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[Spell] Transmorph with 2 sets of abilities

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Level 3
Aug 23, 2014
Hey, Hive.
I am making a map and I need some help...
I wanna make a hero, who can transmorph between 2 forms (like Druids). Real problem starts when I try to make him have different spells for each form.
I created a hero, few abilities for him, added them to hero abilities and ability, which changes his form created second-form for him and added same abilities.
When hero casts transmorphing ability, trigger removes his current abilities and adds others, setting their levels to variables, which is 0 by default +1 for each time hero learns ability. The problems is... Abilities is not adding after transmorphing... Any ideas ? Whould appreciate any help.
Level 3
Aug 23, 2014
I spent shitload of time, but I've created a system (kind of), which allows you to have 2 sets of abilities for 1 hero with 2 forms/states.
It works very well, but it's not easy to setup (you've got to change your spell in lots of parts of my triggers, if I only knew how to make variable instead of spells...) and has 1 small issue, which can confuse some players (you probably won't even spot that). However, this issue does not affect gameplay (as I know).
Okay, lots of talking, here's the map.


  • 2forms1hero.w3x
    21.2 KB · Views: 44
Level 3
Aug 23, 2014
Blizzards are retarded, so I can't replace spell with variable in (Learned hero skill) comparssion.
Any ideas?
Here's the final verison. It works, but a bit buggy. If someone will fix it, I'll really appreciate that.
Main bug is spell banning system does not work well. I tried to make it ban a spell for player, when he's in form 2 and spell reached max lvl, but this does not work. Also, spell refreshment system works buggy - it does not refresh spell levels sometimes... Maybe, I should just make it to set level of ability to variable every few seconds, but I have doubts about it.


  • 2forms1hero.w3x
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Last edited:
Level 17
Nov 13, 2006
Blizzards are retarded, so I can't replace spell with variable in (Learned hero skill) comparssion.
Any ideas?
Here's the final verison. It works, but a bit buggy. If someone will fix it, I'll really appreciate that.
Main bug is spell banning system does not work well. I tried to make it ban a spell for player, when he's in form 2 and spell reached max lvl, but this does not work. Also, spell refreshment system works buggy - it does not refresh spell levels sometimes... Maybe, I should just make it to set level of ability to variable every few seconds, but I have doubts about it.

what i noticed during demon form u able learn the normal form skill, but that dones't tracked anywhere so skill point gone and skill level not changed if u learn skill during demon form, i must go to sleep but tommorow afternoon could check too ur if's

so I can't replace spell with variable in (Learned hero skill)
try make in jass
Level 3
Aug 23, 2014
what i noticed during demon form u able learn the normal form skill, but that dones't tracked anywhere so skill point gone and skill level not changed if u learn skill during demon form, i must go to sleep but tommorow afternoon could check too ur if's
Have you tried last version ?
I added a lot of features in it.
It tracks level of normal form abilities and demon form spells get same levels.
Also, I added trigger, which supposed to remove spells, that reached max lvl from demon form, so you won't waste skill points.
There is NO SKILL POINT WASTING, as I tested, but sometimes it does not updates leveled up skills, untill you change form to normal and back to demon.
I am out of ideas and don't know what else I can do to fix those issues.

I can't Jass :goblin_cry:
Level 17
Nov 13, 2006
Have you tried last version ?
I added a lot of features in it.
It tracks level of normal form abilities and demon form spells get same levels.
Also, I added trigger, which supposed to remove spells, that reached max lvl from demon form, so you won't waste skill points.
There is NO SKILL POINT WASTING, as I tested, but sometimes it does not updates leveled up skills, untill you change form to normal and back to demon.
I am out of ideas and don't know what else I can do to fix those issues.

I can't Jass :goblin_cry:

well when example i level up w skill then transform then in demon form still at + can learn the level 1 skill and there isn't the lv2 or level in demon

or when i learned all skill in normal form and transform still in learnable skills there is level1 life steal

in transform trigger u can put this condition to main condition since its appear at both of your if condition (q and w)
  • (Ability being cast) Equal to TransmorphAbility
something i dont understand, why do you use enable ability then add ability to unit?

to be honest i check your map but no ideea how to do it except if you use dummy learning ability

well a bit odd but check this (this different than your but could work and without used wait's and less variable but +2 dummy skill and alot less trigger :p)


  • 2forms1hero(1) 1.w3x
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