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Trap Brawler v0.48a




Key points:

  1. Trap Brawler is a skill-based arena without any direct upgrades.
  2. You have one type of trap, sidearm, and a support ability.
  3. You may have any combination of said abilities.
  4. There are different game modes. No mode is the same: you will likely have to adapt your abilities towards the scenario.
  5. And most importantly,
    shit blows the fuck up


There are two essential mechanics to Trap Brawler: Detection and Disarming.

Players use the Detect Traps ability to spot any traps in their vicinity.
Traps may be disarmed, but a short numerical code must be typed in order for it to be disabled. That's pretty much it, though.


Players select a combination of 3 abilities as seen below.
Additionally, certain combinations of skills may give you a Set Bonus. Point at an icon for a brief description.

















TDM - Team Deathmatch
Each team begins 25 lives, decreasing by one with each death.
The team with more lives is the winner.​

TLM - Team Elimination
A single-life mode.
Victory is achieved either through eliminating all opponents, or by having more teammates alive than the other team.​

BASE - Base Mission
Three bases are set up across the map, which must be captured.
The team which has conquered all bases, or with the most of at the end of the round, is the victor.​

CAP - Capture Mission
Players must bring and hold the target to their respective goals for 30 seconds.
The team which has depleted the timer first, or has held the target for the most total time, wins.​

BOMB - Bomb Mission
A single-life mode.
The attacking team's goal is to plant the bomb at one of the three target points and defend it until it detonates.
Defending players protect these points and disarm the bomb by using the Disable Trap ability.​

VIP - VIP Mission
A random player is set as the VIP and must be escorted to two points on the map.
The attacking team must eliminate the VIP, or prevent the VIP from completing each checkpoint.​

DM - Deathmatch
A free-for-all deathmatch where the players compete for the highest score.​

SCAP - Solo Capture
A free-for-all mode where the players fight to hold the target for the longest period of time.
A player wins for keeping the target for 60 seconds​

BOSS - Boss Survival
A one-versus-all game mode. The Boss is significantly stronger than normal, and must
eliminate all members of the Defending team.​


• Added Auxiliary Bomb
• Spike Trap damage now increases each time it is activated
• Interval between Spike Trap detonations increased (1 s. -> 1.5 s.)
• Boss version of the Grappling Hook is faster and has a shorter cooldown now

• Lava CAP points are farther apart now
• The VIP now has a +350 health bonus

• Lava model has been changed
• Auxiliary Bomb knockback reduced
• Fixed Auxiliary Bomb limit glitch​

All Changelogs

trap brawler, trap, mine, bomb, strategy, explosion

Trap Brawler v0.48a (Map)

14:46, 24th Jun 2011 -Kobas-e: Approved Recommended from now on 19:41, 3rd Aug 2010 ap0calypse: Approved

Does anyone frequent this thread other than Don-Para-?

  • No

    Votes: 29 60.4%
  • Yes

    Votes: 19 39.6%

  • Total voters




14:46, 24th Jun 2011
-Kobas-e: Approved
Recommended from now on
19:41, 3rd Aug 2010
ap0calypse: Approved
Level 5
Dec 7, 2009
This is a pretty shitty description. It tells us NOTHING about the map. I'm not going to even bother to download this map. I don't know what its about. All I know is it contains traps according to your description. I'll test it when you give this a map a more decent description. :wink:




Sounds like something worth trying, especially since the PSX is virtually non-existent
Ok let see... Trap Brawler v0.30d

Things that I like:

1st - Map Description
2nd - Large number of game modes, battlegrounds, mines, abilities
3th - Special Effects
4th - Idea

Things that I don't like:

1st - There is no Ai
2nd - All heroes looks same
3th - Trap, ability pick place looks bad
4th - Terrain can be a little better
5th - No random events

Word or 2 to Author:

Well map looks really ok but game interface isn't changed, multiboard looks really simple, hero name is grrrrrr!

