Upgrade and variable

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Level 1
Jun 16, 2004
ok i got confuse i dont use alot variable but im working to using alot. So the map have 2 team of 4 + 1 cpu ally each (aos like). Player have building to do a upgrade but when they do this give the upgrade to all is ally.Problem whit trigger is when we do the level 2 or level 3 a upgrade i cant figure how to tell them to give it level 2 to all ally because only trigger i see is using Tech-Type comparison and we dont have choice of level 2 or 3 Ex: if researched tech-type = to improved sword.

So i try variable, but there im confuse i try maning thing whit array well i make him do+1 each time i upgrade but when i do a single upgrade it do them all at same time...i do upgrade level 1 and go dirrect to 3. so i just need little tip :eek:
Level 1
Jun 16, 2004
just rewrite my question to the very simple.
did we have a way in condition to check if the finished upgrade done by player x = to level 2 or 3 of that upgrade. Because all level of the upgrade are on same, and nothing to specify the level x, plz help :p
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