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Toy Soldiers v1.56

- shooter map, in conclussion it's mix of various FPS games given into WarCraft3
- great for LAN party
- fast-paced action
- 5v5 gameplay
- Bomb/Defuse mode and Zombie mode
- realtime, round-based gameplay
- takes just few moments to learn how to play (if you ever played ET it will be piece of cake for you)
- 7 unique classes to choose from, even if it's very similar to play with every class, everyone has got another pros/cons
- more types of ammunition, not just one per weapon
- hiding in trees and bushes, giving it realistic touch
- 4 types of grenades, airstrike, artillery barrage
- unique 3D positional sound, also walking sounds (like in Counter-Strike)
- still in development so things may change (any suggestions you give I take in consideration)

You thought maybe that the name of map doesn't have any connection with gameplay itself except the word soldiers. well yeah, the game is not toys, I made it more or less realistic. I took it more poetic. ;)
Even the map is not as colorful as the map preview picture. The game is a lot of dark green while picture is light, flashy, etc. It's done on purpose.

Also: map is unprotected.

Follow thread at forums // old screenshots








-- 1.55-1.56
- Added new map Thousand Canes
- Bunch of changes I don't remember

-- 1.54-1.55
- Added very simple AI (will be better with ongoing versions)
- Added new command for host -mode , to change actual map/mode
- Added new command for host -ai , to enable/disable cpu taking over leavers (default: enabled)
- fixed stacking system, now item stacks even with full inventory (if item is bought)
- Increased hp of zombies; Main zombie 3000 -> 4000 / Infected 1500 -> 2000
- Increased hp of Minion Lair; 300 -> 500
- Barricades get destroyed on every new round (in Zombie mode)
- changed item name; Antipsychotics -> Neuroleptics
- Added Team Deathmatch mode to Inferno
- all ammunition is now cheaper; Bullets 20g, Shells and Sniper Rounds 30g, Stun 90g
- fixed bug when unit had LSD before changing to zombie
- fixed many other bugs with zombies
- fixed issues with selection

-- 1.53-1.54
- New mode - Zombie
- tweaked grenades physic
- improved graphics a bit
- added sound for airstrike's bomb whistle
- fixed portrait bug
- Sticky bomb's clusters do more damage now
- bigger collision size for Riot Shield (better protection)
- Bomb don't have hp regen now but hp increased from 50 to 60
- technical fixes

-- 1.52-1.53
- Medic can heal himself but it's only 50% effective
- New item - Riot Shield
- New item - Goggles
- Text-tags seem to be fixed more or less
- a lot of other technical fixes

-- 1.50-1.51
- tweaked Bear Trap to be weaker (cd, no dmg,...)
- Stalker's cloak uses less mana
- cloaked Stalker is now less visible a bit
- changed some things about LSD Grenade
- fixed -rr command
- fixed -kick command (for host: type just -kick to display player list
for player's ID, then type -kick # , where # is player's ID from 1 to 9)
- fixed bug with conditions of winning for blue team
- fixed bug with leaving when picking class
- cover aura does more translucency by 10%
- fixed Stalker's minimap icon when cloaked
- smoke from Smoke Grenade does less damage
- Sniper's ammo now come in pack of 8 instead of 6
- Sniper's attack cooldown has been reduced to 4 from 6
- fixed camera issues in replay
- Recon has new ability - Painkiller (increases temporary his hp)
- Morphine now gives 2.5 sec invulnerability to ressurected unit
- Turrets have more intelligent shooting pattern now

-- 1.42-1.50
- improved INFERNO terrain
- new class - Stalker (Infiltrative role, comes with Bear Trap,
Cloak and well known Smoke Grenade)
- upgraded code a bit
- smoke from Smoke Grenade now actually blocks vision and does little damage in it's area
- a lot of minor stuff changed

-- v1.20
- decreased cost of Stimpack from 90 to 65
- reworked Operator, now he has Artillery Barrage instead Smoke Grenade and Sentinel instead Support Aura
- created *beep* sound when you hit somebody in fog of war (the most usable for Sniper and MG classes)
- minor changes

