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-Truevision ORPG *Under Construction*-

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Hosted Project: BoW
Level 17
Feb 28, 2010
Might Change

*Hagge5 (Coding)
*Sverkerman (Terrain)

*We are creating a first-person adventure ORPG game which will be save and loadable.
*The main idea is to have the game extremely open, forcing the player to explore every inch of the game in order to complete different "quests".
*The quests wont be like quests in other orpg/rpg's, instead of talking with a NPC and he gives you a "quest" he rather gives you information about what is bothering him. In order to "complete" this "quest" you need to fully understand how, when, why and where and this information wont be accessed through a quest log but rather from collecting information from the environment and it's NPC's.
*The combat system is very unique. You have
75 mana as max pool and recover 10 mana/sec. You start off with 2 different abilities selected by the engine randomly when engaging into battle. When using ability A or B, ability C and D will appear. Timing is key since there are abilities to block an opponents attack.
*There are a total of
4 professions at the moment, Alchemism, Herbalism, Hunting and Magic. Each profession has it's own faction specified in it. Reputation is key to advance in the different professions. Reputation is gained through completing "quests" and from advancing in respective profession.
*You can interact with almost every NPC/Item in the game to gain information about all from who stole Bob’s bottle of ale from 1964 to recipes for brewing mysterious potions.
*PvP is enabled and can be accessed without the acceptation from the other player. You cannot use potions in PvP. The winner of the battle can loot
all the opponent's equipped gear which will be lost for the opponent.
*You can purchase swords, armor, profession recipes, empty vials, hunting bows, berries etc. with gold which can be acquired mostly from hunting but also from completing "quests".
*The environment is changing depending on the "Value" of all the playing players in the current game. The "Value" of each player is determined by how far into the game he/she is. (with changing we mean that we add NPCs and environment changes to all the cities rather than just increasing the HP of all enemy NPCs).

-Game Roughly Explained-
Start off by interacting with all the NPCs in the town you spawn in and find out whatever you can help them with in order to get some coins and some cheering reputation to begin with. Now when you have had a chat with the towns folk you can start to explore the nerby environment, perhaps you can find something useful to complete your "quests" with!
Now when you have completed your "quests" you might have access to a different part of the town which you didn't have before, try to find someone to teach you about a profession!
Explore well terrained environments in a first person view and interact with everyone and everything to level your professions to the max and hunt for legendary monsters with your hunting skill to claim the biggest and rarest rewards to battle with your fellow ones and steal their loot!

*4 Professions (Magic, Alchemism, Herbalism and Hunting.)
*First person camera viewing system
*W,A,S,D movement system
*Custom coded combat system with Co-up possibility
*Interact able NPCs and Items all over the world
*Legendary monsters and animals to battle
*Exclusive and realistic terrain to explore
*Custom coded inventory system
*Many combat and none-combat items

-Profession Explenation-

Hunting can be acquired from "X" after having a reputation of "X" or higher with the faction "X". Hunting is used to hunt animals and legendary animals. Animals spawn randomly in the map and drop furs, teeth, horns, claws etc. which can be sold. Hunting will be the most effective way of gaining gold in Truevision ORPG. Some animals requires a higher hunting level than others to hunt, especially legendary animals which has a highly improved loot but are harder to kill and has a very low like hood of spawning.

Magic will be used mainly for combat purposes in very balanced terms as well as support for traveling. Magic can be learned at "X" when having a reputation with "X" of "X" or higher.

Alchemism can be learned at "X" after having a reputation of "X" or higher with the faction "X". Alchemism is used to temporarily increase your stats in combat and/or enchanting gear to permanently become more powerful. Only 1 enchantment can be attached to each individual piece of gear at a time. Alchemism is very closely related to Herbalism since herbs and berries are necessary ingredients to your successful brew. You can either have Herbalism as your secondary profession in order to provide yourself with berries and herbs for your upcoming brews or simply purchase berries and herbs from other players over the internet. Alchemism requires memory since recipes has to be found by interacting with books located all over the world and then memorized for successful brewing. Remember to follow the steps in the books correctly or you might end up with a failed brew!

Herbalism can be learned at "X" when having a reputation of "X" or higher with the faction "X". Herbalism is associated with Alchemism since no berries or herbs equals no brew. Herbalism can be a good income of gold if you have access to a platform to play on with other players since some Alchemists lacks the Herbalism profession which gives them no access to herbs unless buying them from other players. When harvesting your plants you have a chance of gaining a worse, equal or super seed. In order to gain a different seed than the one you currently have you can do "quests" and/or purchase from other players and NPCs. Seeds can also be found when killing animals, legendary animals and monsters.


