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Virus Infection 0.71

This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
Map Thread
Map Thread
Map Thread

Map description:

Body Defenders: Have to protect The Human Body and his organs from the viruses and to destroy all viruses that are inside the body.

Viruses: Have to Kill The Human Body by killing:
The Stomach to stop Pills from coming. When you kill The stomach Anti-Virus Cloud will be released and a lot of Pills, as a last resort of The Body and the doctors to eliminate the viruses.
The Heart to stop the T-Bodys, Mature T-Bodys, White Blood Cells and the Antibodies from coming.
The Brain to win the game.

Ebola (Easy) - This strain need only more and more units killed to grow stronger. For every killed enemy unit new unit will be spawned from it 1 level lower than the killing unit. This strain is good for players that play for first time the map becouse it's very powerfull strain in the begining. In late game when there don't have alot of enemies to be killed you will be unable to have alot of units.

Hantavirus (Normal) - This virus is highly adaptive, he need to kill enemy units to gain skills. Different units of this strain gain different skills after a number of kills.

Evolution (Hard) - This strain need time to evolve and grow stronger. You have to keep you units from dying when they are low on hp becouse when they evolve their hp will be full again. If you choose this strain you have to wait most of the time for your units to grow stronger to be able to fight. The last evo units of this strain are very good for late game.

Note: In the Lungs you can find spores and with them you can spawn bacteries which can multiply very fast.

Entire Map Preview


The Stomach


The Heart


Body Defenders Area


The Brain


Body Units


Virus Units



Terrain improvements
Minor balances and changes
Some new things
It's ok now
2 much bugs :)
everything is OK
Patient no longer have 2 hearts :D
Heart revive system reworked
Minor terrain changes
Some minor text errors fixed
Decreased attack speed of all units
Reduced fog (it was 2 much)
now all things must be fixed
Fixed crash caused when day/night switching when hero have the night ability and is dead
Few triggers are reworked
Little terain changes
fixed strain choosing window
few things fixed
few things changed

Reworked the day/night ability trigger
Reduction aura finaly fixed
Win/Loose triggers reworked
most of the triggers reworked/fixed
Fixed the text in Quest menu (F9)
Fixed some errors in the triggers
Now the heroes are placed at random points
Regen Aura is now triggered so it have to fully work
Added some info for Virus units
Minor balances on Hantavirus units skills
Attempt to fix the bug where the unit is evolving when it's devoured and new unit appear ot the place of devouring
Fixed the bug where the mana of the Strand a Virus is over and the Regeneration ability keep working
Changed the special effect of the Regeneration ability
Increased the level of Evolution Training by 1 level
Gold income by diferent nucleuses fixed (2,3,4) as it should be
Now you recive 5 stats when you choose your strain
Map performance slightly improved
If player don't choose strain within 2 minutes the game will choose random
Fixed the bug where your strain don't appear after you choose it
Few triggers optimized

