Review Summary
F.E.A.R 3 did several improvements since F.E.A.R 2, however most of the changes made it a conventional shooter games, having regenerating health and so on. But that's not really a bad thing, it made things more simple and great for F.E.A.R 3, the core shooting is also satisfying, fast paced, and bloody, they didn't removed Point Man's slo-mo ability. They also added a new Active cover were in you could take cover like in most 3rd Person Games, this was a really great addition to the FEAR series however it isn't very flexible as it should be and would realize it isn't a great add after all. While the thing I liked the most in FEAR 3 is that you have some sort of ranking system which would give you score to doing a specific challenge and rewards you with an XP points that could further enhance your combat capabilities like the slo-mo, its too bad that doesn't apply to multiplayer.
Speaking of multiplayer, FEAR 3 really did a good job implementing co-op, its very enjoyable allowing another player to take control Point Man's brother, Fettel. While playing Fettel, the playstyle is very different compare to Point Man. If you don't have a friend you could always play Fettel alone only if you beat the Campaign. While for the other multiplayer, we have different modes, the Contractions mode is a simple co-op survival mode for FEAR 3 but you'll need to scavenge around battlefield to gain ammo and we have Soul King a competitive were in you and other players battle and dominate enemy soldiers to gain score while killing each other in the process. The strong emphasize for co-op was a really great addition, however the wonky AI doesn't put much of a fight, they'll be having hard time hitting you and would run back to cover while leaving them to expose while executing certain animations, AI would tend to spoil the campaign and its challenge. Even playing in high difficulty, each difficulty doesn't really took huge leap forward to being hard or anything.
The Campaign was indeed improved since the past games, with a new narrative plot story telling, it is much easier to understand the entire plot, also the game is populated with cut-scenes beautiful cutscenes, FEAR 3 directly continues the plot in FEAR 2 which ended up surprisingly. When I play campaign on an average shooter game, I only play it once, but in FEAR 3 I played it thrice or more. Having the ability to play as Fettel or Point Man is really great, it diverse tactics and playstyle and keeps thing fresh. As for the downside, Campaign only last 8 short Intervals (Chapters) and the last is a crappy one. Its just too bad campaign feels half baked and falls too quickly. The entire story didn't have the horror theme anymore, just plain shooting and killing, no more horror magic and all. The ending on the othe rhand was really interesting though but I can't leave a huge spoiler.
The improvements are significant however not a big step forward. If you're hoping for more additional weapons since FEAR 2, don't keep your hopes up. Weapons are still too tamed like any other conventional guns like SMG, Shotguns, and so on. I was hoping to see more weapons, a more sci-fi like. The shooting was great however it felt very unoriginal since it copied to many elements from other derivative shooter games. The graphics was improved since the crappy one in FEAR 2, the graphics was slick and smooth however the dull visual effects tend to tarnish the overall graphics and really felt that it need more work
The Good:
*Shooting is fast paced and satisfying that would feel really good on your hands.
*Plenty of significant simplifications made thing much fun for FEAR 3.
*New narrative storytelling makes things easier to understand.
*Strong emphasize on co-op play.
*Unique and favorable multiplayer modes that keeps thing fresh and innovative.
*XP ranking creates much rewarding addition for campaign.
*Point Man and Fettel creates a new diversity of playstyle.
*Specific challenges is campaign offers more reward and satisfaction while playing it.
*Enthralling ending.
*Slo-Mo is back!
The Bad:
*Overall visual effects is plain dull.
*Not much new additions of weapons since FEAR 2.
*Campaign last for 8 short Intervals.
*Wonky AI will be having hard time to shoot at you and will tend to spoil campaign and its challenge to offer.
*There's nothing horrifying or shocking in FEAR 3.
*XP ranking only applies in campaign.
*Difficulty leap doesn't really leap for a new challenge.
*Active Cover could been better.
*Overall shooting concept feels very unoriginal.
The Final Verdict: FEAR 3 is definitely a great entry in the FEAR series, despite the connection to the original FEAR concept seems to be fading away, it is still a must-have for the fans.