-- v1.19
- increased Mortar's cooldown from 7 to 14 seconds
- increased Sentry Turret's hp from 400 to 600
- increased Barricade's armor from 0 to 20
- decreased cost of Stimpack from 100 to 90
- tweaked Medic's gun (shots faster and smaller spread now)
- decreased hp drain on revive from -5 hp to -3 hp per second
- decreased duration of Medikit from 25 to 20 seconds'
- added Destroy ability to Barricades

-- v1.18
- created system for changing maps
- reworked Satellite, now it is less laggy and more comprendious
- reduced self-fucks with Mortar
- Mortar is now a bit weaker
- trees can be destroyed now
- fixed old grenade bug (disappearing)
- terrain less messy
- added an item - Stimpack
- two shops instead of one now
- Smoke/LSD grenades now use the same grenade item as explosive ones (more limited)
- increased max of grenades from 5 to 6
- a lot of other tweaks I don't remember

-- v1.17
- a lot of small changes have been done
- added an ability for Machinegunner - Mortar
- automatically finds and uses new ammo from your inventory when the currently selected is depleted
- Scout renamed to Recon
- teamcolored nametags
- added an item - Barricade/450hp
- changed C4 Detonator from item to ability + it has got an new icon (easier to control)
- added towers to terrain
- new messages for kills that anyone can see
- minor changes on terrain

-- v1.16
- increased duration of Rune of Heal from 5 to 10 seconds (it's healing slower now)
- team with lesser players now get more gold on end of round
- increased cost of Sentry Turrets to 85 from 70
- changed damage of Sniper Rifle, now it takes 80% of max hp to unarmored and 40% of max hp to kevlar armoured targets
- Sentry Turrets get removed on end of round now
- tweaked Rune of Heal
- fixed swap command
- fixed detector of allied players

-- v1.15
- changed UI
- changed hotkeys
- added muzzleflashes
- added glow on grenades
- machingegun is now faster shooting
- effects of LSD are now shorter, 30->20
- changed color of LSD Grenade from white to yellow
- every player can be revived only once now
- fixed bugs with game camera

-- v1.14
- increased Machinegunner's hp up from 505 to 600
- Machinegunner have now same movement speed as Sniper
- nametag now comes with class name
- players spawn with temporary invulnerability (10 seconds)
- minor changes on terrain
- minor changes on tooltips

-- v1.13
- added class: Machinegunner/505hp
- added an ability for Sniper - Scope Mode
- added an item - Sentry Turret
- decreased Operator's cost from 140 down to 120
- Sniper now wears a bush (better cover)
- added new sound for Knife
- fixed minimap bug with Operator

-- v1.12
- added unique detector of position of allied players
- added class: Operator/450hp
- added abilities for Operator - Support Aura, Airstrike
- now you explode when you carry Explosive Barrels and die
- some locations (like bushes etc.) gives you partialy invisibility when you don't move
- added an item - Satellite Screen
- better preload
- improved tooltips

-- v1.11
- increased Scout's movement speed from 460 to 490
- increased Scout's hp up from 500 to 525
- increased AOE of LSD Grenade from 400 to 600
- changed cooldown of LSD Grenade to 10
- minor changes

-- v1.10
- new model for AP bullets and Stun shells
- increased cost of Stun shells to 80 from 60
- morphine now do not use mana if no usable corpse is near

-- v1.09
- improved tooltips for all explosives
- HP of classes are now: Marines and Scouts/500hp , Snipers/425hp, Medics/400hp
- fixed minimap bug
- minor changes

-- v1.08
- added an ability for Scout - Binoculars
- added an ability for Medic - LSD Grenade
- improved tooltips for all ammunition
- fixed morphine bug (hopefully)
- increased bullets damage a bit