Reworked the evolution trigger in order to improve the game performance (test phase only report bugs please)
Reworked the income system now have to be more accurate
Increased the sight of the worms now you are able to select them if they are alone
Fixed the text when u build T-Cell Tower and the text "kill old" pop up
Fixed the bug where you deactivate the Regeneration ability and it keep healing
Units not evolving when mana reach 0 is fixed now
The lag when attempts for reviving the heart is slightly reduced
Nucleus now have 400 hp, 200 seconds respawn time and +2 income
Nucleus now have 450 hp, 302 seconds respawn time and +3 income
Nucleus now have 500 hp, 405 seconds respawn time and +4 income
Body Defenders no longer can choose strains (sorry for this bug)
Now is displayed to all players the results of voting for income and Friendly Fire
Minor ingame/text improvements
Now body defenders have 1 Red Blood Cell in the begining which will harves ATP
Not creating Unit Producer after 2 minutes if you don't choose one is fixed
Few Triggers are optimized
Decreased the Evolution time of Strand B Viruses and Fighting Strands
Changed the hotkey of Suicide and now you can target a unit or point with it
Finally fixed the Win/Loose Triggers
The cost of Evolution Upgrade is decreased
Changed the tooltip for Regeneration Aura
Minor changes to Regeneration Aura mechanics
Reduced the chance to be spawned Pill when attacking the heart and the stomach is still alive from 49 to 39
Minor problem related to Win/Loose Triggers fixed
The Immune System is no longer killing it's own units
Descriptions in the Quests are more clear now and few things removed/reworked
In game help text is also reworked to be more understandable
When new nucleus is created and units owned by immune system are exceeding the maximum unit count the nucleus is now created instead of removed
Added some colorful things
Now you can't have more than 60 bacterias (if you summon them with item you can)
Decreased evolution time of Strand B Virus
Decreased acquisition range of all Worms
Decreased acquisition range of Ebola-Sudan
Decreased acquisition range of Phlebovirus
Increased acquisition range of Nairovirus
Removed few leaks
Max spores per lung set to 11
Fixed some leaks
Small terrain changes
Few text changes
Some triggers optimized a bit
Added few new special effects to Hantavirus units
Added in game credits for the models used

Attempt to fix the Win/Loose trigger
Added loading screen description for players
Added "repick" function/command, you can use it only once
Now you have 60 seconds to choose/repick your strain instead of 120 seconds
Fixed some of the typos
Changed all hotkeys to Q,W,E,R,T,Y Z,X,C,V,B,N
Changed the armor type of the Pills from Fortified to Hero
Increased the armor of the Pills from 1 to 2
Limited the amount of Pills that Body Defenders can produce to 10
Increased the Pills cost from 215 to 250
Heart is now Revived even if the unit limit for the Body is exceeded
Ability Night for virus heroes changed from value to percentage
Added debug for the Nucleuses spawning on the center of the map
Limited the Units that the Immune System can produce
Nerfed all of the updates
Slightly improved the Chance for a better nucleus to be created
2.50 seconds income
Nucleus 55%
Nucleus 35%
Nucleus 10%
3.50 seconds income
Nucleus 48%
Nucleus 39%
Nucleus 13%
4.50 seconds income
Nucleus 41%
Nucleus 43%
Nucleus 16%
Reworked the color of each Nucleus
Infected Blood Cells no longer damage the Red blood Cells near the mouth
Fixed the Night ability for viruses not working correctly night time
Changed some of the info in the F9 Menu
Fixed finally the Night Aura not working properly
Another attempt to fix the Winning for the Body Defenders
Added "income" command it display your current income
Changed the limit of level two Red Blood Cell from 90 to 70 per player
Now the Nucleuses are regenerating slowly only during night
Switched the colors of the first 2 Nucleuses so now the darker they are the more gold they give.
When your units are close to Nucleus they are regenerating faster
Increased the time between each upgrade that the Computer units are getting for their units
Decreased the cost of "Virus Adaptation" and "Creature Carapace" upgrades
Decreased the evolution time of Strain B Virus and the Fighting Strand slightly
Changed some of the stats for the Suicide ability of the Infecters
Disease Cloud ability of the Infecters is working now
Nerfed the Night Aura a lot it was just to much OP
Added new ability Way of Evolution to the Nucleuses
Recoloring all of the Text to fit more the game
Fixed the description of the Suicide, Parasite and few other abilities
Maximum Hero level increased to 50
Changed the Hero Model to the Cancer model because any way there will not be Cancer any time soon
Increased the time for the Body Defenders units to be created
Few visual fixes
Credits updated
Night Aura defense reduction must be correct now
Defense upgrades doesn't increase the defense value of the Pills
The hero restored to its preview model
The hero is more easy to notice when there are a lot of units around it
Decreased the base defense of the small and big Anti body by 2
Decreased the damage of the small and big Anti Body by 5 and 10
Fixed the "income" command to display the current time per income
Slightly increased the time that the Body upgrade his units from normal to strong
Decreased the time required to revive your hero
Fixed the fatal error causing warcraft to close without any reason
Spore item no longer have green icon
New model for the spore
The Immune System now must spawn units more accurate depending on the players in the virus team
0.68 Under Construction
Things done so far:
Pills gain armor as they did before
Default armor of Pills set to 0
Added "ps" command to check the other Players Strains
Added random when you are choosing your strain
Things to do:
To find out how to make the Body Defenders more busy and buffed
Fixed the problem related to the Strain Choosing not appearing
Added "-ms", "-move speed" command to check your hero move speed
Added "-clear" to clear your screen from all of the Game Messages
Attempt to fix the critical error but that is maybe related to the new ability Way of Evolution
Some minor fixes for few triggers

