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uhhh, a little help lol? :/ [Jass]

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Level 3
Jul 12, 2014
Greetings everyone, so recently i decided to start editing a map that a mapmaker had abandoned and opened to the public, the issue is that it needed the jass newgens pack (as stated by the mapmaker) to be opened. so i downloaded it and successfully opened the map, i started working on various stuff (mainly changes to existing units) and i went to test it and oh map, everything just went wrong lol, first i got a popup stating all kinds of errors with the map - apparently syntax errors, then WC3 opened up and just sat in the main menu instead of opening the map, so i went to custom games, test maps, found the map, clicked on it. no player slots. i tried running it anyways and it just took me back to the custom games list. i took a screenshot of alot of these and put them in the attatchments area. i've tried fiddling around with various settings on it and nothing really seems to help, any help would be greatly appreciated in this issue :/

The Original Map Thread:


  • Sytnax Errors.JPG
    Sytnax Errors.JPG
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  • Map Slots Error.JPG
    Map Slots Error.JPG
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  • The World Of Azeroth v8.7 W.I.P.v2.w3x
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Level 24
Aug 1, 2013
That means that you haven't installed vJASS.
vJASS is the main reason why people use the NewGen pack instead of the regular one. It opens many opportunities and handles JASS better.

You however have installed NewGen but the vJASS section isn't installed with it.
I had a similar problem and after 6 times re-installing it and 3 times recovering it, it worked.

There are a few things that you should know about JASS/vJASS though.
vJASS is not real WC3/Blizzard language and has to be translated into JASS before you can run your map. So if you want to test your map you will have to save your map just before testing/opening. (This might also be the problem.)

Next to that. If you see the main menu screen when you test your map. That means that you have errors in your map and so it will not run.
Level 3
Jul 12, 2014
That means that you haven't installed vJASS.
vJASS is the main reason why people use the NewGen pack instead of the regular one. It opens many opportunities and handles JASS better.

You however have installed NewGen but the vJASS section isn't installed with it.
I had a similar problem and after 6 times re-installing it and 3 times recovering it, it worked.

There are a few things that you should know about JASS/vJASS though.
vJASS is not real WC3/Blizzard language and has to be translated into JASS before you can run your map. So if you want to test your map you will have to save your map just before testing/opening. (This might also be the problem.)

Next to that. If you see the main menu screen when you test your map. That means that you have errors in your map and so it will not run.

hmm, i looked at it and it says that it comes with PJass, which i assume is a different thing. if i may ask, how do i add in vJass to the current pack? do i have to uninstall or modify anything? and is this likely the only issue or is there likely more things i will have to do to make the map playable (regardless if there is or isnt, i'd be happy to do so, so long as the end result is the map being playable :) )?

btw, i dont know if this affects anything, but i seem to have 2 different settings under the "JassHelper" tab, Vexorians Jass Helper, and Cohadars Jass Helper, does it matter which of these i have toggled? can they be a cause for errors like this to occur or is it soely the lack of vJass thats the problem?
Level 3
Jul 12, 2014
my apologies for the bump, anyways i reinstalled the entirety of jass newgens, booted up the map, tried test running. sweet jesus 10,337 map compile errors lol, now im not entirely sure what a compile error is exactly, i dont recall ever using the compile map feature but this is really starting to worry me now, i've been editing the map for a while now - not being able to playtest my changes is rather annoying - and im starting to get extremely frustrated by the lack of playability. if it is the install issues im going to put the map in the attatchments, can someone who knows that their jass newgens is in perfect working condition look at it and see if you get the compile errors?

though alternatively it may be my settings, i have almost everything that can be toggled on/off on lol, but i listed what i have on below:
(under extensions i have Enable local files, Enable Shell Extension on)
(under UMSWE i have Enable UMSWE, Custom Editor Categories , Non tileset specific objects, and custom tile pathability on)
(Under Grimoire i have everything EXCEPT Start War3 with -opengl and Disable WE syntax checker on)
(Jasshelper has Enable Jasshelper, Vexorians Jasshelper, Debug, Disable vJass Syntax, and Disable script optimization)
(Sharpcraft has Sharpcraft on)
(Campaign Compiler has absolutely nothing on)
(JNGP has nothing on either)


  • What have i done to deserve this.JPG
    What have i done to deserve this.JPG
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  • The World Of Azeroth v8.7 W.I.P.v2.w3x
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Level 3
Jul 12, 2014
The last official version of JNGP did not come bundled with the last version of JassHelper. You need to manually update JASS helper which is a real pain to do.

