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Warcraft III Tool

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Level 3
Nov 18, 2004
Warcraft III Tool is a complementary application for wc3 gamers and map makers.
It is not any hack or bannable application.

Official Website and Forum, feel free to post to make it live again :)


  • Replay Auto Save
  • Hit Point Show
  • Windows Keys Disable
  • Replay Charter Included
  • Custom Keys Simplification
  • Advanced Game Configuration
  • World Editor Tweaking
  • Various Game Modes
  • Simple and Clear Interface
  • Easy Set Up with Configuration File
  • Multi Language
  • Backpack Helper
  • More to Come ... I Hope So :)

How it works

CustomKeys.txt - copies my custom keys to warcraft 3 directory in keyboard layout version depending to Keyboard parameter from config.ini file.
First it copies old CustomKeys.txt to CustomKeysOld.txt and then it replaces it. When you exit warcraft, old keys are restored.
Keys are assigned for first four lines of letter part of keyboard.
Folowing keys are used for standard qwerty layout:
Abilities are assigned for first QWER keys.
Be sire to set Keyboard parameter in config.ini file as you need.

Hit Points Show - runs little application, which presses [ and ] keys, when there is wc3 window.
In effect it shows hit points bars over each unit. Can be enabled/disabled for enemy and/or ally.

Replay Auto Saver - runs application, which saves replay after each game played.
Replays are saved in following way
<wc3replay directory>\WC3Save\<data>\<player><race>-vs- <player><race> <map>

Backpack Helper - binds first two keys in first two lines into numlock keys. Use CTRL to use with.
For standard qwerty layout it works like this:
CTRL+Q works as Num7
CTRL+Z works as Num1

Windows Key Disable - disables windows key and alt+q hotkey. Use CTRL+ESC to minimize.

World Editor - When you use tool to run World Editor, settings from config.ini are saved into registry.

Config.ini Configuration


Is that bannable by Blizzard?
No, It's not. It doesn't change game in any form. To prove it, here is a link:

I'm open to any critics and propositions.

If you need special options, just say what you need.
You can help me by translating.

There are also maps made by me on my website.


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Level 9
Sep 2, 2006
Approval status: Pending

Looking good!
I only ran it once (on Vista, I must add... no error, but I did nothing but to run it, see what elements of GUI you set and that's all).

I PMed you with some things I find appropriate to add to it. Also commented it.
Will approve and keep an eye on it after testing it in a decent manner and if it does all you said it should. :) And after you reply to my PM. ;);)

Nice, again! Hope it is as effective as it says ;)!
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Level 3
Nov 18, 2004
Wolverabid: I'm waiting :)

BlackDoom: I replied to your PM. Of course this work, if for someone it doesn't, write - I will do my best to fix it.

If you can translate text from config.ini on Language section, feel free to do it and send it to me.
Level 32
Oct 23, 2006
I found the tool to be useful to adjust various settings outside of Warcraft III.

One concern I have: since the tool seems to impose changes on the WC3 shell, I was distressed when my command palette icon display was altered (I hadn't realized I had changed those options). I was able to restore the default settings, but I would like to see an option to undo ALL of the changes and restore Blizzard defaults. I will continue to examine and test the usefulness of this interesting tool.

Setting Up Warcraft III Tool is very helpful.

Let's also wait until we hear some more opinions: Dr Super Good, Ralle and others have yet to weigh in.
Level 3
Nov 18, 2004
First thing. If there is no config.ini file in tool's directory, program will read configuration from registry. If there is no registry settings program will write default settings. Overwise all settings are readen from config.ini file, also if there is no specificial entry in config.ini file, tool will write default settings.

I'm waiting for more opinions :)
Level 3
Nov 18, 2004
New version released!

Version 1.1 Changes
-updated custom keys for new version of dota
-reduced tool size
-minor interface changes
-profiles added for better management
-backpack works now with Alt in replace of Ctrl
-some cosmetic overall changes
Level 32
Oct 23, 2006
Congratulations on the update Mefhisto!

It looks like you updated the tool on your resource page here at The Hive. Thanks.

Just FYI if you want to update your Submitter's Description (again) that field DOES accept vBulletin code so you can provide actual hyperlinks in the descriptions rather than just text.


Visit website for more info:

could be displayed on your Hive download page as:

Visit website for more info:
Mefhisto Warcraft III Web Site

by using the code:

Visit website for more info:
[URL=http://wc3mefhisto.atspace.com/tool.html]Mefhisto Warcraft III Web Site[/URL]

[off-topic] I don't know how I somehow forgot:

[broke=+ REP !]GJ Mefhisto[/broke]
Level 3
Nov 18, 2004
Wolverabid: Thanks! I made update. I will use code on site from now.

Thanks for rep points!

I'm planning next update very soon, I'm working on functionality and speed now.

Also if is it possible, make some translation and PM it to Me, that will help :)
Level 3
Nov 18, 2004
Version 1.2 Released!

Version 1.2 Released:
-added many new functions for tray icon
-included backpack into interface and few other
more advanced configuration options
-program is now reading starting configuration
from registry to increase functionality
-tool can now run WEU (if installed) instead of WE
-some new configurations for World Editor
-many other minor changes (over sixty)
Note: config file SHOULD be replaced with new one.

This version comes with many seriously changes, please raport ANY even ortography mistakes.
Level 9
Sep 2, 2006
Note that the fact that it leaves some temp data spread around one's system is not that enjoyable.

I mean, the data stored in the My Documents and the temp folder.

A consistent installer & uninstaller stub would be a big plus. If feasible.
I will also check this issue myself, concerning W3IR. Until then...

Level 3
Nov 18, 2004
Note that the fact that it leaves some temp data spread around one's system is not that enjoyable.

I mean, the data stored in the My Documents and the temp folder.

A consistent installer & uninstaller stub would be a big plus. If feasible.
I will also check this issue myself, concerning W3IR. Until then...


I will fix it with new version. Tool shouldn't leave temp files, Replay Charter does, I will make it will delete them.

Hey Mef, how do I remove the QWERTY form? Its really annoying to me.

Uncheck Apply CustomKeys.txt option, Ready :)

Level 9
Sep 2, 2006
That's to be expected from a tool that keeps settings for longterm. But if you could set the other tool to create the files in the same folder as the one chosen as destination for W3Tool.
:smile: still didn't come up with a better name... :wink:
I know that RC does that, I did notice the fact, that's all. You could use the registry for global settings. Or an INI file near the exe.

Level 3
Nov 18, 2004
Hey, there is a config.ini file to set up all settings You need. I don't want my tool to use any other files that it uses by itself, it should be portable in 100%. It will stay clean and clear in all versions.

First version (1.0) is working, so I didn't marked it as RC or any other level.

Next version will be Final I think.

Thanks You very much for advice!

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Level 3
Nov 18, 2004
Version 1.4 Released:
-new 'it' keyboard option for Italian layout
-each mode now requires wc3 window active to work
-updated custom keys for new version of dota
-reduced number of tray icons by three
-optimized memory usage
-reduced tool size
-backpack improved
-new run options in tray
-many other filling changes
Level 1
Sep 18, 2007
Lol, looks bannable to me,
From TOU
v) use any third-party software to modify Battle.net to change game 
play, including, but not limited to cheats and/or hacks;
I'm not taking any chances unless there is further prof more specific to this program.
Level 1
Sep 18, 2007
I believe it does change the game, as of KeyBoard shortcuts? World editor Tweaking? Various game modes, and Advanced Game Configuration.. It seems to me this is a Third Party Program that is Modifying and Changing Gamplay to Bnet. "including, but not limited to cheats and/or hacks;"
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