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Villager 255 animation index list and how to remove the animation delay

Villager 255 Animations

Use Ctrl + F to search for tags (e.g. Two Hand, Shield)

The Villager 255 Animations is a custom model from Graber that has 255 (more or less) animations that can be used with the Custom Script: call SetUnitAnimationByIndex( unit name, number ) command.

Download Graber's Villager 255 Animations Model

[1] [2] [3] - Stand Animation Regular
[4] [5] [12] [116] [197] - Work Animation Peasant Villager
[6] - Run Animation Regular
[7] [184] [185] [186] [188] - Death Animation
[8] [9] - Corpse Decay Animation
[10] Stand Ready No Weapon Animation < Fist Punch >
[11] Carry Gold Animation BUT No Gold
[13] Fist Strike Right Hand Punch
[14] Fist Strike Left Hand Punch
[15] Fist Strike Right Hand Punch Low
[16] Fist Strike Left Hand Punch Low
[17] Fist Strike Right Hand Punch Low Uppercut
[18] Fist Strike Left Hand Punch Low Uppercut
[19] [20] Fist Strike Spin Left <> Right
[21]<>[22] [40]<>[41] Weapon Strike One Hand Low Left <> Right
[23] [24] Weapon Strike One Hand Spin Left <> Right
[25] [26] Weapon Strike One Hand Low Dagger Left <> Right
[27] Weapon Strike Two or One Hand Double Uppercut
[28] [29] Weapon Strike Two or One Hand Double Jump Stab
[30] Weapon Strike Two Hand Frontflip Garen
[31] [32] Crotch Strike Punch Fist Left <> Right
[33] Weapon Strike Two Hand From Above Up
[34] Weapon Strike One Hand Double Front
[35] [36] Weapon Strike One Hand Double Spin Left <> Right Whirlwind Bladestorm
[37] Weapon Strike Whirlwind Double Spin Two Hand or One Bladestorm
[38] [39] Weapon Strike Claw Left <> Right
[42]<>[43] [44]<>[45] Fist Strike Punch Face Right <> Left
[46] Fist Strike Punch Face Double
[47] Headbutt
[48] [49] Kick Face Left <> Right
[50] [51] Axe Kick Right <> Left
[52] Kick Low Left
[53] Wtf
[54] [55] Kick Low Spin Left <> Right
[56] [57] [58] [59] Weapon Strike Two Hand
[60] Weapon Strike Two Hand Spin Whirlwind
[61] Weapon Strike Two Hand Spear Lance
[62] Weapon Strike Two Hand Knockup
[64] Weapon Parry Two Hand
[65] [66] [67] [68] [69] Struck Pain Aghh
[70] [71] Fall Death Back<>Front
[72] Stand Hurt Injured Ground
[73] [74] [80] [81] [126] Sleep
[75] [76] [77] Get Up
[78] Jump
[79] Pick Up
[82] [83] Stand Hurt Injured
[85] [86] [87] Cast Spell Book Magic
[88] [89] Clean Floor Examine Wash
[90] <> [91] <> [92] <> [93] Gold Carry WITH Gold Bag Walk <> Stand <> Work <> Pick Up Load
[94] <> [95] <> [96] <> [101] Wood Carry Walk <> Stand <> Work <> Attack
[97] Pushups Exercise
[98] Uhmm dunno Exercise
[99] Situps Exercise
[100] Dumbbell? Exercise
[102] Read Stand
[103] [104] Read Sit Ground
[105] Victory Footman
[106] [107] Stand Defend Shield Right Hand
[108] [109] [110] Wrestling Start Position Stand
[111] Walk Defend Shield Run Right Hand
[112] Weapon Strike Left Hand Defending
[113] Shield Slam Strike Right Hand Defending
[114] Mounted Walk Run Ride
[115] Mounted Stand Ride
[117] Spear Attack From Above Right Hand
[118] Spear Throw Left Hand
[119] Spear Throw Right Hand Medium
[120] Spear Throw Ground Left
[121] Throw Axes Troll Berserker
[122] [123] Attack Shoot Bow
[124] Stand Bow
[125] Stand Kneel
[127] [128] [129] Sit Chair
[130] Sit Chair Drunk
[131] Read Chair
[132] [133] [134] [135] Sleep Couch Sofa Bench
[136] [137] ???
[139] Stand Against Wall
[140] Cut Saw Wood Work
[141] Mounted Walk Run Ride Sheep
[142] Mounted Walk Stand Sheep
[143] [144] [145] [146] Mounted Ride Attack Sheep
[147] Mounted Ride Death
[148] [149] [151] [154] [155] [157] Shoot Gun Crossbow
[158] [159] Shoot Gun Crossbow Ground
[150] [156] Shoot Minigun
[152] [157] [161] [162] Kneel Gun Crossbow Look Around Stand
O_O ---> 166 u had nothing better to do lel? (gun stand animations o plenty)
[153] Shoot Bazooka Rocket Launcher
[166] Get Down Gun Crossbow
[167] Get Up Gun Crossbow
O_O---> 173 again
[174] Hanging Dead
[175] Hanging Struggling Alive
[176] Hanging From Hands Arms
[177] Hanging From Legs Feet
[178] On Cross Crucified Jesus Christ With Cross
[179] Crucified Jesus No cross
[180] [181] [182] Carry Cross Stand
[183] Cross Carry Attack
[187] Dance
[191] [192] Stand Hands Tied Behind
[193] Kneel Hands Tied Behind
[194] Ground Hands Tied Behind
[195] Pray Muslim
[196] Levitate Possessed
[198] Backflip Jump
[199] Walk Carry Gold Lumber
[200] Stand Carry Gold Lumber
[201] [202] [203] [204] [205] [206] Wooden Box Crate Stand<>Pick<>Drop<>Attack<>Attack<>Throw
[207] Ooh ee ooh a-a ching chang walla walla bing bang (Literally)
[240] Cross Carry Walk Run

