unable to connect to battle net

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Level 1
May 3, 2021
hello Hive . i m french and nice to meet you all . After 10 years out of warcraft i wanted to find back old feelings on w3 ROC . I kept my cd and licence all last years and hoped a day setup my old game . That day arrived but its impossible for me to play on battle.net . I downloaded ( thanks to him) last W3 version ( 1.27) and tried all servor but all time its impossible to connect . I would if its possible buy a new game but need to know if we still can play ROC. i don't want play reforged or any new version i want play this one .

Thank for your answers , i hope its just a patch or something like that :-$
Level 11
Jul 4, 2016
You can't play official battle.net on older patches.

ROC was merged with the frozen throne in later patches.

So if you wish to still play ROC and older patches online, you will need to look for other servers. There is gameranger and eurobattle for example.



Level 32
Mar 21, 2016
With the introduction of v1.31 on May 28, 2019, the whole Reign of Chaos multiplayer got disabled.

With the release of v1.32 (a.k.a. WC3:Reforged) on January 28, 2020 the Battle.net 1.0 infrastructure was shut down for legacy WC3 players. Nowadays, those who want to play WC3 (TFT) on Battle.net have to use the latest version of the game (currently v1.32.10) on the Battle.net 2.0 infrastructure.

As an interesting side note, those playing Diablo II v1.14d can still play over Battle.net 1.0 as of this writing, meaning the Battle.net 1.0 infrastructure still exists.

I can not resist the temptation to quote almost in full (with emphasis added where imho appropriate) what has been written on W3Replayers.com, about the state of affairs back then for RoC players:


As many of you may have already realized, the Reign of Chaos ladder got severely broken after a server maintainance on May 22. Finally, with the introduction of patch 1.31 (May 28), the whole Reign of Chaos multiplayer got disabled.

The official patch notes state:
Battle.net disabled for Reign of Chaos
Dev Comment: We've been encountering non-trivial issues connecting players over Battle.net as we unify the game client - a prime example being disconnects caused by erroneous matches between Chaos and Throne. Custom maps created with RoC data are still playable, this affects melee only. A major benefit to this change is players who owned Reign of Chaos only now have The Frozen Throne.

I can't say I've really been satisfied with the given explanation. First off, because of the lack of any relevant information related to the issue, considering the big impact it has on our small community. Is there any hotfix ETA? Is this going to be addressed only with Reforged?
Secondly, the very last sentence, paired up with the fact that this is listed under "specific changes and improvements", makes me interpret it as a nice way to force people away from Reign of Chaos to embrace the expansion pack.


I've talked to one of Blizzard associate producers a few days ago, seeking for answers to the aforementioned questions. What came out of our conversation is that the disabling of Reign of Chaos multiplayer is, unfortunately, not going to be temporary. Also, maintaining a Reign of Chaos server isn't an option either, as its cost would be too high.

Aware of the fact nothing can really replace the good old ladder experience, as some consolation he offered to make a map template to allow Reign of Chaos melee dataset into The Frozen Throne custom games. New maps should be ready in the next few days and W3 Replayers will fully support them (if there's any map you would like to play in custom games, just let me know by commenting under this very newspost). Hopefully some of you will then show some love to our dying game and share his replays in these next few months of agony before the release of Reforged!

18 June Edit:
after repeated solicitations from my side, I first got told he "didn't have time over the weekend" and two weeks later, once more, that he has "not had time to work on the template". At this point, it's pretty obvious he doesn't have any intention to ever work on it (I even offered myself to do part of the job, but it was no use). Also, as a reply to my question concerning a possible return of Reign of Chaos ladder for Reforged, I simply got told there are "no plans at this time". Grim days are ahead of us. [...]

This is a small and probably final update. On January 28 Reforged got officially released, replacing the old game client and the whole infrastructure behind it with the modern Battle.net. A few days later, on February 3, a Blizzard community manager published a developer update sharing company plans for the next future and addressing some areas of concern arised by the community, among which Reign of Chaos.

The statement in question is the following:
There are some individual concerns we've seen that we're not currently planning to address and we wanted to give the community a heads-up. As of Version 1.30 of the original game, we saw very low usage of tournaments and of the Reign of Chaos ruleset, so we removed both in mid-2019 (in Version 1.31). Eliminating the maintenance for underused elements has helped us streamline our overall support of the game and focus on areas impacting the most players. That said, we do anticipate that players who prefer Reign of Chaos will find custom games with similar rulesets, which we hope will help satisfy that concern.

