Unity 4 is out!

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Hey folks!

Recently Unity 4 has been released! With cool new features and a reworked interface along with performance increasements! Check it out here: Unity 4

Here are some of the new features:
  • Mecanim
    • (the new animation system with 150 premade MoCap Animations, that you simply can use on every model you made. Just make a basic rigg and use it, pretty cool!)
  • re-worked OnGUI
    • now works 10-times faster (also GUILayout works faster, but not as fast as OnGUI)
  • you can now publish on Linux and Flash
  • DirectX 11
    • now fully works and is supported, which means new shader Quality and graphical enhancement
  • improved terrain shader now basically supporting normal maps and other improvements on the terrainshader
  • Improved Unity Interface
    • The Project window and other Interface elements have been improved, like a small icon preview of the models you have imported
  • updated Shuriken Particle System
  • Real-Time Shadows for all platforms
  • 3D (volume) textures now available

And many more new cool features, which makes this one of the best free engines that you can work with. It suits best for mobile and Browser based games, but with the new updates Standalone games are pushing forward now, with the new graphical updates (such as DirectX11).

More information can be found here.
As far as I know, Directx11 wasn't usable/implemented, which now was changed, but yeah tesselation shaders are integrated, too.

The main goal of the Unity 4 update was the new Animation System and the aim for a tripple A game graphics system. I think they get closer to it, but mainly would like to stick to browser and mobile games as other engines are better suited for High-End Graphics, still a very gorgeous update, though.
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