-- v1.07
- fixed crash when purchasing grenades

-- v1.06
- balanced vision of every class now

-- v1.05
- grenades can be purchased now
- minor changes

-- v1.04
- minor changes

-- v1.03
- every weapon has its own ammo now
- added classes: marine, medic, scout, sniper
- added 5v5 gameplay
- grenades are limited now (max 5)
- fixed camera
- fixed leaving players bug

Toy Soldiers, Toysoldiers, Toy, Soldier, Shooter, Physics, Grenade, Action, Hide, Projectile, Bomb, Counter Strike, CS, TS, TF, Stalker, Operator, Mar

Toy Soldiers v1.56 (Map)

03:51, 2nd Oct 2008 VGsatomi: Another elaborate, high quality tactical map by snaky. teamwork is essential and each class played very unique roles. Interaction with the terrain and variety of weapons, abilities and items in a modern tactical combat...




03:51, 2nd Oct 2008
VGsatomi: Another elaborate, high quality tactical map by snaky. teamwork is essential and each class played very unique roles. Interaction with the terrain and variety of weapons, abilities and items in a modern tactical combat scenario was near perfect. Great work.
Level 3
Jun 11, 2008
Intense fightning in Cannon Fodder style!

Great game and here are my improvement ideas:
1) You could add a possibility to change the goals: Game ends after 5,10,15,20 rounds or when other team gets 3,5,7 or 99 victories in row.
2) Limit number of grenades or better: let the host choose from 2,4 or 6.
3) Don't put too many items or guns where to choose. I think it is now good. You don't need to think what everything does but only pick the ones you really need and go. Keep the amount of items low!
4) There could be a possibility to host to choose different maps where they want to fight: i) jungle (the one there is now) ii) city (streets and concrete buildings) iii) training area (small obstacles and some hideouts)
5) In this game there could be actually 1 or 2 more players. However, it is good that you have realised that getting more than 6 players is sometimes difficult.
6) Mode to change friendly fire on/off.
7) AI for leaving players. It doesn't even have to be very smart: just run towards enemies and shoot. Of course, the smarter the better.

In the end, thank you for making this map. It was very enjoyable.
Level 4
Jun 23, 2008
i agree what it stands in the dl screen, the best shooter on wc3 and it truly is, to bad the host cant have an option to extend the number of wins required to win, i think 10 or 5 more is to little, the grenades are cool, bounces like real life and is very cool but there should cost, like if you added grenade ammo whenever you throw 1 decreases from inventory as you did with the regular ammo for guns, that would be good, and there should be able to be 12 players, i mean if the host dont want 12 playes just close the slot, better to have more cuz if you want less that is easy to fix just simply close, anyway great map 5/5
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Level 5
Jul 20, 2008
U know what i really hate about this? Snipers completly dominate. To add to that, there is no real automatic class or weapon, since snipers have (the same?) cooldown as the automatics. To add to this, hitting every single bullet with an automatic won't kill them which is completely stupid, while sniper is 1 shot KO. Sorry for the attitude but these are some obvious decisions :). Gameplay is nice, map is nice (maybe add a few more stages later), nades are pretty awesome. rating reserved
Level 1
Nov 6, 2008
Nice map

Can u make some another maps? :( and round? 5 round win'll win make this game 's so short.

lockcamera makes sniper's so bad. I think
Level 1
Apr 2, 2008
Hello I Need Your Help Snaky

CAN U MAKE ME A 1.20 Ver. Cause my friends nid more char weapons and modes:grin: I must have a map cause i want my friends to be

HAPPY i want u to give me a gift for my B-day at nov. 25 2008 make

me a map a 1.20 ver. plzzzz:cry:
Level 1
Dec 7, 2008
I love this map~
It is very exciting!!

But I still have some suggestions:
1.Add mission mode
ex : capture flag , put C4 bomb , escape ,.... etc
2.Add text display when somebody were killed.
ex : Show message "AAA was killed by BBB" at left-bottom corner of the everyone's screen.