Fixed Way of Evolution not increasing it's level
The fatal error that cause the game to close is fixed
Fixed the "-ms" command to display correct value
Time to "-repick" is now 60 seconds as it should be
Fixed a bug with Nucleus not spawning at some points or spawning at the center of the map

Please post any bugs/suggestion that you find/have here or email me.

republicola - For the Heart model
armel - For the T-Body/Mature T-Body model
Markus3832 - For the Baby Worm and Bacteria models
Callahan - For the Brain model
Pyritie - For the Red Blood Cell model
killst4r - For the T-Cell Tower model
oinkerwinkle - For the Antibody model
Dark Hunter1357 - For the Pill model
NoMAd - For the basics of the system that is adding skills to Hantavirus units
Zerox - For the Spore (item) model
For contacts [email protected]
Original map by Velex continued by me

virus, infection, defense, evolution, cell, heart, brain, immune, system, blood, bacteria, body, worm, egg, stomach.

Virus Infection 0.71 (Map)

15th Sept 2010 ap0calypse: Permanently Rejected. Reason? You. 08:05, 17th Jun 2008 Septimus: Good Point [+] Kinda spooky if you think about your own body. [+] Kinda interesting Bad Point [-] Minor bug detected, attack indicator for...
Level 27
Jun 23, 2009
Thinking that wc3 will die is a very... Unwise thing to do.
Until Blizzard closes down BattleNet, there will ALWAYS, be people who return to warcraft from other games.
That's what wc3 survives on: Returning People who want to play a simple game with simple graphics, in a pretty strange comminity.
It also ofcourse, survives on it's brilliant editor.
But well...

Now, just as ONE FINAL argument against your thoughts of Wc3 dying:
Look at this site. Look at all the knowledge of the editor that has been collected, all the diffirent games, models, skins, spells, tools and other stuff, made for warcraft 3.
Do you think people will abandon this willingly?
Level 23
Jan 1, 2009
Ah well something got changed?
I played it again with some players and now, because its possible to beat up the heart because no antibodys do spawn, its a pretty decent map though.
Even if there are too many towers in the stomach, with upgraded lvl 1 untis spam its kinda easy too and the viruscloud is well beatable now.
3/5 from me.
Level 9
May 30, 2008
I haven't change nothing you can see the change log and last update date. It's just the learning curve that is the problem of this map and the payers complaining to improve the map by removing the units from it. Whatever i know you can beat the map at full house as virus if you play together. Like in DotA you have to gang an hero together few times so you stop his fast growing and of course you must use some skills else you will stop your own growing and will feed him more. See you in Star Craft 2 guys :wink:
Level 1
Jun 29, 2010
I really like this map :thumbs_up:
please update for the species and the multiply type virus-virus :razz:
and add overdose if you can
sorry if my english not good enough :hohum:
I am from Indonesia :grin:
Level 1
Nov 28, 2009
Latest Version..

