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Wc3 remake

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Level 6
Sep 22, 2010
I suggest that that Blizzard re-release Warcraft 3 under a new engine and other improvements like new Editor as such......
Of course new graphics and things like that.
Yet retaining everything about it (LAN n Campaign(Yes Same ones))

Anyone thinking of this crazy idea?:goblin_wtf:
Level 14
Jan 2, 2007
Eyup. They needed to make story to make Illidan, Kael evil, Blood Elves at Horde etc. Your right there. However I think the SC2 story sucks too... so... I don't trust Blizz anymore to handle the story.
Level 6
Sep 22, 2010
Eyup. They needed to make story to make Illidan, Kael evil, Blood Elves at Horde etc. Your right there. However I think the SC2 story sucks too... so... I don't trust Blizz anymore to handle the story.

It wouldn't be poor if they didn't have to adjust to an MMO. Good guys always win in an MMO.

Why not Wc4? You get sparred of their poor story writing skills. Atm I am trying to live in a bubble, where WoW story was never revealed. So far so bad :(

If they do that, why not just make a Wc4?

Well but someone like the original stuff. So why not?
Level 13
Sep 13, 2010
I dont think that there will be any wc IV. There is nothing new that could be put into wc what is not in WoW. Azeroths story was written in wc1-2-3 and TFT then it been continued in WoW. The only thing that I can imagine is a new wc expansion what patches game engine and new models etc. But that has low chances as well. The popularity of WC is less every year also there is WoW so that makes no sense to edit the story also now that SC has been released engine is there no need to make SC engine as WC engine.( wc and sc engine is similar ). Blizzard would not benefit of that and they are more interested in money than fans. Thats why wow becomes a bigger shit after every expansions

The only future of WC is that someone would write a new game engine supporting DX11 features 3d walkable terrain new natives in jass like native SetUnitName takes unit whichUnit, string newName returns nothing
Level 22
Feb 4, 2005
I say, give your congrats to WoW for killing war3 lore and making wc4 pointless. Because making a continue of WoW would be silly and blizz wouldn't do that. even doing a separate story from WoW sounds kind of dumb but viable because those like me who dont like WoW do not know what happens there, so the story continues from war3.
Level 27
Jul 6, 2008
Erm, creation of some remake of game that works pretty much fine with current graphics and stuff is not a smart idea.
Those who ussually release some remake of a not so old game that look fine nowdays are just cash thirsty and do it only for profit and lack of creativity, so Blizzard would seriously screw their reputation by releasing a game thats pretty much fine.

Also, if they'd waste their time for Warcraft III+II, they would need more time for finishing Diablo 3, Hearth of Swarm and other games they're working on.
Level 13
Sep 13, 2010
I say that SC will die the same way as Warcraft.. Blizzard will release some game based on Starcraft so then it will follow Warcrafts steps into forgive... Btw I am pretty sure that hive has the skills to upgrade WC like RtC, but the people would not enter the project.
Level 21
Jul 2, 2009
What a WC3 remake needs...
  1. NO WC3 JASS (use another faster scritping language)
  2. Better graphics
  3. Better online security
  4. More flexible editor
  5. A better designed engine

Oh wait... SC2 already has all of these. Just move on to SC2 people.

You know Starcraft II is great and everything, but I'm wanting a new Warcraft RTS game with better graphics and the storyline not messed up by WoW, but Thrall getting his home back from Garrosh.
Level 14
Jan 2, 2007
People keep saying SC2 sucks more than WC3 without giving a reason... Atleast say why SC2 is not viable compared to WC3. Almost everything WC3 can do, SC2 does better with few exceptions (where the WC3 was flawed to start with).

SC2 sux compared to WC3 just like DotA sux too. It takes away the player base willing to play WC3 custom maps created by them.

SC2 sux because it's years away from having a comparable number of custom resources with WC3.

SC2 sux becuase there are still two more expansions and they feel that they have to wait for all the expansions to be released in order to start anything.

SC2 sux because not enough tutorials have been written and working with Galaxy Editor is harder than with WE.

SC2 sux because it requires more PC resources.

SC2 sux because people don't have imagination on how to use it.


Overall SC2 sux because it will take at least 3 years untill multiple great maps will be released. Thus SC2 requires what WC3 doesn't.... time. And people don't have time.

Just a personal opinion though. Also, I have no problem with the SC2 modding scene and I do not have any of the problems with SC2 from the ones stated above. Actually I have no problems with SC2... as... modding wise. (Story sux though).
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It doesn't have as compelling a storyline in Wc3.
It doesn't have as fun an art style and concept in Wc3.
It doesn't have the heart and soul a game like Wc3 has.

