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What is balance for you?

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Level 9
Jun 5, 2011
I am making this thread to see what you, members of the hive think about balance, what definition you give it and what opinions you can share referring to it.

I personally think that balance means the true equilibrium between all opposed forces which roam around the world:

-whether they are simple people, good and bad(as in some priests and fanatics, or police and thief, etc)
-whether they are darkness and light
-whether they are the horrible environment effects that destroy the land (like extreme bad weather, typhoon, storm, etc) and the amazing natural places formed in a divine beauty
-whether they are ugliness and beauty
-whether they are good luck and bad luck
-whether they are our souls, as an energetic power which flows to decide the path we take and sometimes choses something good, other times something bad

As you can see from my signature, i wish for myself and all those who are alike me... to let the balance be their guide in life (aka Æther).
Why? because keeping the balance within our lives means living for real... tasting from both the good things and bad things and gaining wisdom from both. If we only chose to walk on one path, either it's the good or the bad path, the balance is broken... and no thing can exist without it's opposed one. Therefore if the balance is broken then you will one day see that your path will be destroyed... one way or another...
Level 9
Jun 5, 2011
yes but is it balanced that some small kids die in Africa, when we can sit and complain about we don't get pizza and such? nope :/ life isn't balanced

Well... maybe life is not, because it's just one element... but the world itself it is, if you think a lot and see that.

WE, humans, have unfortunately destroyed balance with our "technology evolution" and great standards... losing from sight the true meanings of this world, and therefore the balance from life is broken, but i tell you that someday the balance shall revive, one way or another, even if it means the doom of the human race.
Level 16
Apr 18, 2011
lets see some great examples:

earth: hole earth itself isn't balanced, some places are there are tsunami and some places they barely knows how it looks like
life: life is never balanced, our faith is... we get born and die, thats the only thing we all shares together. Life is depending on how you got born and who you got born by? maybe there's a small kid in Africa right now thinking that if he got born by another person richer, he could have a much better life, every time i think of that, i always get a bad feeling, when we are sitting and getting pissed of our parents ( which i always am ) and telling them we want that! and we want that!, if we saved the money and sended a little amount we could help earth to become better.. however i am not sure many does that..
Level 9
Jun 5, 2011
Only as a question, do you do that? save money and send them to those kids in Africa? because if you don't then talking about this so much makes you an hypocrite...

Anyway, i will finish my conversation with you, because if we continue we would argue without sense, we have different opinions and we can both argument on them so we should stop now.
Level 9
Jun 5, 2011
Well than, good for you, i respect such thing and understand your idea, but... think it this way. Isn't it balanced for some people to be poor and other to be rich? i mean... if everyone would be rich... the balance would be, once again, broken... and i don't even want to think of the consequences...


Off-Topic Moderator
Level 39
Dec 27, 2006
When I was a kid, my kind and gentle mother used to sing me a lullaby that went a little something like this:

Definition of balance (equilibrium): A state of a system of particles in unaccelerated motion, in which the total force on each particle is permanently zero.
The vector sum of the forces and torques (about any axis) acting on the system should also equal zero.

- (corresponding melody)

Despite the lack of rhymes, it's still kind of catchy :D
Level 9
Jun 5, 2011
When I was a kid, my kind and gentle mother used to sing me a lullaby that went a little something like this:

Definition of balance (equilibrium): A state of a system of particles in unaccelerated motion, in which the total force on each particle is permanently zero.
The vector sum of the forces and torques (about any axis) acting on the system should also equal zero.

- (corresponding melody)

Despite the lack of rhymes, it's still kind of catchy :D

Quite interesting... :D and in one way it's true (this definition i mean).
Level 9
Jun 5, 2011
Unfortunately, GamerCreutz, yes, world is unbalanced at the moment, but the cause isn't the world itself or the balance, the cause is us, the humans. We are the ones that unbalance it because we think ourselves too smart to follow the rules of our mother nature which we were once living into (about thousands of years ago).
Level 16
Apr 18, 2011
Unfortunately, GamerCreutz, yes, world is unbalanced at the moment, but the cause isn't the world itself or the balance, the cause is us, the humans. We are the ones that unbalance it because we think ourselves too smart to follow the rules of our mother nature which we were once living into (about thousands of years ago).

when was the world balanced?
Level 9
Jun 5, 2011
Btw Ether + Nether cant give Æther -.-' its a danish letter, and can not be used international so its not possible..

No one says it has to be used international, it is a "nickname" i gave it because as far as i know that is what Æther represents in Warcraft, the magical energy of balance, while Ether is a energy of light and soul, and the Nether is the energy of darkness and void.