*Maybe you create/add some destructible to terrain! Rocks, trees etc etc! Mine can blow up things like that!
*Why not to turn invisible unused battlegrounds.
*Whole mine/ability pick area can be replaced with only one a little larger, all heroes can be placed there, just make them invulnerable and set mana to 0!
*Maybe you can create some dialog buttons, because if you use few game modes it can be better!
*Maybe you can create standard heroes at start:
Warrior: Melee Attack, simple mine, knockback immunity
Assassin: Poison mine, that gas ability etc
so player can pick created heroes (also you can change their look) or they can create their own (this one here, you use)
*Maybe few more support mines:
-They can after explode: Reduce Armor, Slow, Freeze for few sec, throw units into air (cyclone ability), hex, capture etc etc
*Use attributes:
Strength can: Increase mine dmg: Base + str*2/3/5/10/10000 :D
Agility: movement, attack (for some) speed, reduce cooldown
Intelligence: Add more mana, mine detection range, mana reg etc etc
*Use gold, lumber, food!
Gold - Buy items that: Add small armor, hp attributes etc etc (nothing special)
Lumber - Improve that items or improve traps/bombs, like upgrade
Food - Control number of placed units instead of trigger: normal cost 1 food max 3, remote cost 3 (with 5 kills = 5 lumber for example you can upgrade max food to 4 etc etc)

Well at the end there are 2 many ideas on my mind I write only best ones, I hope my comment help you a little to improve your map, this is my opinion after all you can ignore it ofc! I will give you 2/5 not because your map is bad (it can be rated with 3/5 and approval) but because it can be improved a lot! It is very balanced right now without bugs/glitches but it is also 2 simple! I hope you are not lazy ^^
I will be waiting for upgrade!
P.S I really liked this map, that way I want to see more (I fear if mod approve this you will stop working on it)...

Level 12
Mar 21, 2008
Well map looks really ok but game interface isn't changed, multiboard looks really simple, hero name is grrrrrr!

i think the default interface is fine. i'm actually working on implementing some multiboard (at the moment, really glitchy), and as for the hero names, i'm too retarded to come up with anything else lol

Terrain can be a little better

i also do admit some of the terrain is pretty much shit, and i probably will improve upon that (some day)

There is no Ai

funny thing is in the predecessor to this game (it was called "untitled" lol) i tried to implement AI... guess what happens next
so basically if i can't implement AI in the pretty-bad-game-before-this-one, i probably can't put it in here either

but it is also 2 simple!

i guess it seems like a simple game, but i'm just wondering how many people were in your game. generally a trap brawler game of three people would pretty much be the most boring experience in your life... you don't know how chaotic it gets with a full house, lol

I fear if mod approve this you will stop working on it

i work on this whenever i want to hehe

i actually like some of your ideas, but about the attributes thing: i've actually considered putting something like this in, but it'd just end up giving the player with the best performance the best stats (you know where this is going)

anyways thanks for the review, i actually might put in some of the things you just mentioned in there lol
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i actually like some of your ideas, but about the attributes thing: i've actually considered putting something like this in, but it'd just end up giving the player with the best performance the best stats (you know where this is going)

anyways thanks for the review, i actually might put in some of the things you just mentioned in there lol
Well that was my point after all to help you improve/upgrade your map to better one! I am glad you like it! Just like I said above: I will be waiting for upgrade!
Level 3
Mar 23, 2010
I remember this! i help test... nobody was joining so i was like go 1v1 i can take ya (to the creator) hes like "alright..." i lost the first 2 rounds then i got myself a proper strategy and he couldnt touch me hes like im lagging!:thumbs_down: im laggin really bad! :hohum:my fps is like 2!! :slp:i'm out. :angry:so yes i made the creator ragequit his own game.:mwahaha: anybody wana try me on USEast its Dragonofcat my channels are f12 Clan DnDE Okarioth's Castle Alpha-Omega Grand Hall
Level 12
Mar 21, 2008
I remember this! i help test... nobody was joining so i was like go 1v1 i can take ya (to the creator) hes like "alright..." i lost the first 2 rounds then i got myself a proper strategy and he couldnt touch me hes like im lagging!:thumbs_down: im laggin really bad! :hohum:my fps is like 2!! :slp:i'm out. :angry:so yes i made the creator ragequit his own game.:mwahaha: anybody wana try me on USEast its Dragonofcat my channels are f12 Clan DnDE Okarioth's Castle Alpha-Omega Grand Hall

