18:33, 25th Feb 2010
THE_END: Very few details, and I'm sure that's a CnP from the Abomination stomach
THE_END: Very few details, and I'm sure that's a CnP from the Abomination stomach
(5 ratings)
well i dont want to make a "just another lousy covered in blood" model !!
i will work hard for approval !
massacred sheep aren't exactly clean and white.
nasty. i definatley do what misha said. make it SO much dirtyer and less clean. then it would be horribly disgusting
interesting.. then how about making the skin of the sheep pale or even slightly blue, because there is no blood in the sheep.
some dead and dry eyes could work as well.
that wool looks too clean, perhaps you should make it a bit like the blight, or maybe some dirt on it... massacred sheep aren't exactly clean and white.
rating: 2.36/5 lacking.
lookin' better.. however, that dirt looks like it's smudged on.. can you maybe add some grain-ness to it?
and also.. some blight-like necro-ed parts of the flesh or wool would be good.
EDIT: Oh.. and some blood from the nostrils would be a neat touch as well.
grain and blight-ness like a kind of plague sheep?
nostril blood.. sounds creepy