I hope this map will be popular. :grin:
Level 7
Sep 22, 2008
i love this map
very nice and fun map with grenade bouncing n cover behind tree or building.

my opinion :
- the game too short with only 10 point win (add point option for host plz)
- Sniper >> not a deadly at far range (camera when sniping need more sight)
- i think its fun to add more weaponry or item (just real weapon like mortar not stupid laser or poison.etc)........ >>> add handgun with low dmg n low range for secondary weapon to soldier
Level 4
May 6, 2008
I'm So in love with this game but I did it 1 v 1 with someone but that was not funny :p maybe you should add some modes [like 1 vs 1]
And maybe more team mode?
Well Really Good job on this :thumbs_up:
Level 4
Nov 25, 2008
This is magnificent, you simply must continue working on this...

Suggestions: Game modes (Death match or Objective where you blow up tank)
More classes such as Engineer, Spy

Oh and there is a very minor graphic bug. The blackness of the unit bar extends over to the command menu and overlaps it. Just so you know.

Edit: Didn't see you already separated dm and objective. Sorry.
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Level 11
Jul 15, 2004
Thank you guys! You gave me a kick that helps me continue on this.:cute:

Oh and there is a very minor graphic bug. The blackness of the unit bar extends over to the command menu and overlaps it. Just so you know.
Could you please screenshot it and PM it me? The ui is made to be black but it bugs sometimes for me (the armor icon at unit is crossed by black line or buff icon is bugged), dunno why :\.

-I am not adding any new class soon because I think we already have a good count of them.
-I will not make a CTF mode (it wouldn't worked well with round system). But Bomb/Defuse and Escape sounds very interesting (even Defuse seems to classic) and I might do them.
-I am thinking about adding for weapons for choose. Like Marine could choose from Assault Rifle/Submachine gun...And Recon from Shotgun/Combat Shotgun or something...
Right now Medic is using Submachine gun (like Rifle but less damage/more bullets).
What do you think?
-Also I am not in making the options for host to change game properties like count of rounds or count of grenades etc...A map selection handle this. Every mode had has its own game properties, because of balance issues.
Level 1
Nov 6, 2008
Special skill of Operator and Machine Gunner 's so Imba '___'

Call Air Strike: my enemy didn't know i call Air strike at their armbush area and they die...

Mortar: Soooooooo.. imba skill. My friend use formation with 5 Machine Gunner. Thier tactic 're rush Mortar. So imba?

"Barricade", "C4" and "Explosive" 're keeped for the next round?

Cool Game. 5/5. :D keep ur gooooooood work.

Recon's skill is not useful. Can u get them more skills? eg: A skill show signal enemy in the area 1000 around him on the minimap? - or show C4 around him?

Make class's movement speed :D i think it 'll be better. Machinegunner run slow < Operator, medic, sniper < Marine < Recon.

Recon can use Submachine Gun like Mp5 - fast cooldown and low damage. Marine can use shotgun.

All class can have skill like item Stim pack. But less seconds effect, no lose HP and more mana, more cooldown.

Sniper's damage should be buff. One shot down Medic,Recon or Operator :D. They'll be more useful.

Remove Item "Satellite Screen" and make it be a skill of Recon or Operator or both? This item 's so cheap and make us can't ambush any one T.T

Oops... 1.20 u made Operator two imba skills :|, Sentinel haven't erase at the new round. When Airstrike, can u make anything to alarm the enemy team when you use it? Like a scream Airstrike.... when you target? :D
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Level 4
Aug 23, 2008
:spell_breaker:Extremely well made map though it would be better if you added more rounds or had an option to add more rounds.

Also, the game randomly disconnects sometimes for me- I am not sure if it is just my internet or not- but it never happens in any game except Toy Soldiers. I had 5 games which disconnected. :cry:

But besides that, top notch game- giving you a 4.5/5 rounding up to a 5.
Level 3
Jul 27, 2008
This has got to be the best shooter game that warcraft 3 has ever seen as well as the best hero cam game. The hero cam actually improves gameplay. 5/5
Level 5
Feb 9, 2009
I agree with Water_Bender, but you should add more classes to add variety such as a Rocket Launcher please continue updating snaky!