It's editor is overly complicated, to a point where its disadvantages are equal to its advantages.
It's modding community is not as developed.
It's StarCraft 1, 3D.
Level 22
Feb 4, 2005
Im not gonna argue which mapmaking is better but for playing, SC2 is awesome. For me the graphics do a lot, I would replace that old low poly cartoony war3 any time with SC2, even though/exactly because I was with war3 for 7 years.

In SC2 from models to using the editor all is harder, so it's natural it will have less resources and harder to map, but if you look at mapster they make a lot better maps and more fun that the majority of maps submitted here. And their best projects are just as good or even more than the best war3 projects here. Also it's not a good idea to bash a game that is barely 1 year about not having resources or not developed community when War3 is around 9 years old (since 2002 right?). Plus, I would say resources emerged in sc2 a lot faster than in war3, cause people already had the training or knew how to do it from those war3 times. In conclusion: mapmaking is more painful, which is why some may dislike sc2 but everything else is better (we talk about the game, not bnet, bnet 2 is awful lol)
Level 21
Jul 2, 2009
Starcraft II is great and all for its own stuff and everything, but I really want to command Warcraft styled troops and live the good old days I had when I was playing Warcraft III.
I know everyone is like go to Starcraft II and shit for the more better gameplay and advanced technology it has to controlling way more units than Warcraft III, but I do like the Warcraft series WAY much better than Starcraft and I really just want a new Warcraft RTS game with better graphics and a lot of stuff fixed from the original Warcraft III.
Would be so kickass if they actually let you play a RTS game from the moment on from Cycle of Hatred and that just beginning of WoW Vanilla.
Level 22
Feb 4, 2005
Until a proper model editing program is developed for SC2, I'm sticking with WC3.

Or until I learn to work with 3DS Max. I bet it'll take the same amount of time.

I thought the same (until there is a tool..), I had to install 3ds max to just bring some models into sc2. Magos was working on SC2 modeling editor from the type of war3 model editor or so the legends spoke about him. Is there ever going to have a'sc2model editor' until then it's painful to make anything but casual things you really want.
Level 13
Sep 13, 2010
I say we only need a better engine( warcrafts engine was made for low-pcs with 400 mhz ) with new features like customizeable UI. Also we would need hd models and textures new model API features... Btw yes warcraft 3 is 2002 as I know and TFT is 2003-2004.( soon WC will have its 10th anniversary, we should celebrate it :) )

Btw I dont like SC its only has better graphics and new features. I much more like medieval games
if Wc4 is going to be made it will have an outburst of more popularity than Sc2 and as some may have figured out that Wc3 was made a long time ago and from what I think is that if Wc3 had a bran new engine it would be for the win but only if Blizzard keep in mind that they don't over do it in graphics or otherwise it would ruin the whole concept.
Just remember that if the Wc3 world editor is more supported and didn't have any silly bugs and is easy to use but with a bit more power than now it would actualy still get populure today if noone ever heard of Warcraft before.
I would like people to think about this and think about what makes a game populure these days and is it realy the unnecessary aultra graphics that a game has? Also now from what time we are in now more and more people want to make games or at least mess around with them and I think that the majority aren't the serious and would probably just like to do it as a hobby and not realy want to get populure over a map he/she made. If a person would go for a map maker would it be the Sc2 editor or the Wc3 editor?
(Personaly I am surprised that Wc3 WE isn't as populure but probably because it was nether advertised).
Level 14
Jan 2, 2007
Until a proper model editing program is developed for SC2, I'm sticking with WC3.

Or until I learn to work with 3DS Max. I bet it'll take the same amount of time.

So learn how to work in 3DS Max, you get more profit as you will be able to learn how to make a model for other games too.
Level 8
Oct 20, 2004
Everyone needs to keep in mind that WC3 has been out for a lot longer than SC2. Back then, there were very few resources out there and very few people knew how to utilize the World Editor effectively. Same thing with SC2. Once more people figure out everything, we'll see some awesome maps released.
Level 19
Oct 15, 2008
Warcraft III seems more friendly on the eyes though, and the player/modding base there is quite nice, plus there are many people playing it, just on different places and servers:)
Level 22
Feb 4, 2005
I would like people to think about this and think about what makes a game populure these days and is it realy the unnecessary aultra graphics that a game has? Also now from what time we are in now more and more people want to make games or at least mess around with them and I think that the majority aren't the serious and would probably just like to do it as a hobby and not realy want to get populure over a map he/she made. If a person would go for a map maker would it be the Sc2 editor or the Wc3 editor?
(Personaly I am surprised that Wc3 WE isn't as populure but probably because it was nether advertised).

