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Water Lieutenant

I decided to fix an old model of mine...

Fixed Portrait
Fixed Animations (Added Dissipate and removed unnecessary anims)
Fixed Skinfile (Takes over 50% less space now)
Also some other minor fixes that decreased model size

water lieutenant general

Water Lieutenant (Model)

Water Lieutenant (Model)

» Wolverabid « Date: 21st of September, 2007 Approval status: Approved Rating: (8) Awesome! Main points: [x] The model is stable and functions properly in Warcraft III. [x] The model displays properly in Warcraft3 Viewer.




» Wolverabid «

Date: 21st of September, 2007
Approval status: Approved
Rating: (8) Awesome!

Main points:
[x] The model is stable and functions properly in Warcraft III.
[x] The model displays properly in Warcraft3 Viewer.
He is taller, I modified it to be taller, removed the shield, gave a longer sword, added hero glow and the skin, that can be used for normal blood elf lieutenants can be found here: http://www.wc3sear.ch/?p=Skins&ID=4608

The skin comes along with the model, so if you download this model, you don't need to download that skin I mentioned.
Level 1
Jan 28, 2006
Do we have to attach the skin to the model ourselves... because mine isnt working in world editor... and if we have to attach the skin.. could you attack it for me and send it to [email protected] because i really like it and I would like to use it in my upcoming map :D

thx :p
Level 1
Jan 28, 2006
Arghhhhh :x I still can't figure out how 2 get the model working... I've imported all 3 items, the skin the portrait and the model... but when i change the model of the unit to the Water Lieutenants... it says im using an mdx but wen i press ok it says mdl... and nothing appears when i put it on my map... can anyone help me??? :?
Level 3
Sep 26, 2005
niiice i like it, i was going to use a real luteniate as a hero and add a glow, but urs it cooler. Wait try making 1 with a shield.
Thanks for the comment, I could make one with a shield soon.

Edit: Done! you can download the one with the shield from here: http://www.wc3sear.ch/?p=Models&ID=3703

Hmmm... I don't know how to solve that problem, If you have all paths correct it should work :?

Is there others who have problems?
if so, I must check the model if the fault is in it...
Level 1
Mar 18, 2006
Nice model, abit too big...
With the same shield,that spell breaker has would be better. On my map he has it:p
Also, check the stand 4. HARAKIRI!
And the Stand Victory... Yes he has a helm, but it hurts. children shouldnt see it xD