*Not done! (glow not added)*









*Not done! (glow not added)*






-Youtube Videos-

How can I support Truevision ORPG?
You can support us by adding this to your signature:


It will look like this:

Want to beta test Truevision ORPG? Sign up today! Send Sverkerman a PM letting us know!
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Hosted Project: BoW
Level 17
Feb 28, 2010
*Reserved for updates*
*We do now have a homepage http://truevision.7olm.org/ (2011-06-27)
*We do now have a support signature for all you supporters! (2011-06-27)
*We do now have a introduction movie so you know abit more exactly what our ORPG will be! (2011-06-29)
*Herbalism system done! (2011-07-03)
*8 hours of terraining done. (2011-07-04)
*Alchemism system done! (2011-07-06)
*Magic City Done! (2011-07-10)
*Magic Profession Done! (2011-07-14)
*Haunted House Done! (2011-07-17)
*NPC Combat System Done! (2011-07-18)
*New Update Video! (2011-07-31)
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Hosted Project: BoW
Level 17
Feb 28, 2010
*Also Reserved*

Posting constructive and inspiring comments, sharing us your ideas and/or helping us out in any way makes the project much more fun to work on. Share us your thoughts!

Want to Beta Test Truvision? Use our supporter signature and give Sverkerman a PM letting him know!
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Level 5
Feb 27, 2011
*The combat system is very unique. You have 75 mana as max pool and recover 10 mana/sec. You start off with 2 different abilities selected by the engine randomly when engaging into battle. When using ability A or B, ability C and D will appear. Timing is key since there are abilities to block an opponents attack.

*PvP is enabled and can be accessed without the acceptation from the other player. You cannot use potions in PvP. The winner of the battle can loot all the opponent's equipped gear which will be lost for the opponent.

I dont understand this two. :/
And what is wood and foods use in this game atm? just wondering?

And you accept any suggestion, i mean i can say if smtn i think it great and it will improve, and you will considere it? :))


Hosted Project: BoW
Level 17
Feb 28, 2010
Thanks for all the feedback.

Wood and food doesn't have any purpose yet.

About the combat system, Imagine a fighter game where you start off with X abilities. When you use 1 of X abilities Y abilities shows up, like a combo system.
(note that X and Y variables are groups of abilities in my explenation!)

About killing other players, it will not be OP like "I got the sword of a thousand OP's and will 1 hit you!" All items will be more like in Team Fortress 2 (exeuse the comparison), Positive: You get this. Negative: You lose this. So items will only affect tactics.

Of course some items will be better than others, but you rarely fight a player which you cannot get anything from. (unless you want to be a jerk, which is possible since we want the game to be as free as possible!)
Level 6
Apr 4, 2010
Thanks for all the feedback.

Wood and food doesn't have any purpose yet.

About the combat system, Imagine a fighter game where you start off with X abilities. When you use 1 of X abilities Y abilities shows up, like a combo system.
(note that X and Y variables are groups of abilities in my explenation!)

About killing other players, it will not be OP like "I got the sword of a thousand OP's and will 1 hit you!" All items will be more like in Team Fortress 2 (exeuse the comparison), Positive: You get this. Negative: You lose this. So items will only affect tactics.

Of course some items will be better than others, but you rarely fight a player which you cannot get anything from. (unless you want to be a jerk, which is possible since we want the game to be as free as possible!)

I think a better explenation of combat system would be pokemon, although you always have one pokemon, no strength and weaknessess, only 2 abillities, however, you gain 2 new ones at random after each cast.

Holding on to abillities at the right time, and time them with allies for maximum effiecancy, will be key to winning.
Magic abillities will be like "extra" spells, which enables you to choose your style (pvp-master, healer, heavy dps, lifedrainer?)
Level 24
Jul 9, 2009
Sverker you're extremlly good at making maps, you are a good terrainer and Hagge is a profesional triggerer but seriuslly you need to make a background story.

Level 12
Dec 17, 2009
maker did a system to me years ago
that shows on the left side or right side (or middle, you can adjust it) and it shows the hit count ou kill count (depends for kills or for triggered attacks count)
its pretty awesome, he make it grows based on count (more kills > more big effects on numbers) without boring and ugly multiboards

10 - 20 - 30 - 40

and after each count refresh it shows on ur chat bar the extra exp gained from ur combo

growing and growing :)
a Orpg map reminds me of torch light game.
you can have a dog or a pet too, that gains lvl and can auto cast triggered spells
like this one http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/spells-569/advanced-pet-system-v2-mpi-wohuynia-191166/
For terrain, you can use alpha terrain to make underground effects. (Your terrain is just awesome D:)
and i can be a beta tester to check leaks and bugs :)
Level 24
Jul 9, 2009
Still I have thought of using that in my own map, you know when I dont suck totally at world editor.
Level 5
Feb 27, 2011
Definitely support this ORPG,

Also about testing, i wish to help you even there, alfa or beta test ^^

i will actualy not suggest a single thing for this ORPG i will let you and other to create it,

I am here for bug's glithe's, or/and other stuff's like that,

As soon as you get first version i would like to test it with "CrEaTeD", you know him from skype, we would be glad to help you, we could probably find one or more extra people but thats all for now.