How to remove the delay of the animations

I don't exactly know what this is happening, but I think it's because when a unit want to cast an ability, the ability gives the unit time to rotate to the specific angle before beginning the actual spell (I may be very wrong). However, that delay can be made instant with absolutely no transition animation.

1) Do NOT use Channel. For some reason, the delay is still there. If you find a way to remove the delay when using the Channel spell, tell me :D
Instead, I like to use Breath of Fire.

2) Set the Art - Animation - Cast Point of the unit you use to 0.000

3) Use the call SetUnitAnimationByIndex(udg_YourUnit, 100)
Make a Custom Script trigger and paste that command
Make a trigger that sets a variable of type Unit named YourUnit to the unit you want to use.
You can change '100' to any number up to 240, or use a variable you created. If you choose to use a variable, it has to have 'udg_' before its name.
  • Set YourUnit = <Some Unit>
  • Set NumberVariable = 100
  • Custom script: call SetUnitAnimationByIndex(udg_YourUnit, udg_NumberVariable)
Last edited by a moderator:
Level 5
Dec 31, 2013
I kinda don't understand how to save animations. For example: I want him move on sheep, so I start trigger and use number 141. He sits on sheep, but when i order him to move, he starts to walk normally. Second example: I want him to use specific attack animation. When I start trigger, he only plays this animation, but when I order him to attack, he uses standard animations. What's wrong?
For the sheep you have to add the animation tag "Alternate". For defending animations you can use the animation tag "Defend" but if there is no animation tag you have to trigger the animations manually whenever an order is issued to your unit.

For the tag use:
 AddUnitAnimationProperties  takes unit whichUnit, string animProperties, boolean add returns nothing

Look at this: gitweb.wc3lib.org Git - dmdf.git/blob - src/Game/Struct Character.j

My struct OrderAnimations reacts to the event EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_ATTACKED in a trigger and sets unit animations by index whenever a unit is attacked by my villager255 unit.
Thanks for the updates. I must've missed them. Approved!
Thank you ;)
I just earlier saw this in the turorials section, I completely forgot about this.

how can i let him do ONE animation pls pls help...
I believe I am a bit late to answer this, and I am sorry.
Try to follow the steps at the end of this tutorial.
You must have basic trigger knowledge. Copy and paste those 3 lines of triggers in a map and it should work.