You need to fix the satellite item, I'm sure it causes leaks or something and players disconnect due to it, its a very good item.
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Level 1
Jun 14, 2009
Great game. 5/5 :thumbs_up:

I dont think you should add weapon choices for classes, It keeps them more unique and simple without weapon choices but thats just my opinion.

Heres a few suggestions: Add new maps
Add a rematch command for red after the game ends.
Add a swap command for red so that he can balance teams if people leave.
Add a special mode like team deathmatch but with vehicles that players can buy/find on the map.

And i know you said you weren't going to add any new classes but I think adding these two would be good.

Flamethrower: has a flamethrower that burns enemies over time and a fire grenade thats burns the ground for several seconds. The flamethrower can also destroy trees and grass ruining the enemy's cover.

Sub Machine Gunner: like machine gunner, but faster, with less firepower and no mortars.

And for movespeeds i think it should go like this
sniper(scoped) < Machine Gunner < Medic < Sniper(not scoped) < Operator < Marine < Flamethrower < Sub Machine Gunner < Recon

For anyone that plays Toy Soldiers on USeast my friends and I just created a clan for it. Come to channel clan SotS or whisper Shaman888@azeroth or Supwer@azeroth to join.



Level 2
Jun 27, 2009
Really good map with a lot of action inside...

I agree with the flamethrower idea because it can even improve the game...
Level 1
Jun 21, 2009
I totally love this game but...
I think the game's name have to be changed, it has nothing with toy soldiers to do,
"Toy Soldiers" is kinda lame.
People don't join if I host with toy soldiers as gamename.
Change it to something that is more like the game itself, like Soldier Wars or something.
Also the image could be some pic of a marine or something, so it looks like a shooter game instead

Edit: I found a bug, sometimes when the bomb is deffused after the red team is dead, the red team get the point :S
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Level 1
Jun 29, 2009
I totally love this game but...
I think the game's name have to be changed, it has nothing with toy soldiers to do,
"Toy Soldiers" is kinda lame.
People don't join if I host with toy soldiers as gamename.
Change it to something that is more like the game itself, like Soldier Wars or something.
Also the image could be some pic of a marine or something, so it looks like a shooter game instead.

I agree :) thats good changes + PLEASE PLEASE make so if you take team death match that host can change how many victories that needed for win so I dont have to rmk all the time :)
Level 1
May 22, 2007
This was the best map ever for the lan we do every 2 months. The map layout is great, way of firing, grenade, "spells" its all awesome. But, the only things missing is maybe 1 more mod et 1-2 map layout choise.
Thx for the map :)
Level 5
Feb 9, 2009
Please update the map as the new warcraft 3 1.24 update doesn't allow this map to work.
Level 1
Jun 21, 2009
[rainbow]Yeah, I was hoping for a new version, I saw that u were active so i thought there would come an update...

Looking forward to play it :thumbs_up:[/rainbow]
Level 11
Jul 15, 2004
ah sorry guys, i had and still having some issues in RL
made little update this time, new terrain (de_inferno) and made some tweaks like decrease of movement speed, etc...
already played some games on BN and it was quite fun besides the bloody bugs there :(

i know it sometimes bugs when someone leave, bomb sometimes makes boom a lot quicker than it should, texttags with player names often bug when playing with 8 players and more and so on
but still, let me know about bugs you encounter also if you have any ideas for balance issues

oh, and i didnt write changelog this time, cant be arsed to do it :D
Level 6
Jun 14, 2008

Chance to shoot the foot (Slows the enemy but can be healed by medic)
Chance to shoot the hand (Allows only Knife mode or Decrease reloading time can be healed too)
Chance to do a headshot (instant kill)
Chance to directly hit the enemy (full damage even w/ Kevlar Vest)
Chance to do a critical shot (EGGSHOT!!!)