brb going off topic
the lag thing wasn't an excuse
i knew the game would lag prior, that's the only reason why i was hosting it, for testing reasons. you obviously had the advantage, my fps being 2 and dropping (p.s. i don't like staying in games where my frame rate is below .5)

honestly i'd be glad to play against you again, but you know.... without extreme-ass framerate-bias lol
Level 3
Mar 23, 2010
Wana get straight to the point? skip the (())

brb going off topic
the lag thing wasn't an excuse
i knew the game would lag prior, that's the only reason why i was hosting it, for testing reasons. you obviously had the advantage, my fps being 2 and dropping (p.s. i don't like staying in games where my frame rate is below .5)

honestly i'd be glad to play against you again, but you know.... without extreme-ass framerate-bias lol

Is that a challenge? ((what i bothered saying got edited out because i got your name... i was being lazy waiting for someone to tell me cuz i didnt feel like looking so now what i botherd saying is this instead of what it was originally anyway read a bit farther if your wondering why i even bother typing all this crap...)) ((messed up the no 3 times... i need to start sleeping more)) . why would i bother saying that or this? i like watching myself idk dont ask. ANYWAY Rematch definatly. Not a bad map... not something i could play constently such as AAA Evo or FE (( FE is lesser known...)) so itsa 3/5
Level 8
Apr 16, 2008
I really like this game. Though it's pretty elaborate, something's... empty about this map. I think you should make it a bit more fast-paced, have events, and contain more sounds.

Yes, I am honestly reviewing your map even though I'm your friend >>
Level 4
May 26, 2010
Wana get straight to the point? skip the (())

Is that a challenge? ((what i bothered saying got edited out because i got your name... i was being lazy waiting for someone to tell me cuz i didnt feel like looking so now what i botherd saying is this instead of what it was originally anyway read a bit farther if your wondering why i even bother typing all this crap...)) ((messed up the no 3 times... i need to start sleeping more)) . why would i bother saying that or this? i like watching myself idk dont ask. ANYWAY Rematch definatly. Not a bad map... not something i could play constently such as AAA Evo or FE (( FE is lesser known...)) so itsa 3/5

I like how you put a thought out review that was excellently stated about the pros and cons of the game-play, aesthetics, and the overall enjoyability to improve the map so that it can work up to your expectations and feelings (Like -Kobas-, who gave the map a 2, wat).


Anyway, and beat you :xxd:
Level 12
Mar 21, 2008
make it a bit more fast-paced

if you want fast-paced go play a mode like CAP or something, where you constantly have to be moving and shit (unlike TLM where 99% of the time everyone is camping with spike traps in narrow passages, cough)

have events

events would be unfair as hell, and besides, i don't want to turn this map into a generic arena anyway

and contain more sounds.


Anyway, and beat you :xxd:

actually he was in the lead in terms of points (because he blocked 2 projectiles, wat im probably going to reduce the points you get for doing that)
then i disconnected, so the true victor is a mystery...omg
Level 8
Apr 16, 2008

if you want fast-paced go play a mode like CAP or something, where you constantly have to be moving and shit (unlike TLM where 99% of the time everyone is camping with spike traps in narrow passages, cough)
it's a bit slow anyways >>

events would be unfair as hell, and besides, i don't want to turn this map into a generic arena anyway
all of your OTHER maps have events... >>
it feels empty anyways... something IS missing

and about sounds... just add some besides generic UI sounds >>
Level 4
May 26, 2010
Still pending lol

There needs to be multiple units with different default "special" spells for each. aka:

Bandit - Defend (Reduces all damage taken by 60%, but decreases speed by 40%. Can stack with Detect Trap).