I don't quite agree with the aforementioned line of thought, but if you really want to learn more about my opinion just have a read here. Regardless, the main point now is that there's the absolute certainty that Reign of Chaos won't ever make a comeback and it's thereby confirmed the only go-to is custom games.

The sole bright spot is that an official Reign of Chaos game dataset has been added to the World Editor, which makes it possible to play the game without using the (no longer working) Unforged mod or its imperfect maps.

I have personally converted the new way Lost Temple and Secret Valley. You can download them here. Replays taking place on such maps will also be automatically redirected to this section of the website, just make sure not to rename the filenames nor to create any folder containing special characters such as "#" that may cause critical bugs to occur. Upon request I can convert further maps.

@Kam: do you have any idea which Blizzard Associate Producer LoveStruck is referring to, in his Patch 1.31.0 post?
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He spoke to me.

Originally I had planned to make a template map for him but ultimately we built out the option in WE:

Level 1
May 3, 2021
hey brothers thank you very much for your replies . I already tried to play on others servers but all resulted to "unable to connect battle net" . About pyf reply , does that mean that i cant play war reign of chaos on battle net as i known in the past or if i bought war 3 reforged and i use v1;32 i can play ROC on battle net 2.0 ? My problem is that i have an old computer and it still in 32 bits :) I could buy a new one but need to be sure that i will be able to play my old ROC ( i didn't like TFT )

Thank you guys for your help much appreciated
I was really surprised at the stuff after Reforged came out. Some totally crazy people made a discord server that was super anti Reforged and I joined with a smurf account for kind of like the same reason people go to the zoo, to watch and see if it was entertaining.
The discord didnt last more than 3 months before exploding from social toxicity and then being deleted, but the people there taught me that you can install your own battlenet server on most Linux servers probably in one or two commands (i.e. "sudo install battlenet", something like this) and then you can connect to it by hacking your registry and then getting a hacked WC3 client that removes the old authentications and then you can just play patch 1.26 with the hacks on your own server.

So I mean, I am not saying you should do that as it probably is not legal, but for the sake of curiosity last year I learned that if you try it is apparently, supposedly, very easy to do.

Reforged is pretty fun though if you can get a 64 bit computer then it's probably worth it to try the Reforged because although the menu is not as good in most people's opinion, the actual game and editor have a ton of improvements.
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Level 32
Mar 21, 2016
hey brothers thank you very much for your replies . I already tried to play on others servers but all resulted to "unable to connect battle net" [...]
I am guessing you are referring to the links from maybe this (outdated) thread:

For reference and nostalgia purposes, I am linking to this old page from 2018:
Maybe Level 6 (rotfl!) former Hive Staff Member @HappyTauren will be baffled to discover that people who only have RoC still exist in 2021

Also, I am poking headadmin of (now inactive?) website rocarena.com @HB., even though we have not seen him in a long time. Maybe he can tell us about the current state of affairs regarding any RoC game servers still active in 2021?

[...] About pyf reply , does that mean that i cant play war reign of chaos on battle net as i known in the past or if i bought war 3 reforged and i use v1;32 i can play ROC on battle net 2.0 ? My problem is that i have an old computer and it still in 32 bits :) I could buy a new one but need to be sure that i will be able to play my old ROC ( i didn't like TFT ) [...]
The vintage RoC experience is no more on the Battle.net servers afaik.

How old is you computer? What are its specs please?

The current version of the game (v1.32.10 as of this writing) is lacking, and is notoriously buggy when it comes to playing on the Battle.net 2.0 servers. Also, WC3:R may not even work optimally or even properly(!) overall. Please refer to the General Discussion page about the game, to read what the vox populi is, regarding the game and any of its existing servers, so you can make your own educated opinion:
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Level 3
Apr 20, 2021
There's a third-party application called Game Ranger that I believe sets up a LAN network to allow you to play Warcraft online - this includes Reign of Chaos. In my experience, people seem to use 1.26 more than any other version but I only play the Frozen Throne expansion so I don't know much about the ROC. Perhaps you could check it out. Just download it from their official website, create your account, follow the instructions on how to hook up your game to GR, and I think you're good to go!
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