Trading card game invading warcraft?!

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Level 17
Jan 21, 2010
Hello guys, i've been making this mod for 1 month, currently after i see the epsilon's wc3:tcg, on the pack section
So i decided to make a new texture on all the decks, but i'm lack of ideas for all the races, currently i need 3 more races
Human - orc - undead
If you want to add ideas for the help, do in this form:
Name: (the name of the card)
Type: (choose from 3, spell, monster, tributal monster)
model: need this very much, if you use the default model on wc3, then post the Specific Model, like murgul tide runner, or something like that, DO not use model name like this, eg: murgul, ashen vale, it gave me full of the murgul's Models...
And plz use the melee unit as a reference, not the campagn one
Effect: need this for the great gameplay, almost same like yu gi oh tcg, they had insect type monster that has many effect, but have low Attack and defence

So, have fun posting ideas!
Oh, and if your ideas approved, you will credited and get one exclusive code to get your card in-game, the code will pm-ed to you

All approved ideas will updated in first post!
Level 19
Apr 10, 2010
Ok, Orc:
1. Grunt
Model: Grunt
ATK: 1700
DEF: 900
Effect: Battle Gaurd - You may switch the target of an attacking unit to this card.

2. Raider
Model: Raider
ATK: 2400
DEF: 1800
Effect: Ensare - By discarding 1 card, prevent the attack of one attacking monster.

3. Headhunter
Model: Troll Headhunter
ATK: 1600
DEF: 900
Effect: Berserk - By tributing this card, special summon a Troll Berserker from your hand or graveyard.

4. Troll Berserker
Model: Troll Berserker
ATK: 2800
DEF: 1000
Effect: Battle Rage - This card can only be summoned by the effect of Headhunter. When this card attacks or is attacked by a monster with higher attack than this card, add the difference of the attack of the monster to this card by paying the difference of the higher attack monster.

5. Shaman
Model: Shaman
ATK: 1400
DEF: 1000
Effect: Bloodlust - By discarding one magic card, the attack of this card is increased by its defense. When your turn ends, this card is destroyed and deal the defense of this card to your life.

6. Tauren Smasher
Model: Tauren
ATK: 3000
DEF: 1000
Effect: Pulverize - When this monster attacks a face-down or defense position monster, destroy that card.

7. Bat Rider
Model: Troll Batrider
ATK: 900
DEF: 0
Effect: Unstable Concotion - When this card attacks or is attacked by a monster, destroy the attacking monster.

8. Wyvern Rider
Model: Wind Rider
ATK: 1900
DEF: 1200
Effect: Spear Rain - By discarding as much cards as you want, decrease the ATK of a monster by the number of cards discarded X 100.

9. Kodo Rider
Model: Kodo Beast
ATK: 1200
DEF: 2000
Effect: War Drums - Increase all face up ATK monsters by 200.
Level 2
May 21, 2011
I think he is using yu gi oh values, where around 4000 is max. An end type card having 30/100 atk is kind of low. Rather multiply with 3/10 imo.
Level 17
Jan 21, 2010
my tcg is a bit different, the monster it self has hp, and the hp is also range from 1 - 100
About the attack, why i use the smaller, it because i wanted to make a fun, while long lasting game
And one thing, yu gi oh, has max value to 5000, owned by 5 headed dragon, with 5 element, that is fusion summoned by tributing 5 different element dragon
Although, the osiris red can have up to infinity power( range from 1000 - 100000), and the ultimate god (the red obeliks and exodia) has infinity power
That can Defeat a player with single attack
Level 9
Dec 15, 2009
How about like the TCG video games,where players can buy new cards from winning battles?

Defense:100 (One hit kill card)
1)If destroyed,can sacrifice a card to stay alive.

Can you explain the rules?


Name:Evil Chains
'Binds' two units together,combining thier atk and def and halving them.
then for one turn the chained creatures are treated as one creature.

This spell cannot be cast on undead units.
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Level 17
Jan 21, 2010
The rule is like this:
1. Both player draw 6 card
Then summon the most powerful monster on his hand, then both player comparing the monster's attack, who's got the highest can move first
2. Attack stage:
same as the yu gi oh battle phase
3.Calculating battle damage
The damage is calculated trough this
Damage - armor= pure damage
pure damage - hp
If the pure damage was higher than the hp, the output damage will goes trough battler hp (armor of battler is 0, any damage will do 100% damage)
Max battler hp is 1000, base hp is 1000
Spell card can be activated during your phase, or opponent phase, based by the effect of the card, if theres 'can be activated during opponent phase' then the card can be activated
More will come, based how the player's suggestion
Level 7
Jan 2, 2010
Name: Priest of the Light
Type: Monster
Race: Human
ATK: 100
DEF: 3000
Model: Apprentice Wizard
Effect: 1) Holy Boost - Increases all ally Monsters' DEF by 1000 while this card is in play (not including itself)
2) Smite - If Enlightened Magic is in play, when destroyed cause 2000 Damage to killing Unit.

Name: Enlightened Magic
Race: Human
Type: Spell
Effect: 1) Increases the attack of all Monsters (with an ATK of less than 1000) by 1000.
2) If Priest of the Light is in play Activate "Smite"

Name: Town Guard
Type: Monster
Race: Human
ATK: 900
DEF: 1500
Model: Bandit
Effect: 1) If destroyed, any card in owners hand can instantly be placed.

Name: Militia
Type: Spell
Race: Human
Effect: 1) Boosts all allying cards ATK and DEF by 100
2) If Monster is destroyed whilst under the Effect of this card, the Monster goes into DEF mode.
Dependency: Card may only be placed if the Town Guard Monster is in play.

Name: Peasant
Type: Monster
Race: Human
ATK: 500
DEF: 500
Model: Peasant
Effect: None

Name: Tome of Dispel
Type: Spell
Race: All
Effect: Destroys one Spell card on Play.

Here are a few Ideas... I'm not really sure if they are the right things but I based my values off of Drunken_Jackal's Values
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