Titans of Archia

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So THAT's why you haven't answered XD your computer is on, btw mate :D Must cost a fortune in electricity :O Hmm... for how long are you going to be away?

Well Hopfully will be home tomorrow.... .. . Because.. .. .. . the damn part stores are making me order the little itty bitty gasket so my oil doesnt spray out... .. little $4.00 gasket has me stranded for over a week now cause no one carries the most failed part in a honda o_O
Heh, i'll just post the spells i've done:

(The Panda models are just ff :D)

Berserker Warrior:

The Warrior charges up to the target, whirling his blades around him, dealing damage to enemies near him at the target location.

The warrior uses his ability 'bloodsurge' increasing his attack power (Strength) if Raging strike is used while the bloodsurge effect is on, the target of raging strike may get a horrible wound, causing bleed damage over time.

Some effects WILL change.
The Warrior performs a flurry of blades, dealing heavy damage to all enem

Martial Arts (or whatever we are going to call it) monk:
I've only done 2 spells for him, Momentum Strike and Meditative Stance (although meditative Stance might be better for another tree.

It's hard to really show momentum strike, as it doesn't really have any effects yet, although i might add transparent monks in a trail behind him. Well, the spell is that the monk gathers energy, and gets movement speed intended for him to charge forward for up to 5 seconds. When he deals damage to his next target, bonus damage is dealt according to his 'Speed' (agility) and the distance he travelled before striking the target. It's really intended to get the monk into the fray fast, and deal heavy damage to a target. I'm thinking the monk (martial arts tree?) to be an agile single-target nuke, adapt at moving in and out of battle with extreme speed, kiting and incapacitation.

The monk gets vastly increased armor, but his attack damage is near nullified. The monk regains small amounts of hp, 3 times per second for 5 seconds.

Hope it meets ya guys expectations...
uhm... slow? i think... i've got a cold, even though it's soon over... but i just couldn't find the energy/time to do the monk... And i had to write an immense amount of plot for my 2 PNP groups :O I GM for two groups, and it takes it's toll on my time as well... I was almost falling asleep in class today XD that wasn't particularly good, but i kept from it... oh well. How soon are ya home again?
Level 7
Dec 23, 2009
What?!?!? All a fuken lie? I fuken can't fuken believe my fuken eyes and my fuken ears... Well, whatever. No fuken deal. Alright... Btw, anyone of you played Fable 1? I love this game, I beat it at least a 500 fuken times, and again play it... it's because I know something to do others don't know.... and no one in the world knows what I know that others don't know to do that requires knowledge of knowing photoshop editing, not only knowing photoshop but knowing the known art of thunder drawing, which is known to be a little unknown since it is hard to master... Y'a know?
Level 7
Dec 23, 2009
Fuk.... Ok, let's see if you did something that's fuken impossible without the knowledge of the whole game... NO INTERNET GOOGLE Cheating! Wait a second until i take a print screen shot.
EDIT: Here it is:

Now you're Fuken speachless.


  • This.PNG
    709.7 KB · Views: 167
hmm fable has some cool attachments I might look at :p

ANYWAYS I'm still snowed in to Boise.... Eventually I might be able to make it home if the roads ever get plowed.... .. .. ...

Can you send me the map with the new spells so I can have a look :)

Also I was playing Mario 64 last night when I realized how easy it would be to make something like that o_O maybe not that exact storyline for that one with paintings, but portals or something for a side project, and I got the idea in my head for a spell where you can jump on the opponents heads lol... It would just have to detect movement, which if using a camera system, no problem, and heights, as well as selection circle size, or I could make a library for that. Either way, in my head it seems very easy to make. Just need an efficiant way of detecting heights. but I think I got one.... .. .. .
Just make terrain height 0 and if unit is under lets say goomba height equaling 6 then knock unit back and cause damage, and update image in a multiboard and play Mario - "oooff" sound xD

Just an idea for a side project :)
well the problem with side scrollers, is your would have to have different models or morph for making them face the different ways or else they end up being upside down.

I'm making the Mario side project for shits and giggles lol, Zelda I already made some what of a starting engine for that :p I made Navi that is team colored and changes color context sensitive and everything and A and B buttons too :p I'm just too lazy to make a working link model that actually looks decent.
Level 7
Dec 23, 2009
But Sidescrollers in 3d are called "2.5d" because the 3d feeling isn't there, just like Street fighter 4 is 2.5d, and mortal combat 9 will be 2.5d... I haven't played a new sidescroller in years, I'd love to make one. If you don't want to make one, could you give me a camera system with the movement system, left and right moving, jumping as a spell? I think that's fairly "Easy". ^^

Oh, and BTW, beat Fable in 3.5 hours. Yes, I'm a pro. And I've got some pretty great screenies from playing the game... God i'll start over again and beat it.
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hehe... i'm prolly getting a nice microphone for christmas... or at least something better... Well, i'm actually just testing out if Voice acting could work... It seems to...

to make the boss... i think i need to see a bit of the base mobs and how they'll act before i can finish him... and any of the other bosses, really. I want to know what template the mobs are based on, if they are heroes, if your spells damage seperately and if the damage detection notices the special damage, etc... FW - how much of the base map is finished?
hehe XD i'm not sure i'm that great, i don't have any experience, but i do know stuff about rhetoric... and such... i play both live and paper roleplay as gamemaster, stuff where you have to make an impression, most oftenly based on your voice. Noone would believe that you're a true berserker if you can't howl like the wolves that belong in the nightmares of your enemies. i can be poetic about stuff as well.

i'd like to get good at voice acting sometime, though...

but voice acting would be AWESOME!!! we should voice act every boss... and som mobs... we'd go nuts saying; "You no take candle!" etc.
Level 9
Mar 5, 2010
hehe XD i'm not sure i'm that great, i don't have any experience, but i do know stuff about rhetoric... and such... i play both live and paper roleplay as gamemaster, stuff where you have to make an impression, most oftenly based on your voice. Noone would believe that you're a true berserker if you can't howl like the wolves that belong in the nightmares of your enemies. i can be poetic about stuff as well.

i'd like to get good at voice acting sometime, though...

but voice acting would be AWESOME!!! we should voice act every boss... and som mobs... we'd go nuts saying; "You no take candle!" etc.