Graphics do say a lot... im sure many switched to it cause of it at least as one reason. Idk if you have seen how realistic things look, but let's say one makes terrain and applies the same skills to a SC2 terrain as he makes war3 realistic terrains, Which would be more realistic and cool? I would say the SC2 one, just do the same as you do in war3 and you will see. Models look better, animations are better... unless you started war3 few years ago which seems to be the case, I dont see a reason to keep playing some old game.

I'm guessing if WC3 was remade, it would need to, one, be highly customizeable, have a very powerful -and user-friendly- World Editor, to outdo the one we have now, aswell as official modding programs and/or tutorials.

I doubt when they make advanced editors, they will make them user friendly. With more options comes more difficulty.

So if war4 were made, do you really think it would be as easy as World Editor? You will still have to learn it, maybe will be just as hard... the same way you have to learn sc2 editor if you want to do things. It's like why Broodwar editor is so much easier than war3 editor. I dont think Blizzard really care about someone having difficulties with SC2 editor because when they see SC2 sites doing maps it only tells them it is learnable and just like they won't listen to someone's whining that a race is OP because he loses to it, they won't listen to anyone who has difficulities when so many maps are made, that's what they see.
Level 6
Sep 22, 2010
The reason Blizzard should remake it (and why i had posted this thread)

1. Improve graphics. It's not crap but a little face lift goes a long long way.....

2. Fixed some stuff. Some mod lag when there are many player due to not connection but the game it self. Why not fixed?

3. Introduce it to new players. Some of my frens said: Warcraft is great. But i hate the graphics. Blah blah blah.

4.Improve world editor. Need no elaboration.

5. Keep it alive. Most important.

Most of the feature do exist in starcraft II. So why not just take the engine of it, tweak it, and voila you got your self Warcraft 3: TFT (REMAKE). It ain't gonna cost you much.

But then...... It might killed DOTA (pretty good) and some other maps because they will not probably be remake (FOTN ZAF RC601 etc) so...... Really... Instead of arguing about just making Warcraft 4 or SC2 Sucks let's keep to the title that i made which is Warcraft 3 remake and instead offer some kind of.... Support maybe?
If Blizzard remakes this, what are your reactions?
Level 27
Jul 6, 2008
The reason Blizzard should remake it (and why i had posted this thread)

1. Improve graphics. It's not crap but a little face lift goes a long long way.....

2. Fixed some stuff. Some mod lag when there are many player due to not connection but the game it self. Why not fixed?

3. Introduce it to new players. Some of my frens said: Warcraft is great. But i hate the graphics. Blah blah blah.

4.Improve world editor. Need no elaboration.

5. Keep it alive. Most important.

Most of the feature do exist in starcraft II. So why not just take the engine of it, tweak it, and voila you got your self Warcraft 3: TFT (REMAKE). It ain't gonna cost you much.

But then...... It might killed DOTA (pretty good) and some other maps because they will not probably be remake (FOTN ZAF RC601 etc) so...... Really... Instead of arguing about just making Warcraft 4 or SC2 Sucks let's keep to the title that i made which is Warcraft 3 remake and instead offer some kind of.... Support maybe?
If Blizzard remakes this, what are your reactions?

After Warcraft 3 was released, they didn't made any Starcrat 1 recreations, so why should they make a Warcraft 3 remake now?
Level 25
May 11, 2007
I say we only need a better engine( warcrafts engine was made for low-pcs with 400 mhz ) with new features like customizeable UI. Also we would need hd models and textures new model API features... Btw yes warcraft 3 is 2002 as I know and TFT is 2003-2004.( soon WC will have its 10th anniversary, we should celebrate it :) )

Btw I dont like SC its only has better graphics and new features. I much more like medieval games

Not to flame, but.. You don't like SC because it only has better graphics and new features.
But you want a new warcraft with better graphics and new features?
Level 13
Sep 13, 2010
I think that wc3 with better engine would ruin the game, simply we need wc4

Why would a better engine ruin game? Have you ever programmed in JASS? If yes then you should know the bugs the craft has. Also new useful JASS natives would be welcomed. The thing is that commonly we would like a wc remake to update the 8 years old game. The thing still that there is noone who would do it.
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