Can anyone recode this for the 1.24b Battle.net?
Kinda miss this game... Anything TYVM!! ><
Level 9
May 30, 2008
Can anyone recode this for the 1.24b Battle.net?
Kinda miss this game... Anything TYVM!! ><

The map work for EVERY VERSION of WARCRAFT so why to recode it :confused: :ugly:
Frotty was about to remake whole map,adding more features and such,but he paused it,i don't know why. Contact him if you want to ask him to finish map.

What does "to finish map" mean? Is DotA finished map? Please guys don't stay under the sun for hours and then come and write such a things on those forums you are making my head hurt with the words "to finish map" :zip:
Level 9
May 30, 2008
Contact him if you want to ask him to finish map. This can be read the both ways mentioned below because of the fact you know so well english :eekani:

to finish the map. this mean that he can ask him to finish his map/project

the finish map. this mean that he will ask him for the finished map and yet not write correct.

Learn to write correct grammatical please it's one of the rules of this forum :wink:

and stop spamming my thread with useless comments or i will ask moderator to remove them :wink:
Level 2
Jan 9, 2009
I remember when I tried playing with LOTS OF FRIENDS but then there just wouldn't be enough NUCLEUS for our income, but if you play with LESS viruses, each player will have MORE income and may stand chance xD

On the OLDEST versions(0.40ish) I could beat the stomach and heart, the brain was the easiest part since I went all the way through, but it took a LONG time.

Then I tried like 6 times with regular Bnet players, some of which stood to play up to 3 remakes and it didn't work

the best we could do was kill the stomach, but then even with the virus spawns helping us there were too many antibodies cells and etc coming oO
I can't imagine playing this game with actual PLAYER HELP on the body o_O they're too powerful~

But then I haven't got a chance to play the NEWER version ^^
Level 9
May 30, 2008
If you wanna win as Virus you should simple do few things. Because players spawn at random places the two guys that are in the legs must choose Ebola. The create few Ebola Tai while killing units around the Stomach or up in the Lungs. And when they got 30-40 units just go and destroy the Stomach. My record was so far 4 Ebolas i was with my favorite strain Hantavirus and we win for 15 minutes the game in version 0.61. Well i told you about my record i still don't know how it happen but you must careful because the more players in the Virus team the more units the Body Defense is creating. Today i win as Evolution for 1 hour and 40 minutes (those Ancient worms sure take a while to evolve). With 4 controls (48) Ancient Worms i was rocking the map. The sad thing was that the Defenders have Gather all of the gold from the mines and the mines have collapsed :ugly:. I have to see a lot of new things in this map. As soon as i fix the Win/Loose conditions i will add some special effects for killing the organs and i will release 1.0 version :cute:

Hint: If you guys don't have at least 10/10 upgrades for your units at the 20th minute of the game you better remake because the Body Defense will have
Level 12
Jul 30, 2009
you're the editor of this map, you may know how to win, but no one else can. Even if you say that there is a strategy, and tell it, it is not supposed to have a specific strategy. It is supposed to be winnable with some skill, independent of the strategy you use.
Level 2
Jan 9, 2009
I was thinking about adding ANY KIND of functionality to the dominated nucleus... dunno... upgrading income, making it an attacking tower and repel body cells... CAUSE CANCER O_O dunno xD I just think they're not as useful as they can be, in the game...

Viruses use them to get constant income and revive their hero, but that's it~
Level 2
Jan 9, 2009
yeah.... the body defenders should win whenever they get ALL the nucleus for an ammount of time... say 30s... that'd be good for any viral comeback :p
Level 9
May 30, 2008
At the moment Body Defenders can win by destroying all viruses and retaking all nucleuses in the body, But there is a small problem and they not alway win when they have done all of those things so i am trying to fix it. Also trying to fix the Night ability because it doesn't work too. I believe both of those problems are fixed but i will test 5-6 more games before i upload the next version. In one of the games a guy ask me "If when your units are near a nucleus do they heal faster?". Well from now on they do. Also i will add command to check your income.

