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Weird feeling when you beat a game... yes odd topic

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Level 11
Dec 15, 2007
I already know ppl are going to say i'm nuts, or like a super nerd. Which may be true, but only a super nerd divided by 2 possibly. But whenever I beat a final fantasy type game, or kingdom hearts game, I get this weird feeling of being stabbed in the heart and like my chest is being smothered by a fat person. Asked a friend and he said when he beats a final fantasy, he feels "bad" but he quickly changed the subject, and this is something I feel I need to talk about.
Level 5
Mar 3, 2007
I dont like the feeling of end or change for what i feel is worse , however i do not quite get that feeling , though i do feel good when im better at something then someone in life.~oh no its copy cat ken!
Level 11
Dec 15, 2007
Well I have beaten MANY MANY games. Like most normal people of today's generation. But final fantasies and kingdom hearts are the only ones that makes me feel this way. This Also happened after Lotr trilogy lol.
Level 34
Sep 6, 2006
I feel pretty good when I beat a hard long game. Easy games stick. After you feel like it was a waste. Just beat X-Man legends 2 again. It was easy. I felt no real victory.

I'm still trying to beat God of War 2 on hard mode. That's hard. I have given up for now. I feel frustrated with that game.
Level 21
Jan 5, 2005
i would need a computer to calculate all the games ive beaten....so its about 50. brad on the other hand needs only count his completed game on one hand....learn to play brad :p

when i beat final fantasy i love it and usually start again to get a 100% completetion....then after about 4 months of game time i then have to wait for the next game.
Level 45
Jun 3, 2005
from my opinion I think the cause of that sharp pain is a sudden out of whack dose of dopamine. A sudden decrease i thinks yes yes or possibly an unnatural ammount.

I usually get a sudden stop feeling, like a long journey has ended but ended into nothing and i take a deep breath and then sometimes i will feel sick if its a ff sorta game, with other games i just feel joy and accomplishment.

I get stab in the heart feelings every now and then, but i had a doctors check and i see fine, just a little underweight, i suggest you see a doctor if you get those pains not just from ff games or shit.
Level 13
Jun 21, 2007
I think most people will agree that one of the best feelings brought on by gaming is during FPS's online when you kill someone with an RPG or rocket. But oh no, not the splash damage. but when the rocket actually hits the mother square in the chest. Oh yes... good feeling...
Level 2
Jan 25, 2008
To be honest, beating a game is just...beating the game for me. Of course there were endings that makes me cry (just happened 2 times) but the key events during a game are the real shockers for me. For instance, when you hear that a companion turn sides, while the main hero's maiden is about to be sacrificed, and much later in the game, you hear that this traitor is actually the main hero's father.....THAT is the real thing I remember from a game. On the other side, the most memorable endings for me are the ones without a happy end :sad:.

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
When playing / completing final fantasy games, I also mentally feel wierd from mid game and beyond. This is probably because I do not get enough sleep and I think too much about what happens in the game and if it really happened (in a real life situation) and how I would cope in such a situation with such powers.

I think too much playing some games. . .

In the final fantasy series, most noticable sections / scenes that caused this were.

Final Fantasy 5 - The dragon dieing by jumping off the one tower to become phonix / Ex-death removing areas from the map
Final Fantasy 6 - Kefka killing those funny summon things / Viewing the devistation he did / Him destroying the planet.
Final Fantasy 7 - The entire world dieing scenes and talk / what sepheroth wanted to do (the meteor).
Final Fantasy 9 - The funny tree inhabited with the rat like beings being vaporised by odin (although the rat things did annoy me).

Overall the entire series is quite emotional so at the end you are often happy to see it turned out right and thus the sudden emotional burst.

With other games like the sonic games or even most legend of zelda (A link to the past also did it with me but weaker than what the final fantasies did) games I do not get this.

I think this is caused like I mentioned earlier by thinking too much about what is happening in the game with not enough sleep and getting very emotionally involved with the plotline. The only real cure is to eithor let your brain degenrate, or spend a lot of time thinking aobut what is happening.
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Level 11
Dec 15, 2007
When playing / completing final fantasy games, I also mentally feel wierd from mid game and beyond. This is probably because I do not get enough sleep and I think too much about what happens in the game and if it really happened (in a real life situation) and how I would cope in such a situation with such powers.

I think too much playing some games...

...Overall the entire series is quite emotional so at the end you are often happy to see it turned out right and thus the sudden emotional burst...

...I think this is caused like I mentioned earlier by thinking too much about what is happening in the game with not enough sleep and getting very emotionally involved with the plotline. The only real cure is to eithor let your brain degenrate, or spend a lot of time thinking aobut what is happening.

Yeah, i have to agree on alot of this, except the sleep thing. But I always try to put myself in their shoes and wonder how life would be like if I had their powers, or lived in a world like that.
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