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=Animations Requested for Project!=

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Level 11
Oct 9, 2015
So I'm doing a very complex project and I need very specific animations for a model, I don't know anything about creating animations or even transfering them from one model to another, so I'm here to ask if any animators would care in doing them or even transfering already existing ones to the model, the closest model I got was Graber's villager 255 animation, but still it didn't fit my very specific needs. here's a list (subject to be changed) of the animations I need. Would it be better to learn from scratch on how to animate models and do it myself?

=One handed Animations=
*Attack horizontaly with left hand (from left to right)
*Attack horizontaly with left hand (from right to left)
*Attack horizontaly with right hand (from right to left)
*Attack horizontaly with right hand (from left to right)
*Attack vertically (from above to below) with left hand (from left to right)
*Attack vertically (from above to below) with left hand (from right to left)
*Attack vertically (from above to below) with right hand (from right to left)
*Attack vertically (from above to below) with right hand (from left to right)
*Attack stabbing with left hand
*Attack stabbing with right hand

=Two handed animations=
*Attack horizontaly (from left to right)
*Attack horizontaly (from right to left)
*Attack vertically (from above to below) (from left to right)
*Attack vertically (from above to below) (from right to left)
*Attack stabbing

*Stand defend (for both sides, left hand and right hand)
*Walk defend (for both sides, left hand and right hand)
*The same animations from the one handed weapons (horizontaly, verticaly and stabbing) from both sides while defending

=Walking Animations=
*Walk animation
*Run animation
*Walking/running while attacking with the attack animations

*Mounted walk
*Mounted run
*Mounted walk/run defend
*Mounted horizontal attack with left hand (from left to right) and (from right to left)
*Mounted horizontal attack with right hand (from right to left) and (from left to right)
*Mounted vertical attack (from above to below) with left hand (from left to right) and (from right to left)
*Mounted vertical attack (from above to below) with right hand (from right to left) and (from left to right)
*Mounted stabbing attack with left hand
*Mounted stabbing attack with right hand
*Mounted attack-defend animations while mounted

=Bow, Crossbow and Throw Animations=
*Shooting with bow
*Shooting with crossbow
*Throwing animation

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