EDIT: i await more opinions :), please join the discussion members of the hive.
Level 22
Feb 4, 2005
Balanced means when nature has patched the Earth and fixed its imba. When it's not imba, it's balanced. Volcanoes are imba, earthquakes too, they do one-time-per-damage AOE. Death is imba, as it is eternal. People are imba. My conclusion is the world is: imba, there's no balance here.
Level 16
Apr 18, 2011
Balanced means when nature has patched the Earth and fixed its imba. When it's not imba, it's balanced. Volcanoes are imba, earthquakes too, they do one-time-per-damage AOE. Death is imba, as it is eternal. People are imba. My conclusion is the world is: imba, there's no balance here.

lol, well thats another way to say it p.p
Level 9
Jun 5, 2011
GamerCreutz, i just realized something interesting... our discussion here is a form of balance (and you cannot counterargument this) because we have two opposed opinions, therefore the balance is maintained and both sides exist, good and bad (in this case pro and con).
Level 9
Jun 5, 2011
a discussion cant be balanced p.p horrible example..

this is about who is right or not.. which cant be told, we can only show what we think?

I did not say the discussion is balanced, i said the discussion is balance. Because it is about who is right or not, but if you think about it (and please, do think about it) we are 2 persons which have a totally opposed perspective over something, which proves my point, that in this world balance appears, in this case by 2 entirely different thinkings.
Level 14
Jan 2, 2007
The only balanced thing I can think off is playing chess. I think it's probably the most balanced thing ever.

The Earth keeps it's balanced while moving around the sun... I guess would be true ?
Level 11
Jul 20, 2010
In my opinion,balance can be viewed from an infinity of perspectives...one example is the religion,there are good sides and bad sides of it,like Satan and God,still,like i said it is a matter of perspective so people would confuse the good side with the bad side,like for example orthodox people thinking god is good and satan is bad or satanists thinking satan is good and god is bad.What i am saying is that i don't want to bash any religion,but this good side and bad side,are only matter of perspectives,meaning that there is no true good side or bad side thus resulting the balance as there is no need for equilibrum because there is no true good side or bad side,it's just a matter of perspective.
Another thing like this would be the times of war,for example the second world war,as there were different perspectives about which side was truely bad or which side was truely good,germans with their idea and americans with their idea for example...so here came balance again,as neither one side or another we're good or bad,because the both sides choose the act of killing to win,so the only good thing in war,is that it allows us humans to advance technologically in a faster rate,which this thing,could also be viewed in different,good or bad perspectives.

So,what i want to aim here,and i hope i aimed it right :)) is that there is no true good or evil here,there is only the human perspectives,like we think that the lion is evil for hunting,killing and eating the gazelle,and the gazelle is good,cuz she is the victim,well the gazelle could be evil too,since she is killing and eating plants...and so,the lion could be viewed as a good sided character,for preventing gazelles to eat plants...

So anyway,i think i should have told this lion and gazelle thing at start,but what i want to say,is that there is no true good or evil,there is only balance,and we view this balance in 2 perspectives:good or evil
Level 9
Jun 5, 2011
In my opinion,balance can be viewed from an infinity of perspectives...one example is the religion,there are good sides and bad sides of it,like Satan and God,still,like i said it is a matter of perspective so people would confuse the good side with the bad side,like for example orthodox people thinking god is good and satan is bad or satanists thinking satan is good and god is bad.What i am saying is that i don't want to bash any religion,but this good side and bad side,are only matter of perspectives,meaning that there is no true good side or bad side thus resulting the balance as there is no need for equilibrum because there is no true good side or bad side,it's just a matter of perspective.
Another thing like this would be the times of war,for example the second world war,as there were different perspectives about which side was truely bad or which side was truely good,germans with their idea and americans with their idea for example...so here came balance again,as neither one side or another we're good or bad,because the both sides choose the act of killing to win,so the only good thing in war,is that it allows us humans to advance technologically in a faster rate,which this thing,could also be viewed in different,good or bad perspectives.

So,what i want to aim here,and i hope i aimed it right :)) is that there is no true good or evil here,there is only the human perspectives,like we think that the lion is evil for hunting,killing and eating the gazelle,and the gazelle is good,cuz she is the victim,well the gazelle could be evil too,since she is killing and eating plants...and so,the lion could be viewed as a good sided character,for preventing gazelles to eat plants...

So anyway,i think i should have told this lion and gazelle thing at start,but what i want to say,is that there is no true good or evil,there is only balance,and we view this balance in 2 perspectives:good or evil

I cannot talk about war and religion because as you said, the perspectives are limitless.
Still the example with the gazelle and the lion:

You are right, and this somehow is an example of balance, because the "food chain" is keeping things balanced. Plants are somehow a neutral point because they aren't just food for the gazelle, then the gazelle becomes a bad character because it eats the plants, but because of it's "evil" it becomes good and the victim of the lion whom kills it, further the lion becomes from evil to good as it uses the dead gazelle to feed it's family.

Maybe someone else might see it differently but i see that these happenings in nature are only examples of balance. Depends on the point of view tough.
Level 11
Jul 20, 2010
I cannot talk about war and religion because as you said, the perspectives are limitless.
Still the example with the gazelle and the lion:

You are right, and this somehow is an example of balance, because the "food chain" is keeping things balanced. Plants are somehow a neutral point because they aren't just food for the gazelle, then the gazelle becomes a bad character because it eats the plants, but because of it's "evil" it becomes good and the victim of the lion whom kills it, further the lion becomes from evil to good as it uses the dead gazelle to feed it's family.

