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need: Universal Human MODEL

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Level 3
Nov 4, 2006
I need universal human model with this features (all in one)

1) Fully unarmored and unweaponed
2) Right handed!!!
3) Skin same as peasant (or any other nice skin)
4) All correct standart attachment points (head, hand left, hand right, foot left, foot right, origin (between foots), overhead (head + 40), chest, sprite first, second, third (for backpack. first are located on backpack (turned to up), second and third in 20, -20 degrees from first), Weapon first (for attaching fire or poison sphere to arrow, without attack fourth must located in backpack). Attachment points must be correct for attach things (all weapons, boots, gloves, armor and helms will be attached to this unit manually in WE)
5) Animations must be like any human animations.
6) Model size must be like peasant model.
7) Must have one accurate selection circle.

1) Stand 1, Stand 2, Stand 3, Stand 4 - standing unit, like any standing human, with head rotating or hand little moving.
2) Walk 1, Walk 2 - simple walk animations.
3) Birth - like zombie birth animation.
4) Death - get donw on current place, like any human.
5) Decay flesh - 60 second decay.
6) Decay bone - 60 second bone's decay after flesh decay.
7) Morph - all hands must go back (like yakudza getting 2 blades) for getting new weapon from "back pack". Example: unit have any weapon in right hand. When morph animated, hands will move to backpack and weapon will change.
8) Dissipate - like any other heroes dissipate.
9) Stand Hit - stunned animation (without stars overhead)
10) Stand ready - "tae kwon do" standing (unweaponed).
11) Attack 1, Attack 2, Attack 3, Attack 4 - Unweaponed attacks: right hand hit, left hand hit (hook), right foot hit (simple), right foot hit (with 360 degrees rotation and jumping).
12) Attack slam - like tauren slam, but with more powerfull jump before.
13) Spell - unarmored spelling with two hands connected to forward.

14) Attack first - right handed attack for any weapon like axe, sword etc.
15) Attack second - left handed attack for any weapon like axe, sword etc.
16) Attack third - right handed attack, then left handed attack (2 hits in one, for axes, swords etc)
17) Attack fourth 1, Attack fourth 2 - Attacks for bow located in left hand. Please, right hand move to backpack for simple arrow like archer. And arrow must be included in this model (only simple archer arrow, Weapon first point must move with arrow for fire or poison attachment).
18) Attack fifth 1, Attack fifth 2 - Two-handed weapon attack like big hammer or tauren axe.
19) Attack fifth slam - powerfull two-handed attack for critical strike. Please with jump.
20) Attack sixth - right handed attack for spear or grenade throwing.
21) Stand ready first, Stand ready sixth - left han must located as footman with defend-mode.
22) Stand ready second, Stand ready third, Stand ready fourth, Stand ready fifth - stand ready for attacks second, third, fourth, fifth.
23) Walk seventh, Stand seventh - two hands must be in forward. Unit will be carry any big object. For example, i can attach other unit or big palette of wood. In this mode unit cannot attack because all hands is busy. Cargo will be attached to hand right.

Portrait must be in model file (like camera0)

my mail is [email protected] or [email protected] (i use outlook)

If you will made this, i will write about you in loading screen and F9 menu like author or model maker (as you want). But i can not give money for you because i do not use Webmoney or same systems (may be you need any other than money? tell me). I will NOT sell this map! It is for my, your and gamers fun.
Last edited:
Level 3
Nov 4, 2006
lol. No one can do it?! Really lol. I will do it my self! It is too easy to send request, you right.... it is a great program mdlvis!

Deleted member 126647


Deleted member 126647

Don't double post. Wait at least 48 hours before bumping your thread.
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