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[War3] How popular is it?

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Level 3
Oct 8, 2011
Hello everyone.

Today I'm glad to say that I have a new and never done before idea for a Warcraft 3 map. It will take me a lot of time because the map will be big whit a lot of things and also I am a beginner so that is slowing the things.

I am ready to invest a lot of time in this map but some friends told me that I will not have success. Why? Because Warcraft 3 its 60% DoTA, 30% Tower Defense and 10% Other.

My map will be a strategy one, you can capture villages, cities, farms, ports, and other things to increase your income and of course eliminate your enemy. ( I don't want to give more details ) .

So all of these been spoken, how popular is this game? How can I have success ( maybe like Icefrog ). My map will die like the rest ?
Level 9
Jun 5, 2011
I'm sorry to sound pessimistic but to become as known as IceFrog it's just impossible... Unless you create a map which will be 100% unique and you will have an army of bots, like the others said, you won't get that much fame.

Although please do continue with your map... believe me that people will still play it, not many, but they will... and if you really make a good one, you might get some renown. Although being a map maker it's an honor itself.
What I'm planning on doing for my maps is using all my computers at home along with my friend's computers to host my maps :>

I can even hijack my school's servers for it ^.^

Not only that, but my grandfather's company owns a large server (100TB), hundreds of computers, and the only private data network in the country ^.^
Level 3
Oct 8, 2011
I'm sorry to sound pessimistic but to become as known as IceFrog it's just impossible... Unless you create a map which will be 100% unique and you will have an army of bots, like the others said, you won't get that much fame.

Although please do continue with your map... believe me that people will still play it, not many, but they will... and if you really make a good one, you might get some renown. Although being a map maker it's an honor itself.

Yes, I understand it, but, just I don't want my map to die. Its original, unique, a new idea.
This idea came after I was thinking like " hmm, what can for example Blizzard bring new to the video games market, something new, something original. I got it! " and I picked up Warcraft 3 Editor because I can make it whit this editor and its a perfect editor.
Level 22
Feb 3, 2009
To succeed at this point, I see it only possible with creating the leading map of a specific genre (DotA AoS, ...).
Mine is currently leading among roleplay maps and therefore I'm quite well known on battle net, even though I only use 1 bot and even that one only few hours per day.
Level 49
Apr 18, 2008
i don't want to get involved but i think a map should be:easy,original,unique,and simple just like dota and it is what i red from mostly comments here

DotA isn't simple, easy, OR original. The idea for DotA came from the StarCraft map, AoS(Aeon of Strife). DotA is actually extremely complicated, due to all the possibly heroes, builds, items, etc.
Hello I Like to make Maps just for the Fame U want t ohelp me with my new map <Shinobi Karabushi Sashuimi Mukugushi Shippuden Ninja Wars>?

Now you sound exactly like half the entire Warcraft III modder population ^_^
My map is way better! It's called Bleach vs Naruto vs One Piece vs WoW DotA Wars!

DotA isn't simple, easy, OR original. The idea for DotA came from the StarCraft map, AoS(Aeon of Strife). DotA is actually extremely complicated, due to all the possibly heroes, builds, items, etc.

Don't forget the play styles and tactics ;)
My favorite tactic is the one in which Techies would plant 4 bombs in one spot and place a Clarity potion in-front of them xD
It's so funny when the enemies think they're actually going to steal something from you, and then you kill them instantly xD

The only downside about Techies is that Skywrath Mage is invulnerable to his mines/bombs :(
(I found out yesterday when 7 conveniently placed mines never went off)
Level 9
Jun 5, 2011
If the topic is about DotA then fine, i agree with you... but as far as i see it the topic is about how to make a map successful.
You yourself and some others began talking amongst each other about DotA... that was my point.
This game WAS popular. It still is popular, but the majority like you said only play certain maps. To be brutally honest, your map will most likely die and be unsuccessful, even if it is 100x better than DotA.

BUT you don't have to make a map to please people, and your map doesn't need to be popular. Mapmaking is just a hobby, and I'm sure you'll have fun making this map regardless of how it turns out (unless you're like me and completely stopped Wc3 modding and turned to reach).
One off-topic sentence in a third of a post doesn't mean I'm going off-topic ._.

There's nothing more to say about the original post.
The idea is unoriginal (It sounds just like a few maps I played a few weeks ago)

If you want to do something original, you can play something other than Warcraft III to get inspiration because Warcraft III is now nothing but a mass of DotA and Anime shit.

Try making a Tetris map :>

I'm going to work on a really fun and addicting map soon ^.^
I don't want to give out the idea because then someone else might make it and the originality would be ruined :/
Level 12
Apr 4, 2010
Hello I Like to make Maps just for the Fame U want t ohelp me with my new map <Shinobi Karabushi Sashuimi Mukugushi Shippuden Ninja Wars>?