Headhunter - Throw Spear (Throws a spear that's a beefed up version of the knife. Stuns for 2 seconds on impact. 5 second cooldown.)

Ninjer (lol) - Speed (Passively increases speed by 20%)

Footman - War Mastery (Increases damage done by all abilities by 10)

Grunt - Tenacity (Increases health by 150)

etc etc
Level 3
Sep 1, 2010
i like it..some kind for fun..
it's just time for success at bnet..people love it..
but i found some bug..

at solo capture mode..when player who hold the target( just call it a ball ) has been killed..the player don't drop the ball..so he can stay at respawn point and wait for the times out..and that's embarassing..( i haven't try for team capture )

and Grappling Hook..when you cast this spell on player that beside a pillar..that could be sometimes got stuck at the top of the pillar..

for all FFA mode...why there's no information about who the winner is??after the round end...

and..can u add some calculations at the end of final stage??
like the most player calculate by the most personal winning/point achievement..
and the most team calculate by the most team winning achievement..
Level 12
Mar 21, 2008
fixed solo cap bug (more like i just reverted it back to what it was originally, you die you lose the target)

i have no idea where to start with the "dragging people into walls with to grappling hook" bug

some day will show the victor in FFA modes

will probably include victories in the end game room

and for the changelog guy: there's one in game if that helps
Level 8
Apr 16, 2008
n00b, you could do some elaborate detection crap by placing units or making regions along walls and moving people back if they hit walls for the grapple bug.
Level 9
May 30, 2008
There are some major leaks in your map because after 20 minutes of playing the game lag start increasing until we got an critical error. I have no idea how this map get approved with such a leaks. If you need help fixing the leaks look at the tutorials.

of topic: the new icons look cool
Level 12
Mar 21, 2008
There are some major leaks in your map because after 20 minutes of playing the game lag start increasing until we got an critical error. I have no idea how this map get approved with such a leaks. If you need help fixing the leaks look at the tutorials.

funny thing is i've never had any problems with lag until now

and why don't you take a look at the map first before you say "omgf dis map lag so it leaks!!!!!!!!" because i'm pretty fucking sure i have most-to-everything deleaked, i'm not that mediocre of a map maker bro -- it just so happens there's always some MYSTERIOUS game breaking shit present in every one of my maps because blizzard hates me or something

also the lag probably has to do something with the addition of Solo Capture (brb looking into later)

n00b, you could do some elaborate detection crap by placing units or making regions along walls and moving people back if they hit walls for the grapple bug.

or i could make use of that one condition which checks if a point is walkable!! (i think this exists)
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Level 9
May 30, 2008
I was facing 3 bugs in my map my self one of them took me 4 months to get fixed and yet i fixed it. And i think those are leaks because the lag is getting increased slightly with time not in one moment. Another complain is that the first time i host the map i choose Death Match/Team Death Mach/Death Mach and the game didn't allow me to choose maps. Then another guy hosted because i fail to start the game 2 times in a row (the game didn't allow me to choose map so we never started).
Level 12
Mar 21, 2008
I was facing 3 bugs in my map my self one of them took me 4 months to get fixed and yet i fixed it. And i think those are leaks because the lag is getting increased slightly with time not in one moment. Another complain is that the first time i host the map i choose Death Match/Team Death Mach/Death Mach and the game didn't allow me to choose maps. Then another guy hosted because i fail to start the game 2 times in a row (the game didn't allow me to choose map so we never started).

i've never had any issues with SELECTING MAPS, nor do i recall making any recent modifications to the map select trigger, so there's pretty much no possible way i could have fucked this up... i'm fairly certain you're doing something wrong

p.s. there's huge text over each map:

"Arena 1"
"Arena 2"
"Arena 3"
"Arena 4"
"Arena 5"
"Arena 6"

and you were supposed to say -(insert number of map you wanted to play on here), you were probably saying "-arena 1" or something
Level 4
Nov 11, 2009
i havn't played new mode yet but it is a pretty good map... just keep adding new traps and stuff and it will get even better