The Warlockbrawl community wants to present you the map Warlock !
Current Version is 082
General Map Information:
What is Warlock?
- Warlock is a map which if fully written in Jass.
- It is a is a fast map in which you will need all your reflexes and forseeing- but also your tactical skills
- This map is completely made from scratch by Zymoran and Demestotenes from Northrend
- The map is roughly done in the basics, but it needs to take a lot of steps for being completly finished.
- The goal is to push your enemies out of the arena with spells you can buy.
How to get spells?
- Warlock is a round-based game, so after there is just one last Warlock standing, the round will end and you will be able to buy spells with the gold you earned.
- You can also research an inventory for your Warlock and buy items at your personal vendor each shopping time.
And how many rounds are there?
- This can be selected by the host at the start of the game. A normal game lasts about 10-20 rounds.
How can i get gold?
- You gain gold by killing enemy warlocks.
- Killstealing is in course of that one of the main tactics for making money. Kill stealing is not lame, its about tactic and timing.
- Doing the last hit will give you 1g
- The one who dealt the most damage to the target will also recieve 1g.
- That means you can max. get 2g per kill.
- Killstealing is in course of that one of the main tactics for making money. Kill stealing is not lame, its about tactic and timing.
- Winning the round will give you some extra money.
- Also every player will get 10g after each round.
- You get a fixed amount which the host will choose at the start.
- Teams
- Gold
- Arena Style = Circle or Square
- Rounds
- Other game variables like shopping time, lava dmg, knockback, etc.
Spell Information:
Ain't all the spell similiar to each other?
- The answer is quite simple, they aren't.
Most of the spells are working with a projectile but have some diffrent effects.
Examples for Projectiles:
- Fireball: A simple fireball which you can shoot at your enemy. It has a rather low cooldown.
- Homing: A bluish orb which will follow the first target it detects.
- Bouncer: A green orb which will bounce off to another target after it hits a warlock.
- Lightning: A spell which instantly reaches the aimed point. Any warlock hit by that will be knocked back.
- Windwalk: Windwalk based skill which will trigger itself if you are near an enemy warlock.
- Shield: A defensive spell which you can activate. Upon activation all projectiles will be reflected for the given time.
Given Time?
- Yes all the Warlock Spells are upgradeable by upgrading the spell itself or some spells can be upgraded by a kind of mastery you can choose.
- Getting a spell is rather expensive: 10-22 but upgrading will be cheaper than the buying costs as there are a lot of levels of the spells.
- The simple answer is no. The spells are sorted at the vendor into columns, one column for each hotkey.
Like that you cannot have more than one spell for each hotkey.
- You will have 8 if you have a spell of each column.
- Y C
If there are 8 spells how to defend yourself against all those 8 spells?
For defending yourself there are two columns:
- 1. Column of Teleport(blink) and Thrust (a spell with which you will charge to the designated point)
- 2. Column of Oath (Will stop the knockback and you take no dmg) and Shield (An active spell which will reflect projectile spells and thrust upon activation
- 3. Of course you can block incoming projectiles with your own.
- 4. Or just dodge the incoming spells.
Now for the players:
So this sounds intresting how can i play it?
- You can dl Warlock 081b below, as it is attached.
- You can get the most recent versions on Warlock Brawl Home Page due to a huge amount of cheat versions.
- Join the channels of the official Warlock clans:
- clan LoCk @ Northrend
- clan WLB @ US WEST
- You can mail it to [email protected] or you can visit our homepage: and be a part of the community.
What can i do when i register on your site?
- You can report bugs.
- You can post your own opinions and suggestions, which might be implemented in further versions.
- You'll always be up-to-date with the versions.
- You can join tournaments and will be rewarded for winning
Can be found at the frontpage, directly at the Warlock homepage
A Video from us will follow soon.
Some from Youtube:
Showing a warlock team game in full action:
YouTube - Warlock test movie making
Showing the bouncer spell better than any screen:
YouTube - Bouncer Rank 1
Please help us making this map bigger and better and even more balanced for a better gameplay on
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