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Level 3
Nov 3, 2014
I figured it would be nice to have some fully released dota 2 workshop maps previews in here.

Here's our Workshop Page

This is a project that had its first release almost 2 months ago and we recently updated it to add difficulty levels and save points with a Diablo style to the classic Warcraft 3 port.

The genre is Hack and Slash/Dungeon Crawler/Co-Op RPG, for 1 up to 5 players.


You can see some other screenshots on the workshop page. I haven't got any video footage of the latest version but there is a nice youtube video of a 5 man run made by a popular youtuber that has reviewed some other custom maps:

Hope you guys like it and if you decide to subscribe and play it, provide some feedback on what could be improved to make the game more enjoyable!

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Level 19
Aug 8, 2007
Looks really cool, also really big o_O is that beyond the 65536x65536 dota 2 map size?

Things I liked
1) Cool dungeon feel and layout
2) tomes maek me so stronk
3) Love the mob variety rather than just static spawners with no abilities

Couple suggestions
0) Firestorm's (drow ranger) subsequent meteors dont have the meteor effect, only the explosion
1) You're really pushing the borders on copyright infringement (in one case I saw a physical warcraft 3 model ported) so id be extremely cautious, although you're not selling the map so you might not recieve as harsh as a reprimandum.
2) Items and skills seem kinda lackluster, I've been playing for an hour and my inventory is full of a stack of potions and +15% gloves of speed. My best ability is a 9 dps immolation. Maybe spend some more time making gg abilities? Don't directly port warcraft 3 abilities, make kewl ones.
3) Keys are rather annoying to have to drop an inventory slot for, maybe make it a buff?
4) No shops? Maybe I just havent reached one yet, but i have like 4k gold with nothing to spend it on found one lul
5) Traditionally, warcraft 3 heroes have 5 abilities (or 4 abilities + attrib bonus)
6) IIRC theres a way to bake the stat buffs into the hero rather than making them buffs.

7) Soul Keeper doesn't say anything after u completed his task or whatever
Level 15
Dec 24, 2007
This looks great! I'll be sure to give it a look once I get home, and I'll be sure to give you some thoughts once that is done.

Thanks for your contribution, it is definitely appreciated! I hope you stick around and let us know how things progress. Any contributions here will help out.
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