Hero-fied Naga Royalguard complete with teamglow and 2 dissipate anims one for land the other in water.
Give credit to me if you found use for it, I'm: dickxunder.
Dont forget to Do tell wat you think! ^_^
PS: disarming requests are welcome should one would like to use a weaponless Tidebaron in RPG maps, just PM to me ur e-mail add.
Looks fix:
-Lowered the S-pads to the minimum possible, lowering further is limited by anim issues
-New weapon made. still i'll disarm it if requested coz that's easier than vice versa ~_^
Technical fix??:
- edit ---submerged plane confirmed uneccesary, at last its gone coz I hate it too grr
-Many other visibility issues including its teamglow appearing wrongly on water and a malfunctioning Dissipate Swim anim, all are totally fixed now.
-the filesize is like a little tiny bit smaller now, very minute change XD.
Naga, Royal Guard, Myrmidon, Hero,