alright so i did what you said and whenever i try to playtest the map now no error messages popup. which either means its fixed and everything (heres hoping! :D ) orrrrr i screwed up big time lol, either or. anyways im still having issues, currently whenever i try to playtest it im just sent to the main menu of WC3, i try looking for the map, i find it. 0 slots lol. still stuck but hopefully this is the last hurdle i have to overcome until the map is playable! :D
Level 3
Jul 12, 2014
welp. i just decided to test out the test map button on a completely blank map with no triggers at all. 4964 compile errors. alright so i think the issue regarding compile errors actually isnt fixed. can someone please explain what im doing wrong lol, i updated my jass newgens jasshelper to the most recent version (though possibly incorrectly, all i did was remove 2 files and replace them with the files they told me to) and i listed all the settings that im using. is there an additional step i have to take to correctly save/use the map? the fact that i cant even playtest a completely new map is probably a bad thing :/ i apologize to everyone who has helped me thus far for being such a... hassle i suppose, nothing really seems to be going my way regarding the map lol and its extremely discouraging, but i really want to edit/fix the map up and make it much more fun :l


  • Are You Kidding Me.JPG
    Are You Kidding Me.JPG
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Level 3
Jul 12, 2014
You have disabled the normal WC3 syntax check right?

uhhhhh, good question lol, since i dont know where that is i would assume not lol, didnt know i had to :eek: (or that there was a syntax checker already in vanilla TFT). sooooooooooo uhhh, how does one go about disabling the vanilla syntax checker lol? (i geniunely apologize for the sheer lack of WE knowledge, only thing i really knew how to do beforehand was minor triggering stuff, modifying stuff in the object editor, and extremely minimal terraining/aesthetic knowledge. currently figuring everything else out as i go along. for a game thats like over 10 years old the world editor is very complex lol)
Level 3
Jul 12, 2014
In JNGP it is in one of the extension menus in the menu bar at the top of the terrain window.

oh right lol, forgot to enable that. alright so the syntax errors arent popping up anymroe and i was able to sucessfully test the blank map, so i went over to the map im actively working on and it sorta worked, currently it just puts me at the main menu, though the game appears to have no slots when i select it in the custom games area so its a step in the right direction i suppose. ty. so where should i go from here? as always im going to put the map as an attachment if anyone wants to see exactly where im at currently. to my knowledge the map *should* have 12 slots like the versions that came before it and when i look at the players thing i see no real issues so i have no idea whats preventing me from hosting it with a full 12 :/
Level 3
Jul 12, 2014
Get JASS helper working, enable it and allow it to build the map JASS script so that the game can get the appropriate slot info.

uhhhhhhhhh. lol. alright so you said that i needed to get jass helper to work, i would assume that means its not working properly for me and that i have to reinstall it. i have it enabled with the following settings: Vexorians Jass Helper, Debug mode On, Disable vJass Syntax On, and Disable Script Optimization On. and uhh, build the map JASS script. hold on there lol, lets take this step by step here man :p alright so are those the settings i should have on or do i need to remove some of them? next what do i press to have the map build the JASS scripts? :eek:

btw i geniunely thank you for all the assistance you've given me. i realize that i am likely the most unexpirienced jass user you've ever had the (dis)pleasure of helping. do know that i truly appreciate all of this - as do many people who regularly play this game and want to see a new version added.
Level 3
Jul 12, 2014
The Debug Mode should be off (it's for testing codes and spells for some spell makers and system makers).

Disable VJass Syntax also off (it disallows VJass)
Script Optimization also off

Just turn on enable JassHelper and enable Vexorian's JassHelper.

oh ok lol, i just turned everything on - not knowing what it did, hoping it would work lol, my bad :p

alright so all that stuff was turned off, now all thats left is to do what Dr Super Good told me to i suppose.
Level 3
Jul 12, 2014
hello? :eek: is anyone there lol, while i appreciate the help guys my problem is still persisting :/ i have no idea what Dr Super Good meant in his post and i kinda need a bit of clarification :l
Level 3
Jul 12, 2014
i appreciate all the help thus far, but im not ready to give up on this just yet guys :/ im still in need of help with this, if you guys have skype i would gladly screenshare so u can see if im perhaps doing something wrong? :|
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