[Role Playing Game] Trinity RPG

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Level 3
Nov 17, 2013
Trinity RPG
[Open Beta]

Map Information:
Trinity RPG is an epic role playing adventure game.
It is made in the style of classic, cooperative, party based games
(such as Diablo, Dungeons and Dragons, and World of Warcraf)

Recommneded players: 2-3
Estimated Gameplay: 4 hours

These features were carefully designed to give a
challenging, rewarding, and highly replayable cooperative rpg experience.

- 100 Unique abilities
- Each hero has five unique abilities
- Abilities are synergistic, awarding skilled play
- Abilities are scaling, with customization options to fit your playstyle

- 20 New Heroes
- Heroes fall into three roles; Anchor, Support, and Damage
- Each hero has complex strategies and skills to master
- 30 levels of progression

- 300+ Items
- Completely scripted random loot table
- 100 legendary artifacts
- Set items

- Interactive Shops
- 7 types of merchants
- Shops are user friendly and easy to navigate
- Dozens of item recipes

- 25 Quests
- Immersive quests for rewarding roleplaying
- Dynamic reward system

- Memorable Bosses
- Tactical scripted boss fights
- Challenging encounters (be prepared to die!)
- Damage and Armor types matter

- 3 Talent Trees
- Allows players access to secondary stats
- Infinite customization options
- Your Hero will be unique!

- Floating text healing system
- All healing numbers are displayed in green!

- Energy/combo points
- (several classes use a WoW inspired resource system!)

- Open World
- No railroaded dungeon halls
- Creep respawn system
- 5 optional Dungeons


The realm of men is a dark place. The age of heroes has long passed, they grow small and weak, as the old magics fade from the world.
Their spirit is not what it once was. The captive legions of Hell, watched, and waited. They desired to take the realm of men as their new kingdom.
The great Mage Zan, one a protector of men, sensing the invasion and imminent defeat, turned traitor to the race of men.
He made a pact with Diablo, leader of the demons and agreed to open them a portal to our world in exchange for a place of power in this new order.
Now Demons walk freely across the land and the dead do not rest.
The very earth is corrupted as dark magics gather.
You and your allies must fight your way though the risen abominations and demon legions that stand between you and the accursed castle
Destroy Zan before it is too late and Diablo himself enters our world.

Lore Sample:
"The ancient race of the darkelves are all but extinct.They were a powerful peoples, gifted with long lives, famous healers and warriors.
Some were said to be skinchangers, with the power to walk as beasts or half-beasts at will.
Legend goes that one day, their gods abandoned them.
All that remain are statues and ivy covered ruins, with the last of their wandering the earth as their kind fades into oblivion."


Models & Skins:
Frankster (multiple)
levigeorge1617 (multiple)
CloudWolf; Sellenisko*
Kuhneghetz (multiple)

Marcos DAB
By 67chrome
Dan van Ohllus & Mr.Goblin

Special Thanks:

If I've somehow missed you, and you see your work in my map, let me know.

Author's Notes

- This game represents my first real attempt at map making. Testers would be extremely helpful.
Any suggestions or constructive criticism would be appreciated. Its ideally played with a friend or two.

- The map is unprotected. Feel free to improve or edit my design, pending explicit credit given.

- I am currently overhauling the quest system (15% complete).


  • Trinity RPG [Beta].w3x
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Level 10
Dec 17, 2011

So its inspired by Diablo 2. You should mention iton the description,
i love diablo 2!! :vw_love:
I must say the map was beyond my expectations. I can see you put a lot of effort in it.

However there is a lot of things to fix. First you should add an inventory system, because you obviously want to use potion and have a lots of badass items too ,so exchanging items between the horse and the hero all the time is
I also recommend using http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/spells-569/easy-item-stack-n-split-v2-7-4-a-153287/?prev=search%3DEasy%2520Item%2520Stack%2520%2527n%2520Spli%26d%3Dlist%26r%3D20.

The terrain.... Im sorry but its not that nice.it looks like a plain tray where you randomly scattered some doodadds. The usage of tiles are not neat either. It would be clever to sacrifice some hero models, in return import some nice terrain elements. First of all custom tree models, because original trees are notoriously ugly.
Using "steep hills" is also a good alternative for the ugly blizzard cliffs and so on....

I think the map overall is good, you should just tweak on the terrain to make it look nice and creepy.

I hope it helped a bit, good luck with this project! :goblin_good_job:
Level 3
Nov 17, 2013
At Justicebringer: Diablo 2 holds a special place in my heart, with the whole party system and dungeon crawl its also inspired by WoW. I do list them in the first couple lines of the description! I'm glad is surpassed your expectations :)

I do need an inventory system. And I'm sadly crippled by my reluctance to learn JASS. There is a town portal system and waypoint system for easy selling. Plus merchants out in the world. But you're right, to get that potion feel, I need more space. Do you know any good system I could use?

Also. About terrain, I've put a lot of work in to it there are about 25k doodads I've hand placed. The first zone is a moor and supposed to be somewhat barren and desolate. Check out the next zone. or the forest. or the inside of the castle!

At Chaosy: Other than the Quest system, which is progress, everything else is pretty much current!

At Xonok: You're invalid! Just kidding :) Its in the bottom right, though. Hit level 15, you get a talent point. There are three trees eash with 30+ points. Currently.

Sure, I'll add a changelog. Many quality of life changes.
Level 3
Nov 17, 2013
;) Don't worry about it. Without the fancy font its easily lost in the wall of text. I also give a nod in the map itself near the credits.

Thanks! its pretty much non-imported models, just lots of creative usage, if I do say so myself.

And thanks for the inventory system, looking at it as we speak.

Edit: Well... it is GUI... kinda. I'm not sure its my style. It may also conflict with the way I've made recipes/sets/item types/etc. basically it would be one hell of an overhaul. I do want an inventory system though... I'll poke around and see if I can find one that's better suited -- I might end up having to do it from scratch.

Edit 2:
The stacking system is brilliant.
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