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IMDB is full of individuals which I do not particularly agree with their opinions

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Level 27
Sep 24, 2006
Don't you feel like imdb is full of retards? people that talk about plot-holes and things that they found unclear or stupid...

are these just peopel watching anime, where a guy just says "hey i am going to use this move and this thing to beat you whaha *woosh*" or are they just devoid of any fantasy or understanding?

People who make the movie can offcourse choose to not show some things and show other stuff that they find more important. I like it when some things or subjects are left in the dark, if this were somekind of hardcore-gaming issue you could call these people being used to "spoon-feeding" or something like that.

Also i think that movies are meant to tell visual stories, if you are into storie on paper then go read a fucking book because not everything can be perfect the way you want it.

There is a thing like different opinions but... come on... some people are just really ignorant.



Level 26
Dec 10, 2008
Critique is good. How do you get better if you don't know what ya did wrong? These folks are just pointing out stuff they figured out that many would have ignored.

Also, maybe they wouldn't have anything to be picky about if Michael Bay and that dick that made avatar weren't heralded as making the greatest movies of all time. The modern film industry is a train wreck. In 3D.
Level 17
Nov 11, 2010
I don't remember this website being a blog for you to post about every little stupid thing that irritates you.

Level 27
Sep 24, 2006
Still i do it.

Critique is good. How do you get better if you don't know what ya did wrong? These folks are just pointing out stuff they figured out that many would have ignored.

Also, maybe they wouldn't have anything to be picky about if Michael Bay and that dick that made avatar weren't heralded as making the greatest movies of all time. The modern film industry is a train wreck. In 3D.

Yeah but sometimes they point out things that are just too annoying, like "all the vents were just big enough for the main charachter to crawl through!" ... how is that supposed to help? I guess we could just also make every movie damn realistic up to point where everyone will die within 30 minutes and only some nameless guy survives.

And yeah avatar was really nothing special, that's just a fact. And 3D? haha, it has already existed for such a long time but never reached the hype it did now all of a sudden.
Level 18
Mar 13, 2009
Yeah but sometimes they point out things that are just too annoying, like "all the vents were just big enough for the main charachter to crawl through!" ... how is that supposed to help? I guess we could just also make every movie damn realistic up to point where everyone will die within 30 minutes and only some nameless guy survives.

In my opinion it's a matter of believability. In some cases details like that will go unnoticed that pointing them out can be nitpicky while in other cases the flaw can be so obvious it gets distracting.

I do like to use imdb as a source for information and to see what films get enough positive reviews to consider watching them (since I don't want to spend all my money watching every film). The only thing that can get a bit annoying nowadays is that the site got so large it gets the attention of every fandom and hate bandwagon giving 10s and 1s (although as far as I know the imdb system filters out votes like that when given by new users), but in general I'd say most ratings fit the films.

A film like Avatar got a lot of hype at first because of masses calling it the best film they ever saw and a revolution in cinema. I went to the cinema expecting something that would blow my mind and due to my expectations I looked at the film with a much more critical eye than I would usually have. With the result that I couldn't really enjoy the film even though I personally think it is of above average quality (just not the revolution in cinema many people make it out to be). Now however the imdb board for that film is infested with randoms that can't give a more detailed review for that film than "Pocahontas in space", which I personally can't agree with either. Conclusion: don't go to a film expecting a masterpiece since the film will most likely fail to fulfill your expectations.

For 3D one reason it's used so much is against pirating, but I think it will be used much more in the future. Personally I don't have anything against 3D (although I have yet to get used to watching a 3D film with subtitles) as long as 3D isn't used for gimmicky effects like throwing stuff at the audience which in my opinion works pretty distracting and instead only used to enhance the immersive feeling of the film.

All this debating about visuals vs story. Does nobody care for the sound these days? :c
Level 22
Jan 10, 2005
Don't you feel like imdb is full of retards? people that talk about plot-holes and things that they found unclear or stupid...

I wouldn't call someone retarded just because he's wondering about a plot-hole (well, depending on the plot-hole :p).

are these just peopel watching anime, where a guy just says "hey i am going to use this move and this thing to beat you whaha *woosh*" or are they just devoid of any fantasy or understanding?

A bit generalizing, don't you think? Maybe you've been watching too much Pokemon.

There is a thing like different opinions but... come on... some people are just really ignorant.

