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Weapon and effects discussion

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Level 16
Sep 3, 2004
General Discussion should be left for bugs and modes.

Delete this is I'm wrong.

So what I have suggested
-Control Room with light switch and gravity controls (Cameras by Dankiz)
-Spinfusor, Plasma pistol, and laser pistol armanents

New ideas-- Thermite Grenade- like a burning grenade, but will leave fire for a short moment, following that, there is a massive but undetectable release of heat which scorches and slows units in the heat.

If not already, smoke grenade-- I will try to recolor the cloud effect, and since the alt key is disabled, you can use it as cover

Last thing I can think of-- shields-- these are like force shields, and required a shield pack. However, you can only hold 1 of 3 packs-- health, shield, and power-- power lets you use the higher half of your skills, and the laser pistol. Health allows you to slowly regerate, and offers a small boost to health. Shield packs reduce your vulnerability to the carrion swarm bullets by offering you 30% magic resistance. If possible, you should also include night vision packs, in case someone get unlock the control room, preferrably by creating switches all over the space station your teammates must hit (like 3 switches, if all 3 activated the control room opens for 5 seconds, one switch near the doors for the last opener to go in, and a ventilation system for escape, which cannot be use to recover.

Dankiz, I think you should do a vent system. What you can do is create a vetnilation system outside the map, likw a 32x32 area. It is like a maze, but when you enter it, you camera bounds are set to the system. But the control-room system is seperate, and has two forks. What you have to do is just create a massive warping trigger with dummy units, so when one unit enters within 80 of a vent point, just pick all units around EVERY vent point and move them to a corresponding vent.
Level 5
Sep 27, 2004
Why on earth would dankiz make it? Hes my slave artist ^^

Smoke grenade was added yesterday, but it needs a grey recolor.

Termite Grenade - Yeah good idea, but maybe i can call it "Radiation Grenade" instead and make it slowly degenerate all nearby.

The shield thing sounds cool too!

Im leaving for the skiing vacation now, you other guys on the forums discuss this instead of me! :D
Level 2
Oct 4, 2004
Yeah, i could never even touch one of GaDDeNs maps (Ehm hem).

I only make the skins for the maps, don't edit 'em.

(Btw, the skin i made for this map is the first one i made.)
Level 5
Sep 27, 2004
Oh yeah just like dankiz said!

Maybe just something simple as a switch that changes control over the cameras placed on the map (the cameras could look just like the cinematic camera model placed in corners).
Level 16
Sep 3, 2004
And access to two turrets, both in key points. The turret has a delayed damage point, and a fairly slow missle (probably like 800 speed) so it's like an AvP minigun, so if they are already running they won't really be hit. Also, you should make the units have like 100 health (like a percentage)
Level 5
Sep 27, 2004
Very good idea about the gun... Maybe the teams should start with one of these turrets on their side, and then you can pack them up/down to move them (but moving a packed turret slowls your movement speed!)

You mean the Agents should have 100 health or?
Level 16
Sep 3, 2004
It's to simulate percentage points. What I mean about the turrets is that they can be controlled in the control room, but these are fixed and placed. What happens is if an enemy (friend or foe of person) comes by, the turrets are activated, charge up for a short moment, and then start spewing energy bolts. If you have ever played Metroid Prime, you know what I'm talking about
Level 16
Sep 3, 2004
All you have to do is give it a low backswing point and a damage point of about 1, which makes the turret fires a projectile about 1 second after it starts attacking, giving ample time for evasion. Just make sure the missle doesn't home :D

As for armor, what you could do, as I said, is use magic resistance because of waht you're using-- carrion swarm
Level 5
Sep 27, 2004
Tower sounds cool =) So i use a very low artillery splash then, correct?

Magic resistance is percentage based, and im trying to avoid things you cant easily calculate while fighting. I mean, if you see an enemy with 100 hp and your weapon deals 40 damage, i want you to be sure that you kill him in 3 hits. But if he had some weirdo 10% magic resistance, he wouldnt die.
Level 16
Sep 3, 2004
In fact, you should probably remove armor and replace with shield packs. For example, tankers would use shield packs, stealth killers would use power packs, and recon and scouts would use health packs (which heal)

