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Updates & Changes: Customize Menu & more!

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Site Director
Level 62
Jan 1, 2006


The Workshop forge-fires continue to blaze! We have been hard at work since release and we still have a LONG list of things that need doing. Today, we want share some updates with you.

As we stated 6 weeks ago, there would be a customize menu option added to our site's utilities. And a few days ago we made it public. If you haven't checked out our Customize Menu option - go play around with it and tell us what you think!


Here you can customize the menu according to your preferences. Customizing your menu is useful if you only use certain parts of the site and wish to create shortcuts for them. Simply drag a Menu Item onto an empty socket. Select other tabs (i.e. Community, Maps, Resources etc.) to get more menu item options for each respective category. A maximum of 8 slots is available. You can add a drop-down menu by dragging a Dropdown icon onto an empty socket and fill it with other menu items. You can also rename the title of the Dropdown icon.

If you delete a Menu Item but need to access it again, you can click the Site Index
icon in the top right which appears once a menu has been customized. This way you always have access to the whole site, no matter which changes you've made to the menu.

~ Archian


Game Filter

These days the version of Warcraft you're playing matters greatly in your success of a good gaming experience. Therefore we've added filters to the maps section so you can filter by a specific game version and find maps optimized for your version of Warcraft. You can for example look for 1.32+1.33 and find maps that may work in the latest official version of the game. You can look for versions explicitly not made for Reforged and so forth.

Fun fact: If you add the "Only campaigns" and 1.32 + 1.33 filters, you will find campaigns requiring the latest version of the game while being a campaign. Those typically require Quenching mod or the Campaign Splitter by Xetanth87 to be playable.


We have improved the page load performance on bundle pages with many resources! Load time went from ~5 minutes to <5 seconds. We're pretty pleased with that. You can it test yourself. Below you'll find the biggest resource pages that we tested:

  1. Empire Earth icons (Contains 360 assets)
  2. [Megapack] WoW Spell Icons (Contains 292 assets)
  3. Custom Tilesets Pack (Type-C) (Contains 161 assets)

❤❤❤ We'd like to extend a big thanks to all the heroes fighting the good fight. We are so happy to have you: @Achille, @Bernkastel, @Bribe, @Daemonic_Sword, @Daliox1, @Eikonium, @Falasae, @Footman16, @Gismo359, @Goffterdom, @Gyrosphinx, @Harynar, @Kam, @Kick King, @King I Rat, @Lich Prince, @Maynard, @Med. MapGuy, @MindWorX, @mori, @NiGlOo-ShOoTeR, @Nihilism_Is_Death, @rangger16, @Ravenwood Skye, @ScrewTheTrees, @Skopetski, @Tauer, @ThompZon, @tulee, @Vendro the Wind Mage, @Xthreo ❤❤❤

When that is said, we need more mighty heroes to win the war against evil. It's because of heroes like you, that we are able to find the time in our busy lives to create features like this - and we want to create more.. Really big ones ;) ... So please consider becoming a HERO of the Hive, to keep it alive!


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Level 46
Jul 29, 2008
Very cool! Great to see further hard work bearing fruit. Can't wait to pare down my Menu to Threads, Contests, & Models. ; )

//EDIT// - Ok now that I've actually messed around with it I'm even more impressed. This thing is incredibly robust & simple to use, allowing basically anything (short of uploading my own images for the group/item icons I guess?). My only two complaints are very minor/resolved: (1) it was a bit confusing to grok at first (but your demo video helped resolve that), and (2) if you make one 'group' completely full of 'items', it extends the screen so much you can't add certain other 'groups' to your custom menu (not without some weird "click-hold-other-finger-uses-mouse-wheel" nonsense); basically there's no "click-and-drag-up-the-screen" functionality).

Seriously very cool. I've wanted to have direct access to my most-used stuff (Watched Threads, Pastebin, & Models) for eons now, and this is just king. Great work Ralle.
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Level 46
Jul 29, 2008
Interesting way of not using dropdowns at all and using groups instead. Thanks for sharing.
I'm honestly not sure if this is 100% the way I want it, just trying something out... I feel like dropdowns are generally superior but I really didn't want all those giant icons across the top, really wanted to limit it to about 3. There's no "dropdown/hidden tab" for supergroups (and even if there was, would I really want to double-dropdown??), though, so I get close to that by just having the tiny icons in groups.
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