No Weapon Models
I would like these models to be used for an orpg that I am working on.
Model Requests:
I need the below models to have no weapons on them, so that I can attach the weapons to them myself.
Footman with no shield or sword
bandit mage apprentice with no staff (The mage that's on foot)
human archer model with no bow
> Make these looks the same, just with different animations
human rogue model with no weapons
human druid model with no staff (druid of the talon)
A model of the incense thing (don't know the name) ,that the spirit walkers carries, all by itself
Ogre Footman no weapons shield
Ogre Mage no weapons
ogre archer and rogue (same model, different animations)
ogre druid
basically all these unit types but in a different racial form
Other races I want are dwarves, undead, and elves.
Take as much time on as you need on these, I don't expect it to be done instantly
Note: This is my first request, so sorry if it is vague.