Suggestions and Ideas about new stuff are always welcome. And please i get the idea about the Cancer but i can't just put Cancer at a point in the map and the Cancer to just stay and do nothing he must do something. Please give me idea what the Cancer will do. The idea must NOT be in format "the cancer is cool and must give new units" or "have some ability for negative effect on the body". Those are invalid suggestions because you must tell few more things because i am not google to type cancer and to pop 100000 ideas in my head
Level 2
Jan 9, 2009
As far as I know, what a cancer does is make defective blood cells... and this effect is a chain effect if not treated, so uhm... If cancer becomes a selectable virus type, you could make special commands for it. Instead of spawning lots of viruses and overcoming the body with number or power(evolution) he could have a special and with looong cast-time ability to take over a cell's nucleus, transforming it into 'infested nucleus' making it harder to be destroyed(in this case it wouldn't be recoverable by body forces) with more HP/armor. THe infested/altered/cancer-ed nucleus would give double income(since it would take long to build~)
Level 9
May 30, 2008
As far as I know, what a cancer does is make defective blood cells... and this effect is a chain effect if not treated, so uhm... If cancer becomes a selectable virus type, you could make special commands for it. Instead of spawning lots of viruses and overcoming the body with number or power(evolution) he could have a special and with looong cast-time ability to take over a cell's nucleus, transforming it into 'infested nucleus' making it harder to be destroyed(in this case it wouldn't be recoverable by body forces) with more HP/armor. THe infested/altered/cancer-ed nucleus would give double income(since it would take long to build~)

So the Cancer will have to cast skill on a nucleus to take it it will be 8x stronger and 2x income and this Cancer will have no units or ? Or to make him a hero only and to gain stats per kills? And if only hero what skills he will have except the one for taking nucleus?
Level 6
Apr 1, 2009

Played the map, its well made and just have a few suggestions to maybe balance it out some more.
-Nerf the towers for the body by reducing the number of units it can target. It wipes out weak units very fast.
-Limit the amount of attacker units of the body defenders. The defenders can spawn units non stop with no cooldown, whereas the virus's have one.
-Improve the income that the nuclei give slightly. Seems alright, but maybe a little more wouldn't hurt.
-Give the virus's some events like increasing attacks of all virus's or spawning more.
-Speed upgrades for the virus's. A little slow and makes it harder to get to allies.
-When a nuclei is held for a certain amount of time spawn little towers around it so the defenders cant rush units by and take them over so quickly.
Level 2
Jan 9, 2009
My friend, I've jsut played this new 0.64 version and gotta say it looks good :D

I finally could win as viruses without having to play adicctively rushing every second trying to spend my money the best way.

It was 5x0(a.i.) but the difficulty seemed just fine. I think we could have easily had one player as body defender without making the game too difficult :)

I didn't check night aura entirely... but... with night aura lvl 1, I clicked the weakest body cell, it had the aura, but no negative armor... though his armor was already 0~

but somehow the body defender now REALLY seem worse at night then by day :) so~ that's a great fix :D

EDIT:(to answer you) cancer could be more like a builder type of virus, the units he'd create would come ONLY from taken nucleus(as town centers or things of that sort) and they'd resemble body cells~ (but without the same upgrades).
So he'd be pretty much cell dependant(nucleus) and could also go for spores~
I think a builder type would fit him better, but I don't know if he would either build static towers or just take over cells and build 'infected body defenders'(if you know what I mean)

Skills would be
1 - aura that decreases enemies' damage
2 - infect/take over nucleus(decreases cooldown with lvl, but not too much)
3 - maybe DOMINATE(take over control of a body unit that isn't a tower or a pill, or the virus cloud)
4 - 'enter infected nucleus', which would allow the cancer to use different abilities while inside the infected one, such as unit creation.

it's just a vague idea that has crossed my mind, but you decide what's best~ I like how the map's developing ^^
Level 9
May 30, 2008
Played the map, its well made and just have a few suggestions to maybe balance it out some more.
-Nerf the towers for the body by reducing the number of units it can target. It wipes out weak units very fast.
-Limit the amount of attacker units of the body defenders. The defenders can spawn units non stop with no cooldown, whereas the virus's have one.
-Improve the income that the nuclei give slightly. Seems alright, but maybe a little more wouldn't hurt.
-Give the virus's some events like increasing attacks of all virus's or spawning more.
-Speed upgrades for the virus's. A little slow and makes it harder to get to allies.
-When a nuclei is held for a certain amount of time spawn little towers around it so the defenders cant rush units by and take them over so quickly.