Lol! I mostly do Paper Roll playing but I think that would be awesome!

"I Kill You! :ogre_rage: " said, The Ogre Lord!
Merged first post: (yeah :D)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Well! I've added another more martial-arts-y ability to the monk. The three-point blow.

(Romantic description:)
the monk delivers three rapid blows of palm, fist and edge of hand aimed precisely at enemy nerve bundles, in rapid succession, dealing cumulative bonus speed based damage.

(Technical description:)
maxes the attack speed of the monk, so that he delivers exactly 3 physical attacks before the attack speed buff wears off. the first blow will do (0.2 / 0.3 / 0.4) * Speed bonus damage, the second will deal double that amount in bonus damage, and the third will double that bonus-damage amount yet again. (so bonus damage will be something like 5 on the first blow, 10 on the second, and 20 on the third, delivered at an extreme haste. The three regular attack also does their damage of course!)

It seemed a very martial-arts-y thing, and i fell in love with the ability right there... i had to make a damage detection system that differs various types of damage first... but i did it XD the damage detection system is far too thoroughly made for what it is; A temporary system. But it looks cool, nonetheless.

I'm thinking the monks' ult ability should be a blinkstrike of sorts, to let the monk travel an even further distance, to rack up some insane damage with the momentum strike, and thereafter rapidly dealing the three-point blow, effectively dealing high burst damage to a single target, which in my opinion is what the martial arts monk should be. a single-target nuke, whereas the berserker warrior is a multi-target nuke.

both of them should then be adept at 'dancing' around the battle, delivering crippling blows and constantly keeping in motion.

why? because that sort of abilities is what really counts as 'skill' for players in my opinion. and not just hammering your abilities, while standing on top of a mob, basic-attacking it.

wooh :D wall of text! sorry, but those are my thoughts of the classes.

i think i'll start a healer class next... then a tank of sorts.
meditative stance will probably move to the other monk talent tree, or just disappear... It doesn't fit the 'Martial arts' monk. perhaps a 'ki' monk tree would be better for that ability?

bah! i can't stop :O (he says and clicks post reply)
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Merged first post: (yeah :D)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Well! I've added another more martial-arts-y ability to the monk. The three-point blow.

(Romantic description:)
the monk delivers three rapid blows of palm, fist and edge of hand aimed precisely at enemy nerve bundles, in rapid succession, dealing cumulative bonus speed based damage.

(Technical description:)
maxes the attack speed of the monk, so that he delivers exactly 3 physical attacks before the attack speed buff wears off. the first blow will do (0.2 / 0.3 / 0.4) * Speed bonus damage, the second will deal double that amount in bonus damage, and the third will double that bonus-damage amount yet again. (so bonus damage will be something like 5 on the first blow, 10 on the second, and 20 on the third, delivered at an extreme haste. The three regular attack also does their damage of course!)

It seemed a very martial-arts-y thing, and i fell in love with the ability right there... i had to make a damage detection system that differs various types of damage first... but i did it XD the damage detection system is far too thoroughly made for what it is; A temporary system. But it looks cool, nonetheless.

I'm thinking the monks' ult ability should be a blinkstrike of sorts, to let the monk travel an even further distance, to rack up some insane damage with the momentum strike, and thereafter rapidly dealing the three-point blow, effectively dealing high burst damage to a single target, which in my opinion is what the martial arts monk should be. a single-target nuke, whereas the berserker warrior is a multi-target nuke.

both of them should then be adept at 'dancing' around the battle, delivering crippling blows and constantly keeping in motion.

why? because that sort of abilities is what really counts as 'skill' for players in my opinion. and not just hammering your abilities, while standing on top of a mob, basic-attacking it.

wooh :D wall of text! sorry, but those are my thoughts of the classes.

i think i'll start a healer class next... then a tank of sorts.
meditative stance will probably move to the other monk talent tree, or just disappear... It doesn't fit the 'Martial arts' monk. perhaps a 'ki' monk tree would be better for that ability?

bah! i can't stop :O (he says and clicks post reply)

Dude sounds epic, and thats kinda what I was thinking, I like the momentum. And the Warrior's Defender tree will be tank for obvious reasons :p

For healing classes I was thinking, 1) Priest, 2) Paladin, 3) Monks Discipline side... But also a mild DPS at the same time like slowing effects/mind-numbness
Hmm :/ yeah... i'm moving the Meditative stance to the discipline monk side... self-hot + damage taken reduct? nice for a healer that needs survivability.

Hehe, i had figured the warrior.

so... for very first alpha / beta, we could just have monk and warrior, with both trees finished? that would fit awesomely!

Hmm... I've gone to work on the Martial arts monk's ulti... it's looking good so far!
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