016
[...] Communities like this always start out small, replicating what others already attempted, and then go from there to become greater, if they so desire. Best example I could think of right now is Age of Empires 2, their shared Server called "voobly" and their main Streamers. But I will not value the WC3 community of Multi- and Single-players as well as their modders any less, if they choose to be a "sharded" community, where all play Warcraft 3 in their own seperate groups. [...]

Judging from the Path that AoE2 took, I assume that it doesn't matter at which point a WC3 version of "voobly" appears, if it is (somewhat) convenient to use and just works, those "sharded communites" that you speak off will gravitate towards it over time.
@Krolan: Voobly is not only about playing AoE2. Also, WC3 is already mentioned in their list of supported games (under the supported Strategy CD-ROM ones category).

[...] I assume that it doesn't matter at which point a WC3 version of "voobly" appears, if it is (somewhat) convenient to use and just works, those "sharded communites" that you speak off will gravitate towards it over time.
Maybe you mean a Voobly exclusive version of WC3, since they also host their own exclusive updated ones (currently available only for a handful of games afaik).
Level 5
Mar 2, 2014
Yeh, I must admit that I only recently realized that voobly is a universal platform of "simulated" ladder-games and server provider.

Recently checked on WC3 and it had exactly one active player. So I am wondering still, and even moreso, why a community-driven unification desire would not lead to people setting up a proper Forum around voobly-play.
Level 1
May 11, 2020
Why did you take down the Discord server out of nowhere without warning? Did you have some kind of dispute in your administration?! Put the links for the downloads up on here - let people archive it all if your server is too unstable to do so!!
Level 2
Feb 10, 2020
Why did you take down the Discord server out of nowhere without warning? Did you have some kind of dispute in your administration?! Put the links for the downloads up on here - let people archive it all if your server is too unstable to do so!!

I have left Unforged several months ago and I am no longer affiliated with them


Map Reviewer
Level 72
Jun 4, 2009
Why did you take down the Discord server out of nowhere without warning? Did you have some kind of dispute in your administration?! Put the links for the downloads up on here - let people archive it all if your server is too unstable to do so!!

Discord link is dead, what happened to this project

I heard it's because one admin decided to kick 1/3 of the members for no reason, and some admins drama. I have backups of some of the ones from the Discord although I am having trouble with my laptop at the moment. But here's an alternative.

Legacy Backups
Note: I do not host any of these files. I will not be responsible/accountable in any problems or troubles you encounter with these backup files.
Warcraft 3 Legacy Installer (1.21b - 1.27a)
[Need Help] Back to 1.29
Patch 1.30.4 Backup Game Files
Patch 1.31.1 Backup Files

From Battlenet (1.27)

I heard when you download Warcraft 3 using PTR installer it will download Reforged so I decided to not include PTR installer in the list.
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Level 5
Mar 2, 2014
Unforged has died completely a few weeks ago. A few months ago personal drama between the Discord Creator and the "Manager" errupted and lead to a lot of silly fighting. Didn't help that the guy who was to figure out the host-bot and was in charge of the PvPGN server vanished, and the server went down shortly after. Since, active Players have scattered, with the majority of (a rather small number of) actives having gone to a Radmin-focused WC3 cord run by me. Well, we still have people joining regulary, but as is Discord tradition, the number of offlines is always greater than the number of onlines.

If anyone's interested in checking it out: Join the Radmin for WC3 Discord Server! (permanent link)

We do still provide different version for different purposes, also bc. Radmin can be used for LAN-Games up to 1.31.1 (prolly even Reforged, but that's of no matter)
Level 5
Mar 2, 2014
True, but with Radmin noone needs to portforward and everything is surprisingly stable even on high Pings. It obviously lacks the already existing playerbase of Gameranger, as well as the Show-of-Lobby inside the Gameranger window, but we like it so far.
Level 2
May 24, 2020
Can't you guys just use eurobattle.net? It supports up to 1.28.5 and has been around for a long while, so the community there is already established.
Level 5
Mar 2, 2014
Can't you guys just use eurobattle.net? It supports up to 1.28.5 and has been around for a long while, so the community there is already established.

That option is not all that appealing to us, mainly bc we like to play Maps that are incompatible with 1.28.5 below (we like to play maps that are 1.31 or 1.30). So, if we'd be out for an established playerbase, it'd be Gameranger, but the experience of everybody being able to host a game is what keeps us to radmin. Also, it has a good and stable connection, barely any lag, worst we experience is a 0.3sec reaction delay on high pings (250-350ms), while the game remains to run smoothly.

Some of us actually play on Eurobattle too, as you can imagine, that no option is self-exclusive. Some of us don't like the general attitude on the eurobattle discord, so there's that barrier. And, if I'm being really honest, fact of the matter is, that of the ~400 people on eurobattle only about 20-25 actually *exist* as part of that community, as with most discord-bound WC3 solutions. We ourselves have above 100 members, but I wouldn't claim, that we have any more than 15 actually active players, who may actually join a game, despite up to ~40 being online each day.

Lately we've been also looking into running other games over Radmin, have tested Stronghold and Diablo2, and have been planning on having sessions over there. Interest in wc3 play has plummeted, which is not that big a deal for us. We usually still have our usual suspects playing some wc3 games every 1-3 days, and we're fine with that.
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