My friend, I've jsut played this new 0.64 version and gotta say it looks good :D

I finally could win as viruses without having to play adicctively rushing every second trying to spend my money the best way.

It was 5x0(a.i.) but the difficulty seemed just fine. I think we could have easily had one player as body defender without making the game too difficult :)

I didn't check night aura entirely... but... with night aura lvl 1, I clicked the weakest body cell, it had the aura, but no negative armor... though his armor was already 0~

but somehow the body defender now REALLY seem worse at night then by day :) so~ that's a great fix :D

EDIT:(to answer you) cancer could be more like a builder type of virus, the units he'd create would come ONLY from taken nucleus(as town centers or things of that sort) and they'd resemble body cells~ (but without the same upgrades).
So he'd be pretty much cell dependant(nucleus) and could also go for spores~
I think a builder type would fit him better, but I don't know if he would either build static towers or just take over cells and build 'infected body defenders'(if you know what I mean)

Skills would be
1 - aura that decreases enemies' damage
2 - infect/take over nucleus(decreases cooldown with lvl, but not too much)
3 - maybe DOMINATE(take over control of a body unit that isn't a tower or a pill, or the virus cloud)
4 - 'enter infected nucleus', which would allow the cancer to use different abilities while inside the infected one, such as unit creation.

it's just a vague idea that has crossed my mind, but you decide what's best~ I like how the map's developing ^^

Some very cool ideas guys i will try to create the Cancer in the next version starting work as soon as possible. Okay i will decrease the amount of units the Towers can attack at same time (or increase the time they upgrade to next level talking about level 3 and 4) it sounds good idea, but i will try to not make the game to easy to win because the Towers are the only thing that defend the organs. The units with ZERO defense will not get armor reduction because how much is 5% of 0 ? Any way i am nerfing the Night Aura because it's very OP now
Last edited:
Level 2
Jan 9, 2009
imba changes to imba game? l0l how rude.
either way, I've played FULL HOUSE VERSUS ME now, and it's the same thing, the noobs just can't get their viruses strong enough to defend when the body gets its upgrade, but it's not the map's fault... I don't know how it could be more noob-friendly though...

some of their mistakes are...
- not leveling up attack/defense
- not pressing ESC to level up stats
- not noticing the unit producer AFTER they choose the virus type
- not noticing they can revive their hero in one of his nucleus
- not noticing they have to go for the STOMACH before the HEART(heart seems the 'most obvious target' for the arm guys)
- not noticing there are more nucleus to dominate

so... I basically just sat down and watched as the noobs died... there were even the guys who suffered from the basic pill+tower combination at the end of the members o_O

I'm not blaming you but... I can't find a good way, aside from telling them a lot what to do, to make them notice that by themselves...

Even if you make cool tip-texts accross the map, most of the guys would ignore it and say "HOW DO I REVIVE MY HERO"(for example)...
Level 9
May 30, 2008
The Cancer is created but because of the fact that all heroes are created in the map beginning i will need to rework some of the things. The Cancer will have the Slow aura (without description or anything until i got some idea). Possible way of development of the Cancer:
1. He will gain stats as he kill enemy units, but the stats gain will be controlled with abilities ETC. you can choose what stat to gain when you kill units.
2. He will have 3 types of units (will decide later what those units will be) and every of those units will cost a stats e.g. first one will cost Strength and will be for example with high damage or will give some aura or will have random chance to get ability/aura.
3. I have already added ability to the Nucleuses that give some bonuses to the with each level.
4. In 1-2 days the Map will be released so every one can test the Cancer and give some ideas about him.
5. At the moment the Cancer will have only 2 abilities that will be the slow aura and the other one that control the stats gain hope you guys will give me some ideas about some moar abilities.