Maybe someone else might see it differently but i see that these happenings in nature are only examples of balance. Depends on the point of view tough.

Here you are right,Nature is a good example how balance should be,as it will always find a way to redeem herself and restore the balance.Who knows,maybe if we ,humans will continue unbalancing things just to satisfy our greed,maybe we will get to pay a very big price someday....
Level 9
Jun 5, 2011
In the end... the truth is we are the only piece of this puzzle which unbalances the picture, as we were born in nature but are now destroying it by deforesting, pollution and others.

And i am sure that nature will keep the balance if we won't and will eliminate any threat to the balance of this world.
Level 14
Jan 2, 2007
First of all, I'd like to say that it seems to be a mistake to come on a forum for gamers and modders to talk about... balance.

For a gamer, balance means equal opportunities. In chess both players have equal opportunities to win the match. The pieces are exactly the same, the rules are the same, the 'terrain' is the same, only difference is color.

But than again, there is balance in the form of physical equilibrum, like how ppl can maintain their balance while walking on a rope.

Than there is like a 3rd type of balance, the balance in nature. Which actually it refers to harmony. EG "are there enough cats to eat mice, or will the mice be able to reproduce enough that the current amount of cats will not be able to take care of them and thus the mice will overpopulate the cats and rule the restaurant kitchen through sheer numbers".

I think the OP is reffering to harmony, while GamerCreutz is reffering to equal opportunities.
Level 11
Jul 20, 2010
Things that happy can be natural, depends on how youre seeing it :/ if all things keeps natural it keeps the earth balanced?

like, the tree grows and animals evolve, its a part of our nature, so its balanced? idk..

well the true balance here is,that plants grow,but left alone they will get overgrown so here comes the erbivores which would keep the balance,still if the erbivores would be in such a ,,good" situation they will reach huge numbers of population too,so here come the carnivores which will take care of this,but unfortunately there is nothing which would stop the carnivores from unbalancing stuff,as they will reach huge numbers too,so here nature's comes in with a famine...or scattering the carnivores and erbivores in different places on earth,so there won't be too many plants,too many erbivores,or too many carnivores in one places.
Level 9
Jun 5, 2011
First of all, I'd like to say that it seems to be a mistake to come on a forum for gamers and modders to talk about... balance.

For a gamer, balance means equal opportunities. In chess both players have equal opportunities to win the match. The pieces are exactly the same, the rules are the same, the 'terrain' is the same, only difference is color.\

But than again, there is balance in the form of physical equilibrum, like how ppl can maintain their balance while walking on a rope.

Than there is like a 3rd type of balance, the balance in nature. Which actually it refers to harmony. EG "are there enough cats to eat mice, or will the mice be able to reproduce enough that the current amount of cats will not be able to take care of them and thus the mice will overpopulate the cats and rule the restaurant kitchen through sheer numbers".

I think the OP is reffering to harmony, while GamerCreutz is reffering to equal opportunities.

One extreme point for Edhel! You are totally right, i am referring to harmony and nothing else, that is what i am asking opinions about.

As for the chess idea, that is just totally true.
Level 11
Jul 20, 2010
This is off topic, this belongs where it should be..

Also yes, i think we all are thinking on different things?

this is one more evidence that balance exists :grin: because if we all had the same opinion,or the same perspective...it would be natural that this won't be good...for example if we all had the same perspective about that technological advancement is good,we would have ruined this beloved planet long time ago :(
Level 9
Jun 5, 2011
harmony? why you made title name balance x3? anyways.. i dont think that harmony is to be found everywhere, there's always war, there's always peace. Depends on where you are! so basicly we are back to balance..

Because many see harmony as the idea of spiritual peace... while i was referring to it as the equilibrium in the world. Anyway... i must leave the PC for some time, i hope when i get back i might find some new opinions :).
Level 4
Jul 1, 2011
I think that the world wants to be balanced, but humans mess it up to the point where nothing is balanced.

as a wise man once said "Life's a bitch and then you die"
Level 9
Jun 5, 2011
I think that the world wants to be balanced, but humans mess it up to the point where nothing is balanced.

as a wise man once said "Life's a bitch and then you die"

True and false in the same time...

Yes, we. humans do mess up the balance of the world. But still there are portions of this planet which haven't even been seen by the human race (or at least not by the modern human race), reason for which those places may be balanced yet. Also think of everything around you...

An Example:

A: Do you have friends?
B: Yes.
A: Do you have a best friend?
B: Yes.
A: Do you ever argue with him/her?
B: Yes, sometimes.
A: Why? Is it because you don't agree on absolutely everything?
B: Yes, that's why. We sometimes have different opinions about different things.

Conclusion: The balance is maintained even trough these friendships because there are both good events and bad events that take place throughout the friendship, even with best friends.
Level 4
Jul 1, 2011
Yes there are areas of purity, but they can only be found when humanity is not an influence. Every aspect of our society pushes people toward mindless self-gratification, and strips them of any desire to live a balanced life, which has an impact on countless things.
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