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Warcraft III Art Tools 1.0

This tool originates from here

Comprising a set of plugins for Discreet®’s 3ds max®, these tools allow advanced users to create, modify, and quickly preview models and animations, including particle and ribbon effects, that can be used in custom maps created with Warcraft III’s World Editor. Please note that Blizzard does not directly support the Warcraft III Art Tools, and the technical support staff will not be able to respond to any related inquiries. However, detailed and illustrated instructions on how to use the software are included with the download.

A valid license for Discreet®’s 3ds max® 4.0 is required in order to use the Warcraft III Art Tools. We highly recommend that 3ds max® version 4.26 is used, with the service pack 1 fixes. Windows® 2000 or XP is suggested. Note: The Warcraft III Art Tools do not include a means for creating textures. To create textures, a paint program, such as Adobe®’s Photoshop®, is required.

Warcraft III Art Tools 1.0 (Binary)

Level 1
Jun 14, 2004
why cant i how do i put this on world editor AND WHA WEBSITE CAN I GET 3DS MAX FROM even though im confused ill put this in :idea:


Edit: How do I get an icon
I like chessey poofs
Level 1
May 28, 2004
guys if you don't know then this isn't for you!
I'm sick of people wanting to be able to do everything there is... it takes AWHILE to learn 3d modelling so if you don't know how don't post here until you do. BTW if you are not serious about 3d modelling (as in making commercial stuff) don't buy 3dsmax. (www.discreet.com)
Level 1
Jun 25, 2004
oh hey... my first time on this forum. i like this format where the text box is at the bottom of the screen. it might be better at the top so u can see the last comment you're responding to.

despite what alot of ppl on forums say, 3d modelling is not that difficult. don't be afraid to try it because other ppl say it is. most of em havent even tried. but if you do, be prepared for a lot of work. if ur not willing to shell out the effort, go do something else, as mr. amro suggests.

in regards to silly questions.... i.e. what is gmax.... ummm... google it bro. if ur not willing to research this stuff on ur own, don't bother trying 3d.

it's alot of self motivation... looking up stuff on the net, buying books, taking classes...

speaking of classes, if u don't have a version of 3ds max, that is wat i'd suggest that u do. go to a community college that has it. u can work on ur project from there,

while learning things from ur teacher and other students. from my experience most of these classes are pretty laid back, and the teachers will let u work on watever projects u want to.

a few links:

www.wings3d.com --- the best modeller, aside from MIRAI possibly, today. forget max. make ur models here, export as .3ds, and import into max, to animate and optimize.

spiraloid --- google the site. it's not spiraloid.com. alot of ppl post their work here. it used to be a better site, but it's still not bad.

bay raitt, who did the facial animation for gollum, owns this site. he visits between projects i think.

www.cgtalk.com --- there are some free models in the news section u can use for reference.

www.3dtotal.com --- some tutorials. free models also

www.3dbuzz.com --- downloadable video tutorials

there was an .mdx exporter they were doing in milkshape 3d awhile back as well. i don't know if it is still around. ask the mods or admins. i think it was republicolas...

if u can't do the community college route (which is the best option) try the milkshape 3d exporter.

Level 2
Jul 12, 2004
Alot of ppl dl this for gmax and think that thay cant use it with it cus it wont instal but the truth is you can use it! this is what you do you dl QMPQ and use that on the installer and it well extract all of the files out of it into a seprit folder. you go into that folder and export all the stuff inside to your gmax deritory and there you have it! im not shure -WHARE- you put the files but you have the files!

Edit 1: seems like the plugins for it dosint work

Edit 2: the .max model files dont work you might need to find some type of converter for it so it well turn .max into .gmax

Edit 3: probebly the only thang you wold want this for if you dont have 3dmax is the texture files thats in it
Level 1
Jul 25, 2004
hey guys does this change color of spells, models and other stuff?

i have it but i have win98 i also have 3dsmax 6 i think
Level 1
Aug 20, 2004
I can offer this version of 3DSMAX 4.2 for a limited time for $75 with a retail disc and box. For $55 only download version. If interested let me know [email protected] SERIOUS ONLY!
Level 3
Aug 20, 2004
ok im mad... i have mpq veiwer milkshape, blp converter,
wc2 art tools, we unlimited, wc3 tft,
wc3 imager, wc3 custom skin modifier, BUT I DONT HAV 3DSMAX I NEED IT ILL DO ANYTHING!!!!!!!!!!!11
Level 1
Apr 19, 2004
:lol: LMFAO ROFL omg this crap cracks me up - I just spent like 8 hours waiting for the trial of 3ds max to dl over my dial up and now it's some uber expert program that's a pain in the @$$ to handle :!: and hell the stupid plugin doesnt even work on the current version...

Man this 3D modeling **@p is over my head... I mean the thing that's so great about the Warcraft 3 Map Editor is that it's so d@** simple! I mean it's easy for a newb to use yet you can get into so many complicated things later on once you get good with it. Then to just get entirely blown away :? by the complexity of these other modeling/mapping/editing programs that look like they were designed by "The Architect" from the Matrix it's just uncomforting...

Well, anyhow, good luck to all of you who have the self motivation to actually get into such a thing as 3D modeling and what not, but damn - if anyone at all knows of some easy to use simple program that can help you make 3D models that doesnt require 4 years of experience to finally figure out -_- please let me know...
Level 1
Sep 3, 2004
I have 3ds Max 7.0, but this program wont work with it, why doesnt it work with it? Is this program to old to go with it? :?
Level 1
Oct 24, 2004
The Art tools are for 3dsmax 4 (best with 4.26).
They are not compatible with later versions of max; you will have to get max 4 anyway. If you have models in later version of max, you need to export them from the later version using a plug-in that saves the file as a max 4 file. Then open the file in max 4 to export it from there using the art tools plug-ins.

The Art tools should have been compatible with later versions. I know some programmers that could probably modify the code to work for the later versions of max, but unfortunately that breaks the ‘terms and conditions’ and copyright treaties. The only way to legally do it is to get written and signed permission to modify the software. If anyone can contact blizzard directly it would be a step in the right direction, however, with the amount of time it would take for them to sort out the paperwork, it would probably faster from their point of view to publish updated plug-ins themselves.

If the fan sites made a combined effort to persuade blizzard for a little of their time, you might get some results. Brand loyalty is key to the success of a games company; they work for you. It’s time to rally the masses…
Level 1
Oct 24, 2004
You can use the MDX Importer/exporter 2.0 by KMK (Republicola)http://republicola.wc3campaigns.com/impexpmdx_KMK.zipto import and export files in any version of max.

Go to
for a tutorial on what you can do with it.
To be honest it’s not very good. You lose all materials, it doesn’t animate. You lose the animation when you export…
It’s not so bad if you need a starting point, but you need to stick everything together in notepad afterwards.

Beware to anyone that has a higher version of 3dsmax and manages to find 3dsmax 4. You wont be able to licence both of them. C_DILLA will send you to hell for it. If I get proved wrong on this; tell me, and tell me how?
Level 7
Sep 20, 2004
:( O, not enough tools to create a new model......
3dsmax4, without it, the art tools are useless.
what the hell of the "platform limit!"

I'm still seeking for someone who can tell me a place where can download 3dsmax4 there, even that 3dsmax4 is a trial ver.

I still need it very much!!I still need it very much!!
Level 1
Nov 7, 2004
Blizzard is stupid for releaseing ther tools for 4 when they should rerelease em for 6 or 7 because you CANT FIND 4 OR 5 ANYWHERE NOWADAYS! i own 6(im very spoiled) im also quite good in it but id need the source code for the plugins to be able to converts it im sure there are ALOT of people who want it for 6 or 7 too d@** you blizzard!!! btw anyone know how i can get in contact with the blizzard art team? or the ones wqho compiled these plugins?

edit: Im sure Blizzard must be useing 4 over at thier studio or they wouldnt have compiled the code to work with 4
Level 1
Nov 1, 2004
First Of All U can Get 3ds max from programs like kazaa and 2nd of all this program cant be suckin its b/c its by Blizzard Entertainment.
Level 1
Nov 7, 2004
LOL if you have to resort to Illegally getting a prgram like 3ds max you dont deserve to use it plus if you go get lessons in it you can get 3ds max 7 for like 600 AND also i have looked because i was curious and there ISNT 3dsmax ANYWHERE including Kazaa freakin noob

Edit: Wow, that shut ya up huh? lol
Level 2
Jul 28, 2004

Is that what you wanted? ^

I suggest not using those color programs unless you know what you're doing. This isn't warcraft.

OK People. You can't get 3ds Max Free unless you go to kazaa.

If you don't know what modeling mdx's, and mdl's are, don't even post here. If you just want to make your own model for warcraft and you have no clue what you have to do, the signifigance of polygons, verticies etc. Don't post here. This is way advanced.

Don't complain about this being advanced either. This is advanced stuff. You don't just color your model in MS Paint. It takes alot of practice and skill. This isn't childsplay. Your not going to do this on your first map.

Don't post something like:

Don't Post the same thing twice, three times, or even four times in a row.

Post if you have a comment, something useful to contribute, or at least a bug.
Level 1
Nov 7, 2004
first off I know what im doing with 3d modeling second i didnt mean to post taht twice before i hit the submit button twice bvy accident 3rd its better to ignore the retards who dont know when they are getting inover thier headds
Level 1
Apr 11, 2004
I'm having a big problem with the Art Tools. Whenever I try to export my models, the exporter merges all the Geosets in a single one and deletes all the bones except one (or not: it happened to me once that the bone that remained was, in fact, a mesh!). This is really getting to my nerves. The version of Art Tools I got is 1.01, disponible at BNet. Is this happening to anyone else? I got 3DSMax 5.0 . I will try to export with this version later, but I doubt it will help.

EDIT: Just like I thought, it is the same.