Try making a Tetris map :>


Anyways, DoTA related threads die fast, and discussing about your map, isn't a good topic either.
Level 22
Feb 4, 2005
Sounds interesting, not 'just another RPG', just another survival, just another dota. Play it & Host it in Garena there will be people to play it as they play silly maps as well, not to say if you do smth good.

See, by silly map I mean, a map I did for the lolz - the melee Twisted Meadows and whoever said 'fuck' 'shit' 'noob' PyramidHe@d's Tau Destroyer would appear in the base of the offender and attack his base. While this was a single robot Level 5 creep that you could destroy as easily as an Ogre Lord (level 7),

when they started raging and saying 'fuck' and 'noob', more and more robots were teleported in, even with the best micro the robots destroyed their bases and Blade masters whoever was. Damn im so sorry I dont have the video, they had an ability similar to Diablo 2 Necromancer's Bone Spirit it fucked their bases so hard :((((
Level 22
Jan 10, 2005
So all of these been spoken, how popular is this game? How can I have success ( maybe like Icefrog ). My map will die like the rest ?

If you want ''fame'', you shouldn't be modding a decade old game. Most popular mods are made within a couple of years after the game's launch. Better get started on SC2.
I think seeking fame is a pretty bad reason to start modding anyway, but that's besides the point.
Tetris is beyond the limitations of WC3, just like FPS...

Don't let Warcraft III limit you >:)
You can have 300+ MB Single-player maps and they'd work perfectly.
Why not take advantage of that? ;)

I started working on a map a long time ago.
I found a way to create images on the mini-map by taking advantage of Ubersplats and I found ways to
create primitive motion blur engines (You'd create an ubersplat-type blurred image on the player's screen
and change it's transparency to 100%)
When you want to blurr the screen, decrease the transparency over time.
I also finished writing a library that displays text character by character at a fast rate instead of making
the text print all at once. These are the kinds of things that could make a map unique. You have to go
beyond Warcraft III.

I know I might as well write my own game from scratch, but I'm still learning C++, so for now Warcraft III modding is the only thing I have :>
Writing a tetris map would be easy with the help of vJass.
You'd only need a struct for each cube and a struct for each block
You'd need a grid too.
The piece that is currently on the grid would have 4 cubes and I'm going to assume it looks like this:


I'd decrease the Y-coord on the grid for each by 1 and move each cube to it's new position.
Before moving, I'd check if there is already a cube in that grid position.
If I collide with a cube, I stop the current block and create a new one, but first, I'd loop through all the horizontal lines on the grid to check if you completed a line.
I'd enqueue them and remove them, then I'd go to each line and see if each and every cube can move down one square on the grid. If that's true, I'll set the Y-coord for each cube to Y-coord - 1.
I'd continue to loop though all the lines until I reach a point in which a complete iteration changes nothing.

Done. :>

Now, to rotate a block, I can just hash a specific block sequence for each block sequence available (Which shouldn't be a problem since there are a limited number of sequences)
Level 6
May 26, 2010
The algorithms used in that Sharpshooter map aren't so complex. Most of them are built into War3 anyways (Ubersplats for the Aiming)
W,A,S,D keys are activated with 2 abilities that have the W and D hotkeys and A and S are detected when you stop or attack.

It uses a projectile system and determines the final Z of the projectile to detect headshots.

The camera system is simple (It's just like any other FP camera but he changes it's height by a factor of Sin(integer) where integer is a number that increments depending on the distance moved.

The camera shakes whenever the unit is in range of an explosion (Distance is factored)

Quite simple really.
Level 6
May 26, 2010
I was not saying Sharpshooter was particularly complex, if you understood it that way. I was replying to what mckill2009 said.

Sharpshooter is however praisable for the somewhat creative idea and effort put into it. The complexity of the code is irrelevant.
Level 5
May 14, 2010
In the Philippines DotA is the greatest.(but for me most maps here are better than DotA)
People here gamble for that.
If you lose you pay 20 bucks and they punches balls seriously.
Level 9
Jun 5, 2011
I know what you're saying guys... It happens here in Romania as well... most people just don't know what you're saying when you say "W3/Warcraft II/War 3/etc" but if you say "DotA" they instantly know what you're talking about... My soul has endured hundreds of wounds while hearing such "blasphemies"...
Level 11
Mar 18, 2009
Warcraft 3 was very popular in my country, its just the "young" generation of gamers that have not played it but if you ask any other they will answer yes i have played wc3.

To bad cs was more popular than wc3 :(
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