Well guess i was wrong..Nvm map that was based on this template was some kind of boss fight, i was spaming that map on 1000 diferent ways, but never noticed the fact if ppl want to kill bosses they will play wow not frozen, thats why i have just saved terrain template, now im making hero defense on same map, so i will keep same heroes spells and items, of course i will add more of them. I have changed tile set to ashenvale 'cuz it's gonna be orc's lumbermill defense, you will have to protect orc warcaller till all ways of Night elven attacker pass, i will have to add some events in wave breaks and some events on the end of game, i just have to think about it, but for now im still doing on terrains and first 50 waves. There should be 1 real strong boss after each 8 - 10 wave, like in mount hyjal.