SasuhKun I will ask you from now on to do not post any comments in this thread your name is already in the block list on the map so thank you for your time
Level 1
Aug 26, 2010
1. This map is not noob friendly so if you are noob back of.
2. This map is not idiot friendly so if you are back of
3. This map is not for people with bad macro control so back of
4. This map requires your attention so if you can't give it attention back of
5. This map require you to be abble to read tool tips if you can't read them or don't care back of again
6. This map require you to read the quest log if you can't or don't care again BACK OFF
7. If you anyone write once again that I or THIS MAP suck he will take responsibility for those words
8. I was creating this resource for the fraking noob community out there but they don't like it so from now on i am creating it only and ONLY for me.
9. Your comment about how OP something is will be maybe ignored as i have ignored all of the 100 comments on this map
10. And i don't fraking care how lame you are because I AM NOT
11. If you don't like any of the things above don't download this map and make sure to pm me with your in game nickname to add it to the ban list so i help you contribute to the map development thank you and frak your self

You want to kiss the back of my what ? Back of what I dont get it at all.
Makes no sense.
Must be semi retarded, mmmmmmm, doesnt bode well for the prospect of this map.

I think you need to Back Off Jack off.
Level 2
Aug 23, 2010
I like your map very much too!! There are not so many map use the virus topic and make it so great!!:thumbs_up: My favourite one is Ebola as it is easy to make a spot of virus.

Here I get some idea and a bug. And I think this poor bug wont be alive any more soon.:smile:

First idea(Alcohol). One night, the man(I think so) drunk alot so his stomach got lots of work to do and reduce its 50% damage/wont attack that night.

It will only happen when the situation below appear.
The game ran 15-20mins already.
The virus only capture <=24 nucleus.
The stomach dont die yet/full hit point.
Chance:5% per night.

Second idea(A Long Long Night). His crazy boss gave him a great project and ordered him to submit it tomorrow. So he didnt sleep that night and his cells dont regen so quickly like the normal night.

It will only happen when the situation below appear.
The game ran 20-25mins already.
The virus only capture <=36 nucleus.
The stomach dont die yet.
Chance:2.5% per night.

Third idea(The Last Chance). After the doctor succeed to revive the heart, the doctor inject the cardiac into the man. It increase the attack speed of the heart by 10%/25%/50%.

It will only happen when the situation below appear.
The game ran within 30-45mins.
The virus capture >=48 nucleus.
The stomach die already.
First revive 5%.
Second revive 10%.
Third revive 25%.
Fourth reive 50%.

Bug Report
Im using the 1.24e version. Playing SOLO in BATTLE.NET.
The level of Defence Reduction is 6.
Level 9
May 30, 2008

I like your map very much too!! There are not so many map use the virus topic and make it so great!!:thumbs_up: My favourite one is Ebola as it is easy to make a spot of virus.

Here I get some idea and a bug. And I think this poor bug wont be alive any more soon.:smile:

First idea(Alcohol). One night, the man(I think so) drunk alot so his stomach got lots of work to do and reduce its 50% damage/wont attack that night.

It will only happen when the situation below appear.
The game ran 15-20mins already.
The virus only capture <=24 nucleus.
The stomach dont die yet/full hit point.
Chance:5% per night.

Second idea(A Long Long Night). His crazy boss gave him a great project and ordered him to submit it tomorrow. So he didnt sleep that night and his cells dont regen so quickly like the normal night.

It will only happen when the situation below appear.
The game ran 20-25mins already.
The virus only capture <=36 nucleus.
The stomach dont die yet.
Chance:2.5% per night.