This way also, you could create a scoreboard to track your teammates' health. But I would use heroes in this, give them like 5 skill points and only 5, and let them pick from leveling up 4 skills.
Level 16
Sep 3, 2004
Not yet, because I can't host anymore. But I told Pike to make a gate for you and it's looking good so far. Have fun with the map. Also, you should make like storage rooms or things like that where you can hide and basically ambush enemies. POssibly make a knife as well
Level 5
Sep 27, 2004
The problem with a knife is that the rifleman attack animation looks like using a grenade launcher or something. So calling that "stab" would look kinda... weird ^^

Oh you really should try the map, so you better understand what i mean when i discuss ur suggestions.
Level 16
Sep 3, 2004
Make sure you cannot drop any packs you have, and you only are limited to one pack a person. Health packs should be like for medics, to heal allies only. This will encourage teamwork. Also, you might want to have like key cards hidden in the areas where you can take them to open doors and stuff, and possibly a amster key of something. But that's optional.
Level 16
Sep 3, 2004
This is what Pike is working on
Level 5
May 13, 2004
GaDDeN said:
Pike whos that?

It's that guy working on Clash of the Titans mod changing Warcraft 3 into Red Alert 2 just 3 forums above yours. End of those jokes.

That render is a gate doodad of a cliff, if you're interesed I can try to make a door like gate, but that depends on what you're goning to include in your project map.

Good night.
Level 5
Sep 27, 2004
Heh sorry i dont check wc3s forums except my own 8)

If you could make doors that look somewhat like that (3 tiles wide, thats how all my entrences are) it would be so perfect!

Oh and im also interested in that little camera, pointing alittle down just like that one do. Cuz im gonna put up camera doodads in some corners, which you can "use" to reveal that room from another room.

You would get the same credits as dankiz (tileset/skins) and Snaky (loading screen, preview picture) got.
Level 5
May 13, 2004
If I can throw in some ideas I think that the automatic weapons should have a burst or a short auto shot, but do the same damage, to make it look better.

Eusira said:
Maybe electrocution equipment (very expensive) to paralyze enemies, or to hack open doors

I think maybe a EMP grenade which overrides some systems in the game like the door to open or be "stunned" for a short time, maybe some weaponry to be useless for similar amount of time.

About that paralyzing enemies with some toxins? Maybe even toxins that damage and worn of slowly but damage everyone and can be found very rarely not to make it to imbalanced.

I'll think of some more later.



Level 3
Jul 9, 2004
Could you make land mines as one type of auto-spawn things. You could give it a 10 seconds activation delay...and it should'nt be invisible. But you can hide it in the new bushes or something like that. And it has a rather big explosion radius. You have to trigger your own land mine then since the land mine abilities make it invulnerable.
Tell me what you think about that idea :).
Level 5
Sep 27, 2004
Eusira: If you would have red the other post on the forum called "Terrain remake" you would know that half the map now have bushes ^^

Voi: Very cool idea, but do you have any suggestions of how you would detect them? You need to be able to detect them in some way, and you need to be able to disarm them. Otherwise you can block entrences with them ^^

Maybe putting a low sound on it, so you can hear it if you move close? Like a "Beep beep beep beep"

And making it so you can fire at it to destroy...
Level 14
Sep 29, 2003
GaDDeN said:
Eusira: If you would have red the other post on the forum called "Terrain remake" you would know that half the map now have bushes ^^

Voi: Very cool idea, but do you have any suggestions of how you would detect them? You need to be able to detect them in some way, and you need to be able to disarm them. Otherwise you can block entrences with them ^^

Maybe putting a low sound on it, so you can hear it if you move close? Like a "Beep beep beep beep"

And making it so you can fire at it to destroy...

yes that last with sound is good idea :). Use a periodic event to detect them since the a unit comes in range of unit trigger can't respond the unit in the event.
Level 16
Sep 3, 2004
One last suggestion: Snipers: You use scope which locks your sniper in place for a short moment. When done so, you have a short area revealed whereever you please within a range. When you attack, you release a high-power shot that can kill if aimed (100 splash marker, is outside 30 of original target it does half, which is like 60 damage)
Level 5
Sep 27, 2004
I did include cloaking (called stealth) which turns you invisible for a few seconds (i think its 5) but slows movement speed.

If i do make the "EMP grenade" which would knock out all lights and systems, i will probably add nigth vision too which could counter this effect.
Level 5
Sep 27, 2004
Hmm i think that would be just TOO much like a 2nd flashbang... The room itself should be dark, instead of the vision of the character. It could disable vision in that room for about 3 min, instead of the flashbang that needs to "hit" the enemies and only last a few seconds.
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