Judging by this post, you seem to be pretty ignorant about some things as well though. :I

Also, maybe they wouldn't have anything to be picky about if Michael Bay and that dick that made avatar weren't heralded as making the greatest movies of all time. The modern film industry is a train wreck. In 3D.

And by modern film industry you mean Hollywood?
Level 22
Feb 4, 2005
I used IMDB to contact Asylum Studios to tell them to stop making fakes/parodies of original and good files such as Battle: LA, Thor, Tales of ancient empire because they are crap and they annoy people with their retarded low budget movies. Also when I saw one member of IMBD saying the latter movie title was the best ever seen, I was sure he/she wasn't trolling so I facepalmed. So I agree with OP
Level 22
Jan 10, 2005
Yeah sure everyone that calls other people ignorant is always ignorant himself.

What is the smiley supposed to be btw? =p

Kinda like this:

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
Sometimes it is a good laugh to spot the flaws and mistakes "professionals make".

Recently I have been watching the old series of batman with Adam West as the lead role. One of the lines batman said to robin was to turn the bat-beam to "12,000 decibels". Incase you do not realise, that generates a number of between 10^1200 to 10^600. The badly drawn beam (this is old lol) then cuts a neat hole in a wall. In reality anything with that much power (12,000 dB) would effect the entire universe. It is as bad as saying "that earthquake was 900 on the Richter scale", since that would probably mean destroying uncountable number of existences entirly.

Now I do realise the series is very old and that it was meant to be outrageous and science fictiony, but such a mistake is even a bit extreem for such a style. This shows the writers 50 years ago did not even bother reading what a decibel is.

Such mistakes are an example of pure lazyness in the production staff. They are however ammusing to think about and spot. One can understand such mistakes in a non serios artistic series like the old Batman with Adam West but they also happen in meant to be serious series.

A very well known one is CSI (Miami etc) where they use tools of implausability to solve everything. Infact their tools of implausability have inspired dozens of comidies.

American TV programs are also especially fond of computer interfaces of stupidity. You have them doing all kinds of blend effects displaying advanced graphics for total nonsense. Even in the most serious of series or movies it completly ruins the atmosphere.


Off-Topic Moderator
Level 39
Dec 27, 2006
As a personal rule of thumb, anything rated between 5-10 is potentially a good film. Anything rated lower that isn't either a parody or a link to my childhood is not my cup of tea.

I skip rope with this line though since I have a tendency of watching "crappy" films from a sheer comical perspective.
My personal favorite: "This movie is very unrealistic."
Well no shit guy. Movies are made to entertain in different ways.
That probably doesn't refer to the plot being fictional as much as it refers to particular elements being ridiculous from a logical standpoint. If Lois Lane were to perform an invasive medical procedure on a whim without any expertise, that would still be pretty damn banal regardless of the otherwise fictional nature of the plot.

Billy pointed out most of it really.
People who make the movie can offcourse choose to not show some things and show other stuff that they find more important. I like it when some things or subjects are left in the dark
"Leaving certain elements to interpretation" and "plot holes" are entirely different things.

I love surreal and obscure plots, but I want the impression that it actually was intentional and not a product of apathy, logical fallacies, inconsistencies in the storyline (plot holes) or a general lack of professionalism. It's only natural that I'm critical when I have the opportunity of being so.
Also i think that movies are meant to tell visual stories, if you are into storie on paper then go read a fucking book because not everything can be perfect the way you want it.
I never quite grasped why people get so butthurt from reviews that conflict with their own opinions. If you disagree with certain reviews, find a review more suited for you.

Interesting article: http://screenrant.com/movie-critic-reviews-debate-opinion-pauly-71457/
All this debating about visuals vs story. Does nobody care for the sound these days? :c
Requiem for a dream wouldn't have made such an impact on me if the soundtrack didn't so vividly emphasize it :3
Level 14
Jan 2, 2007
I just use IMDB to find out what movies have my favorite actors played in O.O

A movie is art... it's a subjective thing. You can't trust what some guy rants about a certain movie and go with his opinion. One of my favorite movies is actually not that popular, but for me it's one of the best movies ever made.
Level 11
May 10, 2008
I honestly just go to IMDB to see showings at my local theater and to see the actors and soundtracks of the film

but as for individual opinions and ratings hell no
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