I wish you only good luck & have fun sverkerman, and you too hagge5.


Hosted Project: BoW
Level 17
Feb 28, 2010
Thanks alot for the support but I would be very glad if you came with any suggestion. It could be a area, a specific monster, a profession, a spell, an icon, anything! We want to make this game as perfect as a game can get so we need all suggestions possible :)
Level 5
Feb 27, 2011
This is the most confusing thread and the weird orpg as well, im trying to understand smtn, its like math, i read it and i got it , but every new time that i read this thread i have new concept in head, and its diferent every time, i dont know what will this be actualy .. btw i dont want to give items :/ xD hahha


Hosted Project: BoW
Level 17
Feb 28, 2010
We do want testers, but only high ranked people on hive and friends.
What we want for our project at the moment is:

*Someone handy with photoshop. (Hagge5 is busy with triggers and therefore it would boost up the release date greatly to have someone else doing the photoshop job!)
Level 6
Apr 4, 2010
So what save/load system you plan on using? : )

yours off course xD

yeh i guess theyre using yours x) also Burke it doesnt sound like sverkerman want's testers.

I'll be making my own, I want to have as much control over the code as possible, and I can't have that if I import systems.
I suck at optimizing it though, so that's kind of sad, the code will probably be about 60 letters.

If you are willing to make a savesystem for this specific map, I might consider it. It's not a normal ORPG which saves hero-type, level and 6 items, but 3 proffesion levels and EXP, 20 items, current area, and current magic spell.

About forum thingy: Id rather just have a website with info and download links, people might as well feedback on main topic, and an entire forum sounds kinda stupid...
Level 16
Apr 18, 2011
About forum thingy: Id rather just have a website with info and download links, people might as well feedback on main topic, and an entire forum sounds kinda stupid...

there will be links, there is already link to this thread.... also a entire website isnt easier, and i can make the forum more simple? without alot of it, also i got told by sverker that i should create a forum for all your games, which i did.. after 12 hours and i was finished i got told i should deleted half of it, and make new display... :goblin_cry:
I'll be making my own, I want to have as much control over the code as possible, and I can't have that if I import systems.
I suck at optimizing it though, so that's kind of sad, the code will probably be about 60 letters.

If you are willing to make a savesystem for this specific map, I might consider it. It's not a normal ORPG which saves hero-type, level and 6 items, but 3 proffesion levels and EXP, 20 items, current area, and current magic spell.

You do know that Encoder outputs codes that are as good or better than anything you could ever make yourself right? In it, you literally have to craft a save/load code specific to your map. That's what makes it so complex and hard to use.

If crafting the code from scratch isn't power enough, I don't know what is =).

But anyways, gl with your map, looks interesting ;P.

Just making sure you are using a good save/load system since I hate long codes ;D. If it's bigger than it has to be, there is a guarantee I'm never going to play the map cuz it just annoys me ; (.
Level 24
Jul 9, 2009
If you're looking for screenshots I think you'll have to be happy with what is alredy up on this forum ;)
Level 5
Feb 27, 2011
OVER 60 CHARS !?!??!! NO WAY, no way i will write all that, i dont think that 60 char code will have room in chat .. well its not over, it will be exactly 60 chars for lvl 1 dude :D


Hosted Project: BoW
Level 17
Feb 28, 2010
BoW had 57 chars... TKOK has over 100...
EDIT: Tkok got 92 letters with numbers, small letters and big letters mixed. Like this: 1e5jZ-dUpvK-617o5-zw4ax-Pfiwk-MEAWE-PLEgm-q1Z1N-hixnK-eDecq-MIyQD-dXe8L-aNIbe-PQoNh-ixXeq-g
1e5jZ-dUpvK-617o5-zw4ax-Pfiwk-MEAWE-PLEgm-q1Z1N-hixnK-eDecq-MIyQD-dXe8L-aNIbe-PQoNh-ixXeq-g (TKOK)

Level 5
Feb 27, 2011
Encoder info:

1) Stats that saves for example this:
item x6
abilities x4|x5?
pet x4

2) Security:
1 bit value changes (from demo) (a bit is the tiniest change possible, like 0 to 1)

Security Used in demo (prevents code tampering): 148194
Security Size (how big it is in the code): 3 chars (Ddy) (not too big ^^)

And the size considering what it save's

min code size in demo: 21
average code size in demo: 60
max code size in demo: 63


For this ORPG will be like lvl 1 hero 60 char and the time to break it? 1 day total, woohoo :/
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