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Unique ORPG Concept

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Level 30
Sep 30, 2008
This thread is just me thinking out loud, and I dont currently plan to make anything I've discussed. But I thought i was a nice idea, and thought ide share it with you :)

Im sure that time and time again people have tried to make an multiplayer ORPG, and find themselves having to decrease the quality of their maps considerably due to the bnet 4mb limit.

Well! I've been thinking of a way to bypass this, and the solution? Using several different maps to essetially make one game :)

Hang on, im sure your thinking this sounds like the same thing blizzard did with their Rexxar map? and to be fair, yes, it is quite similar. The only difference being that each map will be completely independant from the others.


The Concept:

Each map will be a completely different area of the game, and will focus on a unique theme, such as a forest or a cave etc. Think of each map as being a level.

Each level will contain a "Town Area" for quests, items, healing etc. It will also have the "Questing Area" which is pretty much the area outside the town, which will be full of creeps, and the neccesary content to complete quests from the town. Each level will also feature a boss, which upon death, will drop some sort of special item.

Each map/area will be designed for a specific character level group, which will be displayed in the maps name. For example, the starting map could be named "Forest Levels 1 - 15"

Essentially, every level could be similar to an instance in WoW :)



Initially, a template map would need to be created, which would literally be a blank terrain canvas with all the hero classes, items and triggers that will be consistant throughout the various levels. This will ensure that one save/load code will work for every map, allowing players to load their characters in any level they find hosted on bnet.

Once the template is completed, it can be handed out to several developers, who will create the terrain, create creeps, quests, bosses, and use items from the template as rewards.


The Advantages:

- The major advantage is file size. If each map only needs to contain an hours worth of play, then the quality of the map is potentially limitless. For example, the quality of terrain could be spectacular as the terrainer will not have to worry about running out of doodads etc.

- Each map would only need to contain enough content for the player to progress to a certain stage, e.g. 10 levels. Once the player has finished a level, he/she can move onto the next map. Each level can be revisited if theres something a player forgot to do :)

- A players hero can be loaded on any map he/she wants to play.

Its only a rough concept, and may never be created, but any comments / criticism you have is most welcome :)
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Level 36
Jul 1, 2007
If an rpg includes levels and killing shit to level up, I'm sorry, but it just isn't unique. The only game that can pull off that kind of system well is Neverwinter Nights (because it's based off D&D, the original RPG). There has to be some kind of better system than levels.
Level 30
Sep 30, 2008
:D Well, the actual gameplay is pretty much up to the creator. The point I was trying make was that with several smaller maps instead of one big one, the quality of terrain could be rather nice, instead of the boring standard flat terrain we see on bnet at the moment. :D

E.g. With this idea, terrains could look as good as you or me could make them, because we woulnt be quite so limited.

Tell you what, I'll make an example of a map that would feature in the game IF someone were to make it :) Thats not to say they will :D
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Level 20
Oct 21, 2006
Theres nothing unique in your idea. Even I've made maps with your idea, but they never succeed. If you want to make a good ORPG, then do it with one map. Dont add lvl cap too high. Just create many dungeons as possible with bosses and epic loot. This would get players to play dungeons again and again, since the loot drop rate is very slow. Also add PVP arena where players can fight against each others to match their gear and skills.

This is my opinoin how ORPG should be done. Im not saying that you cant do your idea with series of different maps, but I guess that people dont have enough patience to load them all. It can be also hard to find any players to play with you if you are high level and really nobody doesnt even know about the map.
Level 30
Sep 30, 2008
Thats pretty much the idea :) and those are some very good points, I hadnt thought about the lack of higher level characters :p

I guess it would have to be possible to single player each map to get around that :p

But yes! The only reason I really thought about splitting it into several maps, is to ensure the bnet limit doesnt stop the map from containing high quality terrain, and unlimited custom models, music files etc :)

But this is a discussion after all :D All opinions are welcome ^^
Level 20
Oct 21, 2006
The only reason I really thought about splitting it into several maps, is to ensure the bnet limit doesnt stop the map from containing high quality terrain, and unlimited custom models, music files etc :)
Every map must countain the same items and objects in an order to get the map to work. Otherwise, the character loading will give you an error or cant be done.
Level 30
Sep 30, 2008
Well yes, like i said in my original post.

Initially, a template map would need to be created, which would literally be a blank terrain canvas with all the hero classes, items and triggers that will be consistant throughout the various levels. This will ensure that one save/load code will work for every map, allowing players to load their characters in any level they find hosted on bnet.

Once the template is completed, it can be handed out to several developers, who will create the terrain, create creeps, quests, bosses, and use items from the template as rewards.

All the data concerning heroes, and items etc will be consistant throughout all the maps :) If its done well, it shouldnt take up more than 2mb, leaving the other 2 for all the custom stuff thats specific to the map :)
Level 4
Apr 5, 2008
I agree with the earlier post. Neverwinter Nights would most likely be more capable of fulfilling that "RPG" feel. I too tried to create an ORPG, and didn't work out. It's basic gameplay, only thing different is the quests, other than that it's a grind fest. ORPGs are fun in that they include lore, and characters, better than a strategy game, which WCIII was supposed to be. Now granted, Defiance ORPG is pretty cool, and Forlorn was for a good while, people got bored.
Level 1
Dec 4, 2008
If I may, there has already been an RPG made like that, but with no save/load. The game is called Obsidian Depths RPG, Ty. :>
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