Third idea(The Last Chance). After the doctor succeed to revive the heart, the doctor inject the cardiac into the man. It increase the attack speed of the heart by 10%/25%/50%.

It will only happen when the situation below appear.
The game ran within 30-45mins.
The virus capture >=48 nucleus.
The stomach die already.
First revive 5%.
Second revive 10%.
Third revive 25%.
Fourth reive 50%.

Bug Report
Im using the 1.24e version. Playing SOLO in BATTLE.NET.
The level of Defence Reduction is 6.

Nice idea dude but i have only few days stay at front of my PC before i have to leave my home town (vacation is over and i must start working) i will release the next version where the Night aura doesn't reduce that much the armor. I am very lazy those days and few other things are taking my attention away of the PC so i can't update the map a lot. To all of the haters i can say that i don't care about you guys you can spam a much as you like in this thread because for the next 10 months i won't check it more than once monthly. So from the next week if you wanna contact me just drop me an email (ask about bug fixes or ETC or just drop by a message). About the map development i start it 2 years ago when i was playing with some buddies on this map and we get annoyed that the Body Defense own us so i decide to change few things and to make the map more funny to play it for us. Well i upload the map here as well so people can enjoy it but the spam over those two years was just too much. And almost no use of the people comments. Now days people give me a lot of cool ideas but i can't stay at the PC that much anymore so i was thinking to give the map to some one else but there is no one that is even a little friendly toward this project in those forums.

Edit: 30/August/2010
The map is upgraded with a few balances but i was unable to test if the new "Way of Evolution" ability work properly so if there are any bugs related to it feel free to PM me or Mail me. As for the Cancer i have started working on it but i believe that it will not be finished any time soon maybe after new year if i i find time. Good luck all and have nice time and GZ to the banned people in the map, you guys really worked hard for it so you deserve it.
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Level 5
Apr 19, 2009
finaly a map that will keep noobs and azzholes away!!

you said cancer would spawn in the middle, you meen in the lungs right? because if it spawned in the heart it would ither die or kill it and be too powerful.
Level 6
Oct 23, 2006
Anyone who spells OFF as of several times in a row BACK OF!!
Seriously, how can anyone get good at this game without being a noob when they first play it? Aka, You get no new players if you scare them all off, so there are no new players to become good players, and eventually, your active good players will run out.

Also, if you dont take balance critisism as serious, and do not act on it then you are making it possible for noobs to play it! By possibly exposing them to advantages otherwise un-obtainable. Im a shit map maker but i take ANY critisism as it comes.

Maps good, your attitude is not, thx if your still reading at this point :)
Level 1
May 5, 2010
yay! a new patch this map is getting better and better.
P.S.old ver the immune defense were hard to take down.
I like this map.
Level 5
Apr 19, 2009
Anyone who spells OFF as of several times in a row BACK OF!!
Seriously, how can anyone get good at this game without being a noob when they first play it? Aka, You get no new players if you scare them all off, so there are no new players to become good players, and eventually, your active good players will run out.

Also, if you dont take balance critisism as serious, and do not act on it then you are making it possible for noobs to play it! By possibly exposing them to advantages otherwise un-obtainable. Im a shit map maker but i take ANY critisism as it comes.

Maps good, your attitude is not, thx if your still reading at this point :)

i knew some dude would say something like this

if you are a noob dont go on multiplayer and rage! learn on single player. the difficulty is acceptable because red does most of the fighting anyway
Level 12
Jul 30, 2009
i knew some dude would say something like this

if you are a noob dont go on multiplayer and rage! learn on single player. the difficulty is acceptable because red does most of the fighting anyway

So in order to virus to have a chance, with no body defenders, all viruses must have done that at least some 5 times? A game always have some pros and some noobs... so it should be in a difficulty on which noobs can actually play. Lose, but learn something and know that the map is beatable.