[Approval status = Pending ]
Except what Wolverabid suggested, the main thing I would suggest is to change the name to a more suiting one. This one is plain general.
Try to find a suitable, not too long name for it, or at least one that can be abbreviated in a decently long and easy to pronounce string
. This will help it become popular, as it will be easy to refer
Read the whole PM I sent you and reply to it!
Part of my PM:
1) "Warcraft III Tool" is too general as name, don't you agree?
You should try to set this straight early on, so you won't have to do so later or, when you'll have to turn "Warcraft III Tool v2.4.6" to "W3 New Tool Name v1.0", as if it would be a completely new tool.
Again, lack of uniqueness concerning the name
2) I would have asked you if you tested the behavior of all the settings combinations. But, looking over the ReadMe file, I'd say it would have been too much to do...
3) Specify the system requirements. At least, memory required, even HDD space.
4) Specify the software requirements. Does it need any specific driver or DLL in order to function properly